
Non-Profit Leadership transcript – Kendra Penry


kendra penry

Non-Profit Leadership with Kendra Penry

[00:00:00] Miriam: Great. Today. I am so happy to have Kendra Penry with me, and I’m gonna let you introduce yourself. You have a really cool job description.

[00:00:11] Stokes Nature Center

[00:00:11] Kendra: Sure. So I, as Miriam said, my name’s Kendra Penry and I am the executive director at. Stokes Nature Center in Logan, Utah.

[00:00:21] Stokes Nature Center exists to make nature education an outdoor exploration possible for all people.

[00:00:27] Because we believe that through education we can all become better stewards of the natural world. My job takes on. Any number of facets depending on the day.

[00:00:39] But for instance, today I’m talking about open access to research with professors at Utah State University. But I also do our finances and our IT department and our benefits and our human resources and everything to keep the organization going.

[00:00:57] We know that nature is essential to our physical and our mental health, and we don’t care for that, which we don’t know. So we’re working to make sure everyone can know nature and therefore care for it better.

[00:01:10] Miriam: Oh, well spoken. So anybody who lives in northern Utah in the Logan area has been to the Stokes Nature Center, I would think.

[00:01:18] And I mean, my kids grew up going there. I loved that it was there. I love what you’re doing. What you were describing, you just described a whole bunch of skill sets and anybody, half of my audience are entrepreneurs and solopreneurs and any of those solopreneurs know exactly what you’re talking about.

[00:01:39] Non-Profits

[00:01:39] Miriam: They wear a bunch of hats. They do a ton of different things. Can you describe for me just a little bit of your history of how you got involved working with non-profits? And we’ll start there and then we’ll go from there.

[00:01:53] Kendra: I started with non-profits when I was a teenager. I have always felt that I wanted my job to be more about.

[00:02:01] Service than about profit. And I, that’s not the same for everyone. I completely understand that. But for me, that’s just where I fit. I attempted to work for the government for a while because I do have a masters in international affairs and that was not a good fit. And I’ve worked in international business for a large corporation and I also did not enjoy it.

[00:02:24] And nonprofits is just where I feel at home where I feel like I can. A difference in my community and that I have value in what I’m doing beyond just bringing home a paycheck. I got there by just piecemealing it together. I’ve slowly in my head, been working backwards, essentially in finding what I’m passionate about.

[00:02:48] I’ve done everything from managing volunteers at a nonprofit to creating programming to prevent human trafficking to fighting for food security. But in reality, I as an individual feel most fulfilled when I am creating solutions, not raising awareness. I get the value in that and I very much respect the people that do it.

[00:03:15] But for me, I need to know that what I’m doing is actually solving the issue.

Putting Skills to Work

[00:03:19] And everything right now in our world on, in our planet is coming back to this issue of climate change. It is driving food insecurity, it is driving immigration, It is driving all sorts of issues. And so if we want to address the bigger ones, we’ve gotta start at the beginning.

[00:03:35] And so that’s how I landed. Stokes Nature Center was that I had these skill sets where I had worked every facet of a non-profit from the ground up. And what they needed was an administrator, executive director. Sounds cool. But I don’t do the programming side, which is the fun side. I do the administrative work, and that is what I know and I’ve done it from every angle.

[00:03:59] And so it was a perfect fit to not only take these skills that I have, but to put it to work at an organization. Works to address the issue that is most at the heart of what I feel is important right now. And it was also a perfect timing fit in that I needed a job and it was available, but I have loved it.

[00:04:20] But it is one of those things where it’s, I know this may not be my final landing place either. It’s. And that’s a beautiful thing in the nonprofit world. You can slowly evolve as you find what you’re good at and what you’re passionate about.

[00:04:33] Values

[00:04:33] Miriam: Sure. So, because you did some work with some governmental agencies and some corporate agencies, and now this sort of space, can you compare and contrast some of the differences?

[00:04:44] Kendra: Sure. So your values are very different at each of them. In corporations, the value is profit, it is your shareholders, and that is the design of them. They are supposed to be doing that. They also tend to focus more on the, a managerial style that is top down, whereas non-profits have to be more collaborative and mainly because everybody’s doing multiple jobs.

[00:05:09] So we all kind of have to work together. And some people fit into one of those better than another. There’s no one right answer there. It’s just a different model of doing business.

[00:05:22] Government on the other hand, In similar ways to nonprofit built around service, it is intended to serve people. But of course there are constraints there that nonprofits don’t necessarily have in terms of your, your political climate changes depending on who’s in charge.

[00:05:39] Whereas a nonprofit has a dedicated mission that this is what we’re always doing no matter what’s happening around us. But for me, I feel like the non-profit is where. Kinda, it’s the boots on the ground of making all of that happen because we we’re still a business. Absolutely. We’re called a nonprofit, but I have to run it the same as any other business.

Finances in Non-Profits

[00:06:02] We still have to have staff and we have to prevent turnover, and we have to deal with. Filing 9 41 s. It’s the same as any other business. It’s just in the end, the money that I make is intended to go back into serving my community as opposed to purchasing stock or paying shareholders. So it’s that end goal is what shifts.

[00:06:24] But in reality we are very similar. But we just do the same thing with a lot less money .

[00:06:31] Miriam: Sure, sure. No, that makes sense. I remember the first time. I understood a little bit about how a nonprofit worked, and I was really surprised because they were making a profit. Yeah. And as you said, the profit is intended to go back into the workings of the organization and furthering the mission.

[00:06:49] It is an interesting perspective and it draws a little bit of a different kind of person. The kind of people who like to work for non-profits are a little bit different in their perspective than the kind of people who like to work for “for profit” type of organizations. Neither right or wrong, both just, you know, utilizing people’s unique gift giftings and skill sets.

[00:07:13] What is something that as you kind of watched yourself progressing from this to that, You had to hit some spaces, whether they, they might have been like something negative happened or something positive happened that sort of shuttled you into the next version of yourself. Can you tell a couple stories about those kind of transitions?

[00:07:37] Leadership Transition

[00:07:37] Kendra: Sure. So one of the primary transitions that stands out for me in the end was very positive, but at the time felt very negative.

[00:07:46] I had a situation at a nonprofit where, Did not have good leadership. And it framed who I am as a leader.

[00:07:55] I think a lot of us look at needing a mentor to shape us positively, but we also lose sight of the fact that negative experiences are equally valuable.

[00:08:03] And this one definitely was because I felt like the person leading the organization was making it more about themselves than about the. And a lot of us doing the actual work, were not getting credit for what we did. And we also didn’t understand things. There was not that sense of transparency within the organization that we needed to know.

[00:08:24] Even just, you know, are our finances okay? We don’t know. Like should I be finding more donors? I don’t know. There was too much of siloing and too much of one person.

[00:08:35] And it shaped me wanting to be a leader so that I could be the opposite. So that I could really help empower staff to do what they do well by making sure they don’t have to worry about things, that they know them, but they don’t have to worry about them.

Serve the Staff

[00:08:51] And also to know that I, as a leader, my first job is to serve my staff. Not the community. My staff’s job is to serve the community, but by supporting my staff, they are better able to do their job. And that is a hard lesson for a lot of leaders to learn, especially in the non-profit world, because we get into it because we’re passionate about it and we want to keep doing that.

[00:09:17] And when you transition into the leadership role, it shifts everything, because your goal is not to create a dynamic program. Your goal is to keep your staff happy, so they create a dynamic program. And that’s what I wanted. That’s what I learned was that there were so many people being lost. There was so much turnover in the nonprofit world, more so than in most other industries.

[00:09:40] And I wanted to do what I could to reduce that. So we stopped losing so much talent and so much passion for our work.

[00:09:49] But I only knew that once I saw the opposite and I actually left that job because of the leadership there. And I didn’t want someone else to, to feel that same way.

[00:10:00] And then at the same time, I’ve had a great experience with the very next job I went to.

Leadership for Staff

[00:10:06] I had so much freedom to do my job. They trusted me that I knew what to do, and I, as long as I did it well, they weren’t gonna micromanage me. And it just, it was a whole new world for me. Being an adult, essentially, but also being in charge of what happened within my territory and feeling like I could create things and be proud of them and help transform the community around me and that the leadership behind me.

[00:10:40] Supported me and they liked what I was doing and trusted me. And that I hope also translates to my staff now. And that I have tried to turn that into a piece of my leadership as well. That I trust them, that I let them know that as long as you’re doing your job and you’re doing it very well, that I trust you and you, if you are not hearing from me, then you are doing a great job

[00:11:06] Internal Motivation

[00:11:06] Miriam: It seems like, and you would have to correct me if I’m wrong Nonprofits need people who are internally motivated and kind of self-directed.

[00:11:17] Is that, is that what you would say?

[00:11:20] Kendra: Absolutely. You have to be internally motivated because nonprofits can’t necessarily give you the external motive motivation that other companies have and. It’s unfortunate that that’s what’s happened in the world, that a lot of people take for granted non-profit work and believe that we shouldn’t be paid well because we love what we do, , and, and it is part of my crusade to make sure that people understand that that is not in fact true, that we do deserve to be paid well.

[00:11:51] We have to run our organization the same as any other business. And to attract talent, I need to be able to pay well and to provide benefits. And we love what we do. It’s not an OR. And hopefully we can start shifting that. But for now, until that does shift, it requires internal motivation to be able to keep going when you see someone with your same degree ma making five times as much money because they win a different route.

[00:12:18] And it seems like their life is easier. Whether or not it really is would be. Story, but it seems that way and it can draw you into a different way of working. If you don’t have that internal motivation to be doing it. It does definitely require a passion for your community and for, for what you do.

Keep the Passion

[00:12:39] Because it’s, it’s hard. It’s really easy to get pessimistic in the nonprofit world because our, what is what we’re doing really making a difference. I, it’s hard to know. And it’s even harder to prove a negative if you’re in a nonprofit world that’s working to prevent something. You can’t prove whether you’re doing it or not, if you’re doing it well,

[00:13:01] Yeah. So you can really easily lose the passion for what you’re doing unless you are, you are internally motivated and also, Keeping yourself mentally and, and physically healthy along the way.

[00:13:14] Miriam: Yeah, I can see how there would be some spaces that were pretty unique to what you do that maybe the rest of the world doesn’t deal with.

[00:13:24] I was talking with someone the other day and we were talking about I, I think we were talking about some charities that are listed on Charity Navigator. We always check out charities just to make sure that, you know, the vast majority of the donation is going to serve the thing, not just going into, you know, whatever, fundraising or whatnot.

Other Salaries

[00:13:44] And in this particular one, this. CEO was making six figures and it started an interesting question of, is that okay or not okay? And the person I was talking with said, Well, I don’t think that’s good stewardship. I don’t think that’s okay. And the, And I was saying, Well, you know, if you look at this person’s salary in reference to anyone else at this level in business, they’re taking a pretty low salary.

[00:14:09] But I understand how the public. I understand where the confusion comes from because when people donate their a hundred dollars or their $200 and then they see someone getting a six figure salary, then they’re like, Ah, is this good use of my money or resources? Anyway? It is until you have walked in those shoes and understood.

[00:14:34] I think it’s easy to judge people for sure.

[00:14:37] Non-Profit Finances

[00:14:37] Kendra: Mm-hmm. , it’s a balance. Mm-hmm. and it is a, a very delicate balance. But we, if we want the programs that we’re offering to be high quality, then we have to have high quality staff and we have to be able to attract them away from so much other competition that pays well.

[00:14:55] And yes, we will always pay. Than a large corporation would. Absolutely. And there is some expectation there to that because we depend on donations and we want the money to go into programs too. Absolutely. But we need to pay our bills . Sure. In order to do the programs, we have to be able to have a place to live.

[00:15:17] So as there is this very fine line there. But I think there is a space for conversation to be sure that people providing services are paid fairly, not exorbitantly, but fairly for the work that they’re doing so that they can keep doing it.

[00:15:34] Miriam: Sure, absolutely. So you mentioned earlier in this list, Of nonprofits that you had spent time in.

[00:15:41] One of them was dealing with human trafficking. Do you mind if I ask a couple questions about that? Sure. Like what what was your role in that organization? What did you find rewarding? What caused you to switch to something else?

[00:15:58] Preventing Human Trafficking

[00:15:58] Kendra: Sure. So the organization works to raise awareness about human trafficking, and my job was as a program manager, and I developed programming that focused on preventing human trafficking among juveniles domestically.

[00:16:13] I also did research on trafficking in the area where I lived and I did a lot of our outreach to Faith Communi. And to schools to make sure people felt equipped to recognize the signs.

[00:16:27] I developed a training for the police department where I lived that was launched within their cadet Academy so that all up and coming police officers would be able to recognize it better and the differences between trafficking.

[00:16:41] Smuggling or trafficking and prostitution and various different things. And I loved the job because it is an issue that I feel we absolutely need to address. But the reason I left is because the driving motiva motivation for human trafficking is primarily poverty. If we are not addressing poverty, what I was doing was never gonna solve the problem.

Non-Profits Addressing Poverty

[00:17:07] I can raise awareness every single day for the next million years, and it doesn’t stop trafficking from happening. It still happens until we take a step back and focus on preventing victims and preventing perpetrators from happening in the first place. And that’s why I left is I wanted to get more onto the primary issue motivating the problem.

[00:17:28] And so I transitioned into an organization that works on addressing hunger and poverty because if we can solve those, we reduce the risk factors for people becoming victims of trafficking. So in many ways, I felt like I was just continuing the work. I was just going a step back to hopefully prevent the trauma from ever having to take place.

[00:17:49] Miriam: Sure makes so much sense. And boy, if you go down some of these rabbit holes, it gets pretty deep because poverty at some level can be caused by climate change and some of these other, I mean, you know, and so then you end up switching into that space. It’s all connected. We’re all part of one world and they, everything touches everything for sure.

[00:18:13] Recognizing Human Trafficking

[00:18:13] Miriam: Do you mind sharing a couple thoughts about How to recognize trafficking. I, I just think as long as we’ve got people listening, we might as well share, right? Yeah, sure.

[00:18:25] Kendra: So first of all, I will say that I will never forget, but the hotline to call if you recognize trafficking, is 8 8 8 37 37 8 8 8 , very easy number.

[00:18:34] But there are two primary types of trafficking. Sex trafficking and labor trafficking and sex trafficking tends to get a lot of attention, but labor trafficking is actually four times more common. And it appears in various ways between domestic servitude to Even magazine salespeople. Door to door was an interesting ar area of research that was happening while I was in the field.

[00:18:58] But then of course, sex trafficking. The primary definition is force fraud or coercion used to make someone work against their will. And signs that you look out for One of the trainings lately has been for flight attendants looking out for people not in possession of their own identification documents.

[00:19:17] That can be a very big sign or signal. The age of the person is very important. When we’re looking at sex trafficking, you’re looking at people under the age of 18. It does not matter what put them there. It doesn’t matter if they say they chose it. If they are under 18, then they are a victim of, of trafficking if they are being used for the purposes of sex or exploitation.

Review Your Purchases

[00:19:41] We also see within businesses here in the US there have been more than one case of large hotel or motel chains. Their cleaning crews are victims of human trafficking because they’re not being paid, and it is very common within our food systems. So migrant labor is very easily exploited in ways that.

[00:20:04] Pretty astounding giving that this is the year 2022.

[00:20:07] But what I like to tell people is what you can do is look at how you purchase things if it is an issue that is really important to you. Knowing how, to, knowing the company that you’re purchasing from and their ethical standards and treating their workers all the way down their supply chain, not just in their office.

[00:20:27] But including that they know who is picking your tomatoes and who is making your shirt, That is what you want to see. The Fair Trade Label, for instance, is certified trafficking and slave labor free. So that’s an easy, well, I won’t say easy, a simple way. To be able to fight trafficking is changing how you purchase, and that’s actually the number one impact that we as Americans can really have is changing how we purchase.

Keep Your Eyes Open

[00:20:54] Because that changes how companies do business. But you can just keep your eyes out when you’re traveling when you are in your own community, when you staying in a hotel, having conversations is one of the biggest things that you can do. Get to know the people that are cleaning your room or are serving you food or just knowing that it can be there, but also not seeing it everywhere.

[00:21:21] But if you do see the signs, then calling the number and reporting it it takes you to Polaris Project, which is a great nonprofit out of DC that runs the National Hotline for trafficking and they can report it to the local authorities to investigate it.

[00:21:35] Miriam: Thank you. I appreciate you talking about that.

[00:21:38] I think that these things go in waves as far as people’s awareness. and a lot of times people are saying, What can I do? This is such a big problem, whether it’s the trafficking thing or climate change, or whatever. The people are always saying, What can I do? So I appreciate that you gave some specific things.

[00:22:00] Effective Management

[00:22:00] Miriam: A couple other quick questions and then we’ll wrap it up. When, when you look at your development within the nonprofit sphere, what are some things you had to grow in, in terms of perspective?

[00:22:17] Kendra: So, well, one that I’ve already talked about is managing people, growing my perspective on what that means, like mm-hmm.

[00:22:24] how you manage people effectively. And in different ways cuz every person is very unique. And that required experiencing it. To be able to become the leader that I wanted to be, but also being li willing to listen when someone tells me something’s not working and not taking it personally. Being willing to change as necessary and really get to know the people I’m leading.

[00:22:54] But the other area I really had to grow in is the absolute basics, the things that I feel like we don’t learn enough of really in school such. QuickBooks, like, how do I manage my accounting books? How do I, you know, set up my webpage? Things that are very simple that I don’t have the money to call someone to come do for me.

[00:23:19] Mm-hmm. , sometimes that’s trial and error. , That is true, but it’s also a matter of my personal motivation to seek out the training and the education that I need to be better at it. Recognizing those things and not pretending like I know them, but being willing to admit that I don’t, and then take the steps to learn them.

Master Naturalist

[00:23:37] For instance, this year I’ve worked diligently to become what’s known as a master naturalist. Because while I don’t develop our programs, just my title in and of itself invites people to ask me questions, and I do not have a background in nature or the environment. And too many times my answer had to be, I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out.

[00:23:58] And so that was a piece that I felt was missing, and so I took it upon myself to find the classes that I need to be able to better serve my community. And that it’s a continuous process. Absolutely. I know there’s more that I need to learn and it will both be on the job, but also be a matter of recognizing where I feel inadequate and taking the steps to, to be better at it, and also ask for help as needed.

[00:24:27] Right. Something a lot of leaders don’t like to do, but being willing to do it and it doesn’t show weakness. It actually, in my opinion, is very much a strength to just say, I don’t know how to do this, but someone can teach me.

[00:24:40] Miriam: Yes. I would say right there, that is the basis of the high performing mindset.

[00:24:46] I don’t know, but I can figure it out. I don’t know, but I’m gonna ask someone. So good on you for like internalizing that space and saying, I don’t have to know everything I confident in my ability to learn. That’s what I heard you. Well done.

[00:25:03] Be More Respectful

[00:25:03] Miriam: Yes. What would you say, like if you could change anything about the public so far that from what you know, what , I wish I was the magic genie that could give you the wand, but what would you change?

[00:25:16] Yeah, what would you ask from people? Please do more of this or less of this.

[00:25:23] Kendra: I think I would ask people to please, please be more respectful in general. be, more respectful of, of each other, but also of the environment around us. And not because it’s pretty or we want it, but because it’s absolutely essential to us as human beings.

[00:25:44] Yeah. We need the planet, We need our environment. We are. As reliant on it as any other species on this planet, and respect is where it all comes from, and that also goes for each other and recognizing that. You know when I go off trail because I want a pretty picture, is that really beneficial to anyone or is it potentially causing harm so that the person coming after me doesn’t have the experience that I just had?

[00:26:15] Things like that, that are so simple, but I think we lose track of it because we’ve gotten into a mindset. of Just so much self focus and that is both, It’s a pendulum that has happened that we needed to be taking better care of ourselves. But now we’ve gone a bit too far and seen too much of focus on myself and not enough on other people.

Success for All

[00:26:38] So I think just asking for a bit more respect around us would, and, you know, for non-profits a bit more. Respect for each other that we are all working in this space. It’s not a zero sum game. I can succeed and so can someone else. And the same goes for the business world in respecting the choices that we make and other people around us to make sure that.

[00:27:03] You know, our, our supply chains are clean of, of slave labor. That’s a matter of respect too, of respecting all human beings wherever they find themselves in the world. Yeah, that’s what I would love to see more of. .

[00:27:16] What I would pro probably love to see less, less of is the pessimism that we’re seeing lately.

[00:27:23] A lot of us have gotten to this point. It feels like what I do is so small, so why bother doing it? And that is a really dangerous place to be. And yes, maybe my not watering my yard isn’t gonna save the great Salt Lake, but it doesn’t mean I stop doing it. It does mean that I do it and I do more. I advocate for the larger companies to start making the changes they need to make because that’s where real change happens.

[00:27:52] But it also doesn’t mean that I stop doing what I can.

[00:27:56] We Each Have an Influence

[00:27:56] Miriam: That feels like a mic drop moment. I don’t know that I can add too much more to that other than. Everybody has their pet thing that they feel good about. Like I know certain people are super good at picking up trash every time that they walk, but they have no problem flipping someone off who cuts ’em off at the, at the road, you know?

[00:28:18] Yes. And then you have other persons who would just bend over backwards to just help someone out, and they have no problem. Buying a hundred thousand bottles of bottled water. Like yes, we are these interesting mixes of I’m gonna make a positive difference in my world and I’m woefully unaware of the damage I’m causing in other areas.

[00:28:43] And so I love your focus on could we be a little less negative and also do what you can. And then take it one step further. So yes, go ahead and pick up the trash, and also please write this company and say, Thank you for putting your yogurt and glass jars because they can be recycled. And yes, stop watering your lawn in the middle of the day, in the middle of the summer, and also contact so and so and ask them to, you know, use fair trade with their clothing.

[00:29:15] Like there is more that we as individuals can do, but it takes a little bit of effort. It’s not Herculean, but it does take a little bit of effort


[00:29:25] There was a a time, I don’t know, it was probably in the spring where I was trying to write a company, at least one company each week, either thanking them for something they were doing or asking them to do something different.

[00:29:38] I have no idea if it makes any difference or not. But you get enough people doing that. Yeah, and it does. And somehow or other, we have to hold onto that space in US that says, Our individual effort does matter whether we can see it or not. Yes. That’s hard. I think that’s hard for people at times.

[00:29:59] It’s very hard, but I will also throw out there that one of the biggest things we can do is to vote.

[00:30:04] So it’s the right season right now, but it’s pretty much every year there’s an opportunity to vote on something and we have to keep letting our voice be heard, whether it is writing a letter. Voting for an elected official that believes the way you believe or calling up, you know, a company or, or a nonprofit and finding out how you can get involved.

[00:30:27] There is always something, and I know we all have different levels of time and, and energy to be able to do things but we can all find something that that makes a difference.

[00:30:37] Absolutely. What a great place to end. Kendra, thank you so much for your time today. And you know, I always end my podcast by saying, Now go be intentional.

[00:30:48] And I’m gonna just say it twice. You know, they’ll, it’ll come in the outro, but right now I’m gonna say to our audience, do something to make your world a better place today, intentionally.

End Credits

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Full audio episode found here.

Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

All LeaveBetter Podcast episodes can be found here.

Music by Tom Sherlock.

head shot Miriam Gunn

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As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to address your concerns.

Building Success From the Bottom Up – Kevin Mansouri

 Building Success From the Bottom

Kevin Mansouri

Kevin Mansouri


Building Success From the Bottom Up

Welcome to another episode of The LeaveBetter Podcast  where I interview high performers and business owners, gleaning from their wisdom, practical routines, habits, and mindsets.

In episode 20, we are pleased to have Kevin Mansouri – the owner and operator of Mortgage Solutions, a brokerage in Utah.

Kevin and I talk about building his mortgage company from the bottom up and how he kept it going as he learned from his mistakes.

Kevin also shares helpful tips on avoiding debt, buying a house, and owning valuable assets.


Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts, or wherever podcasts are found.

*Before you go—Sign up for my newsletter at Leavebetter.com.  Once a week, wisdom and practicality in your inbox.

Remember: The actions you take (or do not take) today set you up for six months from now. Make sure you do something today that pushes you toward that next level of you.


The transcript of this episode.

[00:00:23] Mortgage Solutions
[00:02:18] Working For Yourself
[00:05:24] Learn From Your Mistakes
[00:08:58] Take Logical Steps
[00:09:29] Common Sense
[00:14:59] Believe in Your Product
[00:16:50] Buying a House
[00:18:19] Debt
[00:20:28] Owning Assets
[00:24:33] All Kinds of Skills
[00:33:33] How to Find Kevin

Where to find Kevin:

Mortgage Solutions

Music by Tom Sherlock

Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

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Building Success From the Bottom transcript – Kevin Mansouri


Kevin Mansouri

Building Success From the Bottom with Kevin Mansouri

[00:00:00] Miriam: All right. I’m so happy to have Kevin Mansouri here. He’s the owner of Mortgage Solutions and I’m gonna let him tell a little bit more about what he does, and then we’re gonna get into this conversation about serving people and how to make a difference as a business owner.

[00:00:19] Kevin: Great. I’m happy to be here. Thank you for having me. success success success success

[00:00:23] Mortgage Solutions

[00:00:23] Miriam: So why don’t you talk a little bit about you know, what your company does, and then we’ll get into the finer details

[00:00:31] Kevin: of it. Sounds great. So I’m the owner and operator of Mortgage Solutions llc, and I started in 1998, believe it or not. I’ve got some gray hairs from it and I’ve just been serving the Utah community ever since.

[00:00:47] Miriam: Right. So what does Mortgage Broker do?

Three Environments of Mortgage Lending

[00:00:50] Kevin: Okay, so there’s really three environments of mortgage lending. There is a bank like Wells Fargo or Chase. There’s something called a mortgage banker. Which I can get into in a bit. And then there’s a mortgage broker. I have worked in all three capacities over my career and I’ve found a mortgage broker can service its clients the best.

[00:01:12] Really it’s like an insurance broker. If you’ve ever heard of Bear River or Auto Owners or some of those carriers, you work with one agent, but then they have several different sources. Of places to get your insurance. In the mortgage world, it’s the same thing. We have several different sources to get the funding.

[00:01:31] So for that reason, I feel that it gives our clients the best rates, the best opportunities, the most access to programs, but with one local person that they can trust.

[00:01:40] Miriam: Yeah, like a live human. They can, they can talk to a live human. Yes. Which is what, what we all want to do these days at least I do, I get really excited if I get a live human and I don’t have to go through one of those like phone menus before I can get there.

[00:01:57] Yes. So I, there my brain went two different directions as you were talking and we’ll hit both of ’em. But I think where I wanna go first is you mentioned you’ve been doing this for 21 years in your bio. That’s a long time to be in a service agency. You see it grow and develop and also you grow and develop.

[00:02:18] Working For Yourself

[00:02:18] Miriam: So I think I want you to talk about the genesis of this, how did you even get started with it? And as our listeners are thinking about, Oh, I might be able to do this, or I’m sick of working for someone else, how did you make the leap from working for someone else to working for yourself?

[00:02:38] Kevin: Well, that’s a really good question.

[00:02:40] So I’ve always been somewhat entrepreneurial. I can remember as a kid, You know, having a car wash business and doing it and failing miserably and then doing something else. So I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit. But the way this actually came to be, I was a copier technician and I would service and sell copy machines and.

[00:03:04] Just wasn’t happy I was doing it. My heart wasn’t in it. And I went to a mortgage company where I ran into some high school friends. I’ve always been a big believer that your social life and your social interaction is every bit as important as your education. But we can talk about that later. But, so I ran into some people I knew that were, we had worked at a previous job, It was a pizza, pizza place, Little Caesar’s Pizza.

[00:03:30] And they’re like, Pizza, Pizza. They said, they literally said, You gotta get out of that business and get into this business. Wow. And I said, Okay. And I started researching it. I got every book I ca could on the topic. And I didn’t believe it would work. I it, deep down inside, I was so concerned that I was gonna go broke doing this.

Save for Expenses

[00:03:53] And I at the time had, you know, part of being entrepreneurial, I had bought a house with my two brothers together and I had real expenses in my early twenties and I’m like, Well, this doesn’t work. How am I gonna make my house payment? How am I gonna make my car payment? So I actually got a second job and that job was going solely towards saving up enough money so that I had six months worth of expenses just in case it didn’t work. And I remember having I would get the cashiers check and I would have it written in the amount, and I stuck it in an envelope. It went to the mortgage company or to the car company, or to utilities. So I had literally six months of expenses.

[00:04:34] I took the leap and boy did the, did the trouble start when I took the leap .

[00:04:39] Miriam: Okay. Talk a little bit about that. And, and by the way, can I just say good on you for doing it that way? I knew, I know way too many entrepreneurial people who they get sick of their job and then a huff, they quit and they’re like, I’m gonna do X and then, stuff starts going on credit cards and they start digging a hole that they never get out of.

[00:05:02] Somebody told me entrepreneurs incredibly optimistic and that sometimes they need people to help, like tether them to earth because they just think life is magic. I love that you took into account life isn’t magic, expenses are real, and you set yourself up to success, so for success.

[00:05:22] So keep going.

[00:05:24] Kevin: Okay,

[00:05:24] Learn From Your Mistakes

[00:05:24] Kevin: what happened next? So I started a mortgage company and don’t know anything about it. I had a book and we have both No experience versus written education or two different things. Yeah. And my manager said, There’s a list. Start calling them. That’s literally how it started. And I learned b every time I learned.

[00:05:46] It cost me money every time I made a mistake. And every single time I learned one of the mistake. You really learn it when you are missing out on money because you did something wrong. No fault of anyone’s but your own. You really learn it. So I remember and, and the mortgage business, you, you, even if you work for a company, you’re really self-employed and that goes for all, almost all sales.

[00:06:11] I mean, if you don’t produce, you don’t make money. And, and that’s actually why you will never be laid off either because. You’re producing. Right. So I remember just being there. There was another guy there. I remember showing up in a tie when you, you didn’t have to in our business, at least at that level.

[00:06:30] But I just had this pride in, I’m like, I’m gonna make this work. I don’t, nothing is gonna stop me. If someone else can do it, I can do it. And it’s a matter of time. And I remember there was another guy that was there with me, his name was Dominic. And we would just sit there and call late at night and.

Being OK with Rejection

[00:06:45] Tons of rejection, just tons of we were the annoying guys on the other end of the phone, but then you’d get a small success and you were high fiving, and you could see there were, there were three or four other people, but a, a lot of people would just spend their time on low productive activities, like making sure everything was perfect, like their business card or their, whatever it was at the time, instead of just doing the high productive activity, which was.

[00:07:15] Blitzing the phones, getting the calls made, talking to everyone you knew and believing in your product. And believing what in what you were doing, so, Wow. Yeah.

[00:07:25] Miriam: Oh, there’s a ton to unpack there. I wanna focus for a second on the non-productive activities because so many people, and my audience is split between business owners or entrepreneurs.

Have Priorities

[00:07:39] And high performers and or people who wanna be high performers who are headed in that self development space. And what you’re talking about, this business of their, not all activities are equal. I mean, yeah, you get to cross it off the list, but the phone call to what? I don’t know. The phone call to schedule your lawn maintenance is not the same as the phone call calling up a client.

[00:08:07] Yeah, they’re both phone calls and yeah, you can mark one off, but one is gonna bring you revenue or greater success in whatever avenue you’re choosing and one isn’t. So I’m curious to know how you knew this. How did you understand it? It’s about action and Yeah. Where did you come by this?

[00:08:30] Kevin: Well, I had a clicking, I had a clicking time schedule.

[00:08:34] I had a certain amount of checks left before. If I didn’t make any money, what was I gonna do? I had, I had to make it, I think it was from a position of it had to work. Now, if we, if we go back in time, I didn’t have a wife, I didn’t have children. I had my own expenses, which were manageable. So it wasn’t from a position of desperation.

[00:08:57] I wanna make that clear.

[00:08:58] Take Logical Steps

[00:08:58] Kevin: I think that that is a mistake people will do leaping in when they don’t have any financial footing. I think you have to approach it from some position of, of strength. But to answer your question, the thing that that made me do, it was just starting at zero. I had nothing. So what was logically the most important thing to do?

[00:09:19] To, to work on a business card or to get a client? Getting a client was, was the more important thing to do. Yeah, I think it just made sense.

[00:09:29] Common Sense

[00:09:29] Miriam: Yeah. Well, it absolutely makes sense, but you would be shocked at how many people don’t do it. There’s a influencer I like who says, common sense is not always. Common practice, and I’ve almost taken that on as my own mantra because I’ve just seen so many people, you know, a certain part of their brain knows it’s the right thing to do and a different part of their brain is too anxious and is like, Here.

[00:09:52] Why don’t we rearrange the pencils in the little holder, whatever. You know, those self-defeating behaviors.

[00:10:00] I wanna bounce back to your friend Dominic. It seems to me like that was really important to have someone there to do it, to share your losses, to share your wins. I mean, what would it have been like if he hadn’t been there?

[00:10:16] Kevin: I hadn’t really ever thought of it before now, but you know, it was great having someone in the trenches with. And you know, it was just neat sharing those wins with them. And I think if he hadn’t been there, I don’t wanna say I wouldn’t have made it. I don’t think anything would’ve stopped me, but it certainly wouldn’t have been as sweet.

[00:10:36] And we leaned on each other and it was almost kinda like shared knowledge, you know, if I learned something that was advantageous. I shared it with him and if he learned something that was working, he shared it with me and we kind of leaned on each other, which was, was a really nice thing. Yeah.

[00:10:53] Miriam: Yeah.

It Takes Time

[00:10:54] Well, I could tell your voice changed when you talked about that and it, it felt like you know, iron sharpened iron, you guys spurred one another on in Definitely in so many positive ways. When did you know this is gonna work?

[00:11:08] Every entrepreneur has this moment where they go, I cannot believe I’m being paid to do this.

[00:11:18] Kevin: So It was a good Miriam, it was a good six months before I made a dime. I mean, I literally made no money. It was, I had people that were saying, Yes, let’s do this. It was a, it was a refinance. Crazy. At the time, rates had just gone from seven to 6%. So, So rates right now are about where they were when I started.

[00:11:40] So all of you people out there, we’ve been drunk off of good interest rates for about 10 years. So so. I remember turning loans into processing. I didn’t know what that meant. Got what I was asked to get, didn’t know why I was getting it. And they would sit and sit and sit and sit. And the company I was working for had.

[00:12:03] Growth issues because of the, the rate changes. They didn’t have quality control issues. And I remember my manager came to me one day and he said, Hey I’d like to go to a different company and I want you to go with me. Whoa. And it was because of this processing problem. Mm-hmm. and, you know, I didn’t realize that loans didn’t take four or five months to close.


[00:12:24] I just realized I was just doing my part and getting the success part, and I had faith the rest of it would work out. And actually this was the precursor to me starting my own company. But it didn’t, it didn’t work out initially. The processor just wasn’t there. There was a lot of time wasted on You know, just being in line and leads get cold.

[00:12:51] Borrowers would go somewhere else. You know, it just wasn’t working. And so I eventually left with him to another company where we experienced the same kind of problems. And then and then, and, and these were both mortgage bankers. They were one of the three types of environments. And that’s when I went to a mortgage brokerage after that.

[00:13:13] Right. And, and then I could actually get stuff.

[00:13:15] Miriam: Sure. Let me pause you for a second. What I heard you say. At the front end, you don’t know what you don’t know, right? And you think maybe this is the way things are and it sort of takes either someone else from the outside or time you know, something to interject itself into the system that helps you realize, you know what, there could actually be a better way here.

[00:13:38] Right? And an awful lot of businesses are born out of that, where people get just fed up with. Beating their head against the wall with something that should work but doesn’t.

[00:13:50] Kevin: Yep. Absolutely. Absolutely.

[00:13:54] Miriam: Yeah. So my original question was, when did you know it would work?


[00:14:01] Kevin: I, I think at the beginning, but, but I didn’t know what, I didn’t know, like you said. So I thought it would work and I believed it would work, and I, and I say I believed because I acted as if it would. Without any kind of wavering. I, I, I look back at it now and I’m like, Oh my gosh. But I would say three months in I knew it would work and it was a matter of time.

[00:14:25] Mm. So after I had yeses from clients, after I got positive feedback from my clients, cause I was meeting with them in their homes mm-hmm. after just getting lots of good feedback, it wa it became the getting, it isn’t the. Part that I’m gonna struggle with right now. It’s the process of actually delivering on the product that I was selling.

[00:14:48] Miriam: I see. So you realized at some point, I actually have some sales skills here and now it’s the delivering space that’s getting in the way.

[00:14:59] Believe in Your Product

[00:14:59] Kevin: I would, Is that what you said? Yeah. And can I, can I just interject something? Yeah. I actually don’t consider myself a sales, like a really strong sales person. But I know my product and I believe in my product and I and my clients look at me from a technical standpoint of solving their problem.

[00:15:17] And I’m really good at transferring trust. So the sales, there’s no pressure. My style there, it’s a very low pressure. It’s a, here’s the product I’ve got, here’s why you should do it. Here’s why I believe it’s right for you. And you make the decision and it’s served me really well. Yeah,

[00:15:34] Miriam: that makes sense.

[00:15:36] That kind of respect, I think, serves anybody really well. People do not like to feel pressured. Right. People. And the younger they get though, I mean, they’re just absolutely f. Phobic about it. It’s like, don’t true. Don’t put me in a bind. Don’t make me feel uncomfortable. And, you know, Yeah. So I, I think that that has probably served you well.

Get Out of Your Way

[00:15:58] You had a quote I believe it was on your website or somewhere that said, Stop getting in your own way. Ready, fire, aim. Right? Yeah. Which I love. Talk about that a little

[00:16:10] Kevin: bit. Well that goes back to the stop preparing and do it. You know, it’s never gonna be perfect. You’re never gonna have all of the answers and you need to just go out there and make your own way.

[00:16:22] So ready. Be as prepared as you can, but don’t spend the bulk of your time on that fire. Go do the thing and then refine later. That would be the aim part.

[00:16:33] Miriam: Sure. Jim Collins in Good to Great, I think said fire bullets, not cannon balls. And he was all. Ready, fire, and then fire the little things. Uhhuh, . And once you know you’re hitting your target, now you load up and make it a cannon ball.

[00:16:48] Kevin: That makes great sense.

[00:16:50] Buying a House

[00:16:50] Miriam: Okay, so a question that I wanna ask you has to deal with both millennials and Gen Z folks who I quite love, but I, I know quite a few people in that age category and one of the things that they are, Bemoaning much of the time is, oh my gosh, the way the world is, the way the economy is, the way prices are, I’ll never be able to own a home.

[00:17:13] And I thought you would be the perfect person to sort of ask that question and just hear what you have to say.

[00:17:20] Kevin: Yeah, I think they have a great point. I mean, we’ve seen in the last five years just prices double and that’s never happened in the history of housing in that shorter period of time.

[00:17:31] So you got a valid concern millennials and Gen Z. However, you are bigger than this problem. And here’s there’s a couple of things you can do. The first thing is look for opportunities to either buy a multi-unit property and live in half and rent the other half out.

[00:17:54] Or another one is look at your home as a stepping stone.

[00:17:58] You’re never gonna get to be in the area you wanna be with the first house. So buy a house in the area you don’t wanna be and then leapfrog that into another house. So you’ll sell it hopefully over time. It’s appreciated. And then you can eventually get the house in the area that you wanna be, but it’s never gonna happen the first, the first go round.

[00:18:19] Debt

[00:18:19] Kevin: Debt will kill you. Get rid of your debt. Don’t ever, in fact, better yet, don’t get into debt. Work another job, work hard, do what you have to do to get those expenses under control. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, these are government agencies that that set the rules for housing just allowed income from an accessory dwelling unit.

[00:18:44] Well, what does that mean? That means you can buy a house right now that might be outta your price range, and if it has a basement apartment, you can now use that income from that basement apartment to supplement your income. So now you can qualify for the house. This is something new.

[00:19:02] I just closed my first loan on it the other day. The guy never would’ve qualified for the house. Now he’s got it easy. He’s got rental income from the base. He, he, it, it really solved his problem. So there are programs out there for you guys but you gotta help yourself.

Talk on the Phone

[00:19:17] So, one other thing I want to just stress to this community is don’t be afraid to talk to someone on the phone.

[00:19:25] There’s only so much you can learn from an internet web search. And honestly, the, the hardest thing. I struggle with is actually getting you guys on the phone. Once you’re on the phone and we’ve, we’ve had a conversation. I’m talking 10 minutes. I hear the relief in your voice. I’m telling you I hear it.

[00:19:42] And that is because you have an understanding or a control over this situation that you didn’t before. So, Texting’s, great internet search are great.

[00:19:49] Pick up the phone and call someone

[00:19:54] Miriam: Oh, I love that. I love it. I was telling my kids that when they were little all the time, pick up the phone and call someone. It’s good for you, .

[00:20:04] It is. It is. Oh,

[00:20:05] well spoken.

[00:20:06] Yeah. Yeah. Something else that you had mentioned – you said you like to talk about owning assets. I think that is a great conversation because regardless of if our listeners, our business owners or high performers, everybody needs to hear this conversation about owning assets.

[00:20:27] So let’s go there. Yeah,

[00:20:28] Owning Assets

[00:20:28] Kevin: Yeah. Okay. So your bus, your regular business, or what your regular source of income is, is how you get by in the day to day. World. But if you just do that, you’re only going to be able to, you know, that that is how you make your living. You need to be able to create some space, and by that I mean.

[00:20:54] You need to be able to, Well, this is going above and beyond my mortgage company, and this is just part of who I am is I’m always looking for an opportunity to own an asset. So for example, it could be a piece of real estate or it could be a vending machine. Just something that is you can do in addition to your regular thing.

[00:21:17] That can later pay off big time for you. So, Right. So

[00:21:20] Miriam: let me interrupt for a second because I think people get confused as to what an asset is. Yeah. People say, Well, I own a boat, or I own a truck, or I own a second house, and blah, blah. Get, define the difference between an asset and a non-asset.

[00:21:36] Kevin: Okay. Well, I’ll give you my definition without looking it up.

[00:21:41] When I think of an asset, it’s something that will grow in value over time, in instead of losing value over time. So that’s it in its simplest form.

[00:21:51] Miriam: Yeah. I’ve always heard an asset is something that makes you money and the other thing is something that takes money.


[00:21:57] Kevin: That’s right. So that’s right. And, and things can be both.

[00:21:59] That boat could be an asset if you rented it out when you’re not using it. Mm-hmm. , you know, it, it doesn’t have to just. You know, the, the traditional sense of the word asset. But someone told me a long time ago when I, Earl was just early into the business, they’re like, Hey, some opportunities you can present themselves to you and you need to take advantage of those when they come.

[00:22:21] And specifically, I, so I’ve got some rentals. That’s another thing that I do in addition to my, my mortgage company. And I’ll just, I just will never forget it was 2004, a client was gonna buy a house and they decided not to buy the house because of something That was, to them, a big deal. But to me, I’m like, Oh, I can overcome this.

[00:22:42] And you know, I bought that house for $123,000 in 2004. It’s on a half an acre in South Salt Lake, and I still have it. And it, and it’s this asset that’s appreciated over the years. Yes, it’s been a pain. N there, there’s no such thing as, as a rental that’s not, but it’s here and there. It’s totally manageable.

[00:23:02] I never go to it. Always have someone else go to it when it needs something and I’m getting really good at never leaving my office and still getting things done.

[00:23:14] I’m actually proud of it in a weird way. Yeah.

Client-Friendly Office

[00:23:17] Miriam: Well, you’ve designed the life that you want. I mean, your office is in your home, right? Yes. So, yes, I think that that makes it really fun when you can just walk up the stairs or outside or whatever, and the people you love are right there. Definitely.

[00:23:31] Kevin: Yeah. And, and just for the record, my, my office wasn’t in my home all the time.

[00:23:35] I had an office, I had a big staff. Clients don’t wanna meet in person anymore, so it’s just a business decision. Let’s get rid of the office and let’s, let’s make it work and cut some, Cut some of the financial

[00:23:47] costs.

[00:23:48] Miriam: So absolutely. That totally makes sense. I also have an office that I am never in because my clients, you know, I work with entrepreneurs and they are busy and they don’t want the commute time into the office and whatever.

[00:24:01] And so we do phone and zoom and I. To their schedule, and it works really well. So I hear mm-hmm. exactly what you’re saying. And I have other people utilizing my office and making me money while we do it. So there you go. It’s, it’s exactly as you say

[00:24:18] You mentioned at one point on a form, I think that you filled out for my podcast-

[00:24:24] you said something like, I didn’t excel in school, I couldn’t even hardly spell -none of that matters. Can you talk more about that? Yeah,

[00:24:33] All Kinds of Skills

[00:24:33] Kevin: yeah. So math, I was pretty good at spelling is getting worse every day. Thank goodness for spell checker. It’s n i I don’t consider my, I mean, I’m a smart guy but I don’t consider myself to be, you know, real, really smart.

[00:24:55] Like it’s just a matter of how motivated you are and, and getting into this business gave me a motivation that I hadn’t seen in myself before. And, None of it does matter. It, I, you should see some of the realtors I work with and I’ve worked with for years, they, they just know how to go and fire instead of aiming.

[00:25:20] And that that’s what they’re good at. They’re good at talking to a lot of people, their skills on the side of negotiation, you know, believe a lot, a lot to be desired.

[00:25:30] Really it is about the doing and. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Really. If and if, and if someone else can do it, I can do it. I, I’ve come to that realization and it’s, it’s super powerful.

[00:25:44] Miriam: Yeah, that sounds extremely powerful. I, I think about how. So many entrepreneurs did not do well in school. They might have been dyslexic or they just were wiggly. They might have had, you know, now they would say they had adhd and you know, I mean, perhaps they did. I’m not saying they did or didn’t, but.

Do Your Best

[00:26:06] Sadly there comes upon them this sense of I’m a failure because some teacher said, You’re never gonna amount to anything. Or they just got tired of bringing home Fs and whatever was happening in school wasn’t a good match for their brain. And then they find out later in life, Hey, I’m actually good at some things and I just appreciated your comment.

[00:26:32] You don’t need to spell in your job. We’ve got spellcheck. Google will do it for you. So you can do the things that you can do and you let the machines, or the help or the whatever, do the things that you can’t do. It’s all about taking those meaningful actions.

[00:26:48] Kevin: Yes. Yes. And, and can I add one other ca caveat to that?

[00:26:54] After 23, 24 years in business, it’s come down to one little thing for me that. Have distilled it to. Yeah. And this is gonna, this is so, it’s bizarre, but I’ve, I’ve come to the realization. So you have to be good at your job. That’s a given. You have to deliver what you’re saying. The rest of it is, do they like you and do they have a comfort level with you?

[00:27:18] Yeah. It’s so bizarre that it’s come to that, but that’s what it is. I mean, I’m in an age of internet. We’re in the internet age. A local broker shouldn’t. Excelling and beating Quicken Home Loans, but we do every single day and it’s because we can, we can communicate and we can talk to them, and there’s a comfort level and we like each other.

[00:27:39] Mm-hmm. really, really, that still exists and I would say stronger than ever.

Human Interaction

[00:27:44] Miriam: Well said. I agree with you. I think that people at some level are hungering for the human touch, the human interaction, and honestly decency. Yeah. I think people are pretty tired of reactiveness or getting screwed over by so and so, or.

[00:28:03] They want honesty, they want decency, and they want a live human, and they don’t wanna have to wait forever. So in addition to being good at your job, you have to be able to deliver in a timely fashion.

[00:28:15] Yep. Yep. Mm-hmm. , And you have to do what you say you’re gonna do.

[00:28:19] Yeah. Isn’t that the foundation of trust right there?

[00:28:22] Yeah. Do what you say you’re gonna do.

[00:28:24] Kevin: Yeah. It’s, it’s so simple, but some people just struggle so much with it and, and if you can’t do what you said you’re gonna do, you need to let ’em know as quickly as possible, and then you need to make it right. Mm-hmm. .

[00:28:36] Miriam: Yeah. Do you have any stories like that?

[00:28:39] Something that came up and you needed to make it right?

Making it Right

[00:28:43] Kevin: Oh, over the years, there’s been a lot of ’em. Yeah, I, I have some. So there was an example where someone had put earnest money on, on a home. Well, actually I have two, so I’m gonna, I’m gonna take two of them, if that’s okay. Yeah, totally. Someone had put earnest money on the home.

[00:29:02] And earnest money is, you know, a deposit when you’re buying a house. And this is a purchase transaction. And we didn’t deliver in the timeframe we were supposed to. Now we have wholesale lenders. It technically wasn’t our fault, but. The customer doesn’t know that they’re interfacing with me. They ended up losing that earnest money and we took upon ourselves to reimburse them for it.

[00:29:25] So that’s one example. Another example is I had this client, this is well into my career. He’s very, very, very small fish, very difficult client. The realtor referred me to this guy. You know, he’s trying to do creative things on a very small loan. We’re paid a percentage of the loan amount, so it does matter, you know, for our bottom line, how big of the loan is.

[00:29:52] I called the realtor after this guy had wasted just hours of my time and I said, Hey, do you care if I blow this guy off because it’s not going anywhere. You know, it’s, it’s just not gonna work out. And the realtor says to me, Oh yeah, go ahead. I blew him off like a couple months. .

Get Humble

[00:30:11] And then I had made the decision I was gonna stop working with his client.

[00:30:15] Then I had this little voice in my head that said, Stop being so arrogant and get humble. You’re thankful for any client that you have.

[00:30:24] And I just took that approach and I just worked with him and I made his transaction work. We worked through it together. I’m telling you, it was a total waste of time. If you’re thinking transactionally.

[00:30:38] Right now that client is my partner on a 10 unit V R B O development that’s happening in southern Utah, and that’s what happened as a result of that little tiny decision for me to say, Nope, get humble and stick through this.

[00:30:57] Miriam: Yeah, that’s a good mic drop moment because we do not know. Where the next big I don’t know,

[00:31:08] Kevin: opportunity, that’s not even mortgage related. It’s, it’s outside of the scope of the mortgage world, but we got that close over this and we, you know, one transaction led to another. He mentioned a project he’s doing.

[00:31:21] How can I do this? I don’t think I have the resources. I’m like, Maybe I do. Maybe we could work on it together. And just one conversation led to another. It’s just Miriam, you look back at how you got to where you are, and that’s the defining moment was a thought in my head that said, Stop being so arrogant and get humble.

Be Thankful

[00:31:39] Miriam: Yeah. Yeah. I love that. I, I think that’s pretty profound. I, I do think. I would love to hear you speak about the progression from when you first start in a business, everything’s new and you feel kind of scared or at least insecure. Then you get better and better and better, and you tip over into that arrogance space and that space is a place where People just think they’re better than everybody else, you know?

[00:32:12] Or I, they just can’t deal with, I don’t need to deal with you. You’re a hassle or whatever. Bring it full circle as you talk about get humble. What does that mean in your day- to- day now with the people that you serve?

[00:32:30] Kevin: Well, if I, if I took it down and distilled that down, I would say It’s a thankfulness, right?

[00:32:41] You’re lucky to be doing what you’re doing. It’s a,

[00:32:45] I mean, success has its own problems and this is one of ’em, you, you when you do get successful, it gets hard to, to maintain the same level for everyone. So I would say a thankfulness, that’s the key piece is, Hey, you’re fortunate to have this.

[00:33:05] You’re fortunate to be here. And you need to act that way.

[00:33:10] Miriam: Yeah,

[00:33:11] yeah. You know, to me, Kevin, that feels like the perfect place to end this interview with us just looking at ways that we can be thankful for the people who have come into our lives, you know whether they’re friends or clients or whomever.

[00:33:30] Yeah, that thankfulness is really important.

[00:33:33] How to Find Kevin

[00:33:33] Miriam: Can you tell our listeners where they can find you? Yeah.

[00:33:38] Kevin: So I have a website, it’s mortgagesolutionsofutah.com. So kevin@better-homeloans.com.

[00:33:49] Miriam: We will, we will put all your information in the show notes as well. And I mentioned to you before we started that we, as a thank you, always do a donation in your name to one of four charities.

[00:34:00] You chose Mercy Ships. I love Mercy Ships because they offer free surgeries to people who can’t afford them on the continent of Africa. I think right now they’re outside of Senegal healing clef PS and tumors and things like that. So we’re excited to just send that in your name and thank you again just for sharing your time and wisdom and expertise with us.

[00:34:22] Kevin: Thank you. I’m so, It’s such a privilege.

End Credits

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Full audio episode found here.

Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

All LeaveBetter Podcast episodes can be found here.

Music by Tom Sherlock.

head shot Miriam Gunn

If you are curious to know more, please contact me!

As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to address your concerns.

From Shame to Forgiveness to CEO – Neena Perez

From Shame to Forgiveness

Neena Perez

Neena Perez

From Shame to Forgiveness

Welcome to another episode of The LeaveBetter Podcast, where I interview high performers and business owners, gleaning from their wisdom, practical routines, habits, and mindsets.

In episode 19, we have Neena Perez – a business and performance coach and the host of the Straight Talk No Sugar Added podcast.

Neena and I talk about shame, trauma, forgiveness and healing. We discuss the value in setting boundaries in all relationships as a form of self-care. Enjoy!

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts, or wherever podcasts are found.

*Before you go—Sign up for my newsletter at Leavebetter.com.  Once a week, wisdom and practicality will land in your inbox.

Remember: The actions you take today set you up for success or failure six months from now. Make sure you do something today that pushes you toward that next level of you.


The transcript of this episode.

From Shame to Forgiveness

[00:01:08] Intro Neena
[00:04:00] Feeling Stuck in Abuse
[00:08:24] Cut Yourself Some Slack
[00:10:25] Shame
[00:15:16] Forgiveness
[00:20:37] Having Empathy
[00:21:53] Standing in Truth
[00:26:07] Let Go
[00:27:39] Give Yourself Space
[00:28:26] Dream Big
[00:31:24] Boundaries
[00:34:03] Be OK with Discomfort
[00:35:46] You Can Say No
[00:40:01] Noisy World
[00:44:43] Do it Afraid

Where to find Neena:

IG @neenaperez

Website: Straught Talk No Sugar Added

Best Friends Animal Society

Music by Tom Sherlock

Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

All LeaveBetter Podcast episodes can be found here.


Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts, or wherever podcasts are found.

head shot Miriam Gunn

If you are curious to know more, please contact me!

As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to address your concerns.

From Shame to Forgiveness to CEO-transcript – Neena Perez


Neena Perez

From Shame to Forgiveness with Neena Perez


[00:01:08] Intro Neena

[00:01:08] Miriam – All right guys. I’m so, so happy to have Neena Perez here with me today. I met her, I don’t know, maybe it was like a month and a half ago when you invited me to be on your podcast. I loved it, and I have not said this to anyone before since, but I was like, Oh my gosh, we would be friends in real life. We we’re almost like sisters.

[00:01:29] Neena –  We’re similar. Yeah, I agree. So many ways.

[00:01:31] Miriam – So I am gonna let you talk about your business, but I loved your podcast, Straight Talk, No Sugar added, and I was doing a little sniffing around on Amazon regarding your book, and it just seems to me that Not only do you care so much about like speaking authentically, but you’ve had some hard bumps in your life too that your book title- Hit Me With Your Best Shot :How I overcame a hard hitting life.

[00:01:58] You’ve had some hard spaces and you have like risen above that to a wonderful life. So let’s bounce in. Tell me a little bit about your business and then we’re just gonna talk where the conversation takes us.

[00:02:12] Neena –  Oh man. Miriam, thank you so much for having me. And you’re right, I do feel like you’re my sister from another mister, you know and you know, my business. So what I do is I really have finally aligned my business and you know, I started businesses, I’ve stopped businesses, I’ve gotten my degrees, all of that great stuff. But what I do now is I help women master their game.


[00:02:32] And what I mean by game, it’s an acronym for goals, their accountability, mind flow and energy. I do this by building or helping them build successful businesses and impact their lives the way they envision. So we create basically their step by step. And I have a whole team that I have built out that helps them create their funneling system, their software, their marketing, their automation, all of that stuff, because I realized that those were the things that were impacting me as I was trying to grow my coaching business.

[00:03:01] Miriam – I wanna see people rise. That’s really what I. I love it.

[00:03:05] Well, my audience is also comprised of men, so I’m gonna tell them, Hey, hang with us because we’re talking about self development and it doesn’t actually matter which gender you are when it comes to self development.

[00:03:16] Like, wow, these growth principles are the same, and the technical principles for growing your business are the same. Mm-hmm. .

[00:03:24] I think that the longer the, the longer we are alive, we find out which kind of problems we like to solve that don’t like rob us of our energy, and this is anybody and everybody. The longer that you’re in your job and you’re finding out. I can’t stand this.

[00:03:42] It’s so draining. You’re not in the right job or the right position.

[00:03:45] That’s right. And I think what I heard you saying is, you know, you niche down into the place that brings you the most joy. Mm-hmm. ,

[00:03:54] can we start with your book and can you just like give us a little bit, however vulnerable you want to be.

[00:04:00] Feeling Stuck in Abuse

[00:04:00] Miriam – Can you talk about some of the hard hitting spaces that may be motivated

[00:04:04] this book. .

[00:04:06] Neena –. You know what happened is I was tired of being stuck, to be honest. Yeah. I kept feeling around, like I was at this hamster on a wheel constantly. I’ve worked really hard all my life and I just felt like, what is, what is this for?

[00:04:19] Right? So what happened, I, I about 2018 I think is when I wrote the book about my life, because I finally said, I need to face these demons. I gotta face this. I have to go. And I’m gonna have to, you know, start walking the walk, right? So I started getting to the self development space maybe about 15, 20 years ago.

[00:04:40] I’m 50 now, so in my thirties and I went through a lot of my life.

[00:04:44] So, you know, it started young. My father, you know, and my mother were not married. They had an affair. My father was married, but they were married to other people. I was the product of that affair. And I think that, Already started me on the wrong foot, if you will.

[00:04:59] so then, My mother, I, I think she tried her best. She was young herself. She was in her, she was 20. But you know, I was abused. So when I, when she did remarry, her husband, you know, would physically abuse me, but then started to molest me. And that happened for, you know, a lot of my youth from my five, five or six years old to maybe nine or 10 years old, something like that.

Trauma at a Young Age

[00:05:22]. You know, it was just, it was just a very traumatic time because he was also very abusive physically as well. when he left, I was very happy. , I was very, very happy. But you know what, It left me damaged. So at like 13 years old, I met a, a man or a boyfriend. I was 13, he was gonna be 18. Very quickly got into a, a relationship that I didn’t know anything about at 13.

[00:05:47] Yeah, I was physically abused there as well, but that’s love, right? I mean, that’s what I knew growing up, so, mm-hmm. . But I had a child pregnant at 14 years old and eighth grade. I know I look at my kids now, I’m like, how did that even happen? 14 years old, pregnant. I had my child at 15. But you know what, Miriam, There was always something in me that just would not let this girl die.

[00:06:13] You know I tried to commit suicide when I was 13, so before I got pregnant because I couldn’t take it anymore. my boyfriend at the time, my son’s father, you know, was throwing me downstairs, was like beating me constantly. It was just an awful experience. I still have damage from that, like, One of my ears has a hole in it from when he punched me and the ear drum blew out and all that kind of stuff.


[00:06:34] the reason I finally left, I left that around, I think I was like 18. So I was with him five years of a seriously abusive relationship. And he put a gun to my head. Wow. he said, He’s gonna kill me. He’s gonna kill him. He’s gonna kill the baby, and then he’s gonna kill himself. when he, he put the gun to my head and he pulled the trigger.

[00:06:55] And when he pulled the trigger, the safety on the gun got jammed. I immediately went into what do I do? What do I do? So I started sweet talking him the only thing I knew to do while he was trying to unjam the gun, you know, Oh my, wow. So I was finally able to convince him that I loved him more than anything in the world, blah, blah, blah.

[00:07:16] And then, you know, right after that I left, I ran away. So I lived in a, a batter women’s shelter. I tried to get some therapy because therapy’s super important when you’ve had that much trauma. And you know, but life is, life still was hard. I had, I was a single mother now working a job, going to school, got remarried that, that with a narcissist, which was extremely hard to deal with that had a second child divorced.

[00:07:39] But now I’ve been married. I have to, 20. Wow. I think we’re going on 22, 23 years of With an amazing man. Yeah. We’ve gone through our tri our trials too, so there was a lot of stuff written in this book that he, he won’t even read it till this day. He’s like, I, I can’t do it. I can’t read it. Yeah.


[00:07:56] But self development and really looking at myself so I could stop self sabotaging behaviors mm-hmm. and realize that I am worth something. Is work. That took a lot of work. Yeah. But it also has been the best experience of my life. So, yeah, that’s it a nutshell.

[00:08:20] Miriam –  Mike drop .

[00:08:22] Neena – It’s a lot. A lot. I know. It’s a lot.

[00:08:24] Cut Yourself Some Slack

[00:08:24] Miriam – What

[00:08:24] do you say to a story like that? I mean, you are such a strong and vibrant woman. And the thing that I love about that story, that’s a story of redemption, of a space of second chances. It’s a story of Maybe natural consequences. Like, you know, you grew up in a space that taught you a warped version of love.

[00:08:47] So that’s what you followed until you knew better. I love this phrase, when I knew better, I did better. it gives us so much grace for those spaces in our life where we’re like, Why did I do that? Why did I choose that? it’s like, well, you know, we gotta cut ourselves some slack Sometimes you don’t have the best starting point. And I love, I love when you see someone coming from behind and they just blaze past, like you had to be someone who was so determined that this was not gonna be your life. You were not gonna do a repeat of what the first couple decades had been. So this space where he puts a gun up to your head and it misfires is the biggest aha.

[00:09:33] Of your life. Mm-hmm.  you do something about it. And then I’m gonna guess you had dozens of smaller aha moments. Can you talk about some other places where something in you clicked and you were like, I used to think this, or I used to do this, but no more. That is not

[00:09:53] in my future.

Writing a Book

[00:09:55] Neena –  You know, there’s, I don’t know if there’s like, there’s a few of them.

[00:09:58] So here, when I wrote the book especially, I started to relive a lot of those experiences because Sure. I didn’t wanna cheat myself. Writing the book, the book was written for me and then I realized the book was not even for me anymore. Yeah. It’s for someone else, right. And it’s impacted people in a very powerful way.

[00:10:16] So I realized that the book was for others. there’s five things I took away from writing this book that has really helped me, and I call it the fight back series, right? So mm-hmm.

[00:10:25] Shame

[00:10:25] Neena: One of them was shame. I had to realize. That there is shame that I was carrying for so long that didn’t belong to me.

[00:10:34] Mm-hmm. . So I, I learned how to navigate that within me to heal from that.

[00:10:40] The other one was forgiveness, because I can, can

[00:10:43] we slow down a little bit? Yeah. Because shame is like a buzzword these days. Mm. How would you describe what shame feels like to people? People sort of know they’re experiencing something, but it’s like, ugh, what

[00:10:57] is this?

[00:10:58] Yeah. You know, shame is, it needs a few things to operate and a couple things that it needs is for you to be silent for you to be secluded. Right. And for you not to, not to like speak up for yourself. Right? So shame is a very powerful feeling. I think. You co you get cowardice, you, you will coward back from things.

[00:11:23] You think that when others say and do something, you are extremely sensitive. So you get defensive. , Right? Because there’s something that is, that you think everybody’s against you because you know, they see you, they see something, and it’s not, you know, a lot of it’s not real. A lot of it is what we have been traumatized with and have made it that thing in our brain, right?

Shame Categories

[00:11:47] So when I had to go through shame, I had to. Put it into, And for me anyway, I had to put it in two categories. To me there was two different types of shame. There’s, there’s a, I call it a healthy shame. I know that’s a contradiction, but I’ll explain. And then the other one is a shame that is not, not for me, right?

[00:12:05] when my stepfather, for instance, was molesting me as a child, I felt extremely ashamed. And when I told my mother and she said, Shut up and stop lying. I immediately felt stupid and ashamed, so I carried that with me for a very long time. So all of the times that he was molesting me, I never said anything because I was ashamed.

[00:12:29] Yeah. And as I grew up, I realized, No, no, no, no, no. The shame is his and I’m make sure he gets it right back. He, he could take it with him, you know what I’m saying? So yeah, there you go. And so I went in and I actually confronted him. I called him my monster cuz he was my monster for a very long time.

[00:12:46] Yeah, he left my mother when I was about, when my mother left him when I was about 10 years old. So I didn’t see him again or even really wanna speak to him again until I was maybe 30 something and I went and I put my nose to his nose, my eyes to his. And I told him, I said, You know what? You did this and this and this.

Guilt and Shame

[00:13:03] He goes, I know what I did to you. I said, Do you cuz you were drunk half the time. He goes, Oh, I remember. And I, I know what I did. I said, Good. I said, You know what? I choose to forgive you. I choose it. Because I don’t feel like it, you know? I said, Cause if it was up to me, this would not be happening right now.

[00:13:21] I said, But I have a faith that I follow. I have a, I have my faith in God and I feel like the only way to release myself from this prison is to choose to forgive you. So I chose it. And then there’s that shame. If I do something to you, Miriam, and I know that it’s I moral and it’s wrong, I should be ashamed of myself.

[00:13:39] Yeah. So that I can change my behavior. Yeah. And do something different. Right? Yes. So that’s what I mean by the two types of shame.

[00:13:47] Yeah. I li I love that dis. Extinction. I’ve heard some people separated out like guilt and shame. Guilt is what you do, but shame is who you are. Right. And that you have to confront that.

[00:13:59] I cannot imagine the courage it took to face your monster

[00:14:05] in person. It was hard. It was hard. Yeah. You got guts, lady. Oh my gosh. I felt like I had no choice. Like I, That was like something I had to do, especially because he’s the father of my brothers. So he’s still alive. And I, I called my brother one day and I said, Okay, I’m ready.

Turn the Page

[00:14:22] He’s like, Ready for Wes, I’m ready to go see your father. He goes, For what? ? I think I was afraid of what I was gonna do, but you know, I was like, Yes, I’m a tough girl. Yes, yes, yes. But I’m not there to hurt him. I just, and you know what’s so funny, Miriam, the guy is like five feet, maybe four 11. Yeah. Right.

[00:14:40] But when you’re five years old and a man is beating you with a steel toe boot or beating your, Beating you to the point of cutting your back open, you know, stuff like that. Right. And you’re a child. That is a monster. And he is huge. They’re ginormous. They’re ginormous, right? Yeah. And so I, yeah, I chose to forgive them.

[00:14:58] And when I did that, he hugged me. I immediately felt that weight completely off of me. I was like, I am. I could literally walk away. And I am done. This chapter

[00:15:10] Miriam – is closed. Yes. Yeah, turn the page. That’s it. Yeah, that’s it. Okay.

[00:15:16] Forgiveness

[00:15:16] Miriam – So your number two thing was forgiveness, and I feel like you’ve already talked a bunch on that, but if you, you wanna add anything more to forgiveness?

[00:15:24] Neena: No, I mean, I think the only thing I wanna add to that is I just want you guys to know that it’s not gonna be a feeling. Yeah. I, I don’t feel like, I mean, I guess it could be a feeling, but for me it starts with a choice. It’s an action. It really starts with an action. It’s a choice. It’s a, you, Some people have gone through horrific, more horrific things than I, and some people hold on to unforgiveness for silly things too, right?

[00:15:49] We do. It depends on, on your metric, on, you know, But at the end of the day, you have to be with. And if you are struggling and you’re going through self sabotaging behaviors or you’re an all or nothing person, or you’re a perfectionist, or you’re going through these things that are stopping you from growing, you may wanna look into that.

[00:16:09] Yeah. And just choose. If Miriam had done something to me and I just choose to forgive Miriam, that doesn’t mean I got a ho. Go have coffee with Miriam. It doesn’t even mean that you have to do what I did. Right. That was just something I felt like I had to do. But that does not mean you have to do that.

[00:16:24] You can forgive them and move on. Yeah, choose it and sometimes choose it every day. Yeah. Must be real. It doesn’t just happen because you chose it. Yeah. No,

Control Fear

[00:16:35] Miriam – no. Those patterns in your brain of fear, and I’m gonna, I’m not saying you felt this, but people often feel fear or hatred or resentment or you know, terror, anxiety, all, you know, we mull over them and mull over them and they dig a path in our brain and I think the forgiveness process.

[00:16:55] And you would have to correct me if I’m wrong, is I choose to no longer mu over this anymore. Yeah. I release this, I release you. You know, whoever, you know, if you’re one of, if you are a believer in God, I have a strong faith as well. It’s like, God can deal with you. A my, my holding onto this isn’t punishing you anyway, whoever the you is, but B, it’s holding me hostage.

[00:17:24] Like when I talk to people, whether it is, it doesn’t matter your socioeconomic status, it doesn’t matter your gender, everybody wants to be happy. That’s what they say. You know, it’s like, and, and they go through different things trying to find happiness or joy. Yeah. Pretty much everybody. If you get like, Why?

[00:17:43] Why do you want this? Why do you want this? Why do you want, And you get it down to like the seventh, why? They’re like, Look, I just

[00:17:48] Neena – wanna be happy. Right? It’s like,

[00:17:50] Miriam –  okay, right. You’re not gonna be happy holding onto this thing that’s just around you. No matter what they did. You know, they may have stolen your past.

[00:18:01] Don’t let them steal your future.


[00:18:03] Neena – That’s it. Let it go. That’s it. I, I agree with that a thousand percent. And you know, I think. You also have to remember that you are in control of you. You’re in control of what you’re feeling. They might have done what they did. You have no control of that. You have no control of that.

[00:18:19] Yeah. But you do have control of you. Yes. And you also have to remember that there’s another strong piece to this, and it’s self forgiveness. Right. Because I think sometimes the most the, the hardest thing to do is to forgive yourself. Right. It’s, I, to me, it’s one of the most difficult things I had to do is to forgive myself for some choices that I had made that did not serve me well.

[00:18:42] Right? Yeah. Yeah. But the most important aspect of self-forgiveness is honoring yourself and knowing that you are, you are flawed, that you make mistakes and that it’s okay, you know, you don’t have to. You know, keep beating yourself up over the same mistake, but you can say, I made this mistake. And I’m gonna choose to forgive myself because I’m going to learn to change the tide here, love myself more, know I have one life, impact my life so I can impact others’ lives.

[00:19:11] It’s just as important as forgiving someone else. Oh my gosh.

High Performers

[00:19:15] Miriam –  I’m so glad you brought that up. That’s just so true. You know, my audience is primarily entrepreneurs and high performers, and so many times their drive. Comes from these spaces of whatever, abuse or hardship or neglect or whatever, and they said, You know, I grew up that way, but never again.

[00:19:37] And they don’t realize that that lack of self forgiveness, they think that that’s what makes them successful, right? And it’s like, no, you would be successful 10 x if you learned how to love yourself. And the people around you, whether it’s your team or your family, or you know, whoever, they would appreciate that too, because when you don’t love yourself, you don’t treat

[00:19:58] Neena: the people around you well.

 [00:20:37] Having Empathy

[00:20:37] Neena – Yeah. Well, you don’t have empathy, right? Yeah. And so and you, you miss a lot. You miss a lot, especially when you don’t forgive yourself. But one of the things happened when I, when I did this book, is I really had to forgive myself for, I, I had, I had abortions. I wrote, I wrote about it in the book. And and it hurt me for a very long time, but I just kind of suppress, suppress, suppress.

[00:20:58] And when I wrote the book, I had to confront it. And I remember talking to my husband at, at the dinner table. He’s like, What’s wrong? And I just broke like a dam. I was crying. It was bad. It was really bad. . He just sat there and held my aunt. But I realized that I needed that. I needed that. And I needed to say, You, my friends did the best you could with what you knew.

[00:21:20] Yes. And you got this. Yes, You got. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so I’m learning. I’m still learning. I’m still learning. But it’s a beautiful, beautiful journey. Yeah. I’m

[00:21:30] Miriam – pretty sure Michael Angelo said at the age of like, somewhere in his mid eighties co impor. I am still learning. And I love that. I love that, that, you know, I mean, unless we’re dead, I hope we’re always learning right day after day after day, you know?

[00:21:49] So take us down your list. What’s number three?

[00:21:53] Standing in Truth

[00:21:53] Neena – standing in truth. I believe that there is you know, when you are going through shame, then going through the forgiveness piece, it’s important that you stand in truth of those things as well. Like I said, distinguishing shame. With what’s yours and what’s not yours, Taking personal responsibility, right?

[00:22:14] Mm-hmm. Having forgiveness for the truth of what happened. Not, not sugarcoating it, not saying it didn’t happen, not trying to avoid it, but actually looking at it. So standing in truth. In truth is a real big thing for me. I don’t deny things. I don’t lie. Things I don’t sugarcoat. My show is called Straight Talk, No Sugar Added

[00:22:34] It, it, this, it’s just not gonna serve you well, right? And it’s not going to help you. It’s not going to help you push forward. In fact, it impedes you, it stops you from being able to. See and feel and experience what’s really happening around you. So when I wrote this book, you know, standing in truth was really important cuz remember my mom and stuff, they’re still alive.

[00:22:55] You know, so I had to write this book, but standing in which what was true, regardless of other people’s feelings of what was going to be exposed, you know? Wow. That was tough.

[00:23:07] Miriam –  That, that’s tough. That takes, again, so much courage. I know so many authors who wait until their parents die before they write the truth.

Owning It

[00:23:16] Neena –  I considered it, she read about a chapter. Called me a complete liar and threw the book and didn’t speak to me for like six months. Yeah, yeah. Wow. And that’s okay. I expected it. I expected that we’re okay now we’ve healed. But yeah, it was, it was a tough one cuz I, you know, it was something that, you know, I, I grew up, you respect your mom, you just respect your mom, right.

[00:23:39] And that’s just what you do. But writing the book, I think felt to her like a bit of a smack in the. Because I exposed it and saw, I went to go visit her. It was about six months after the book was written or so, and she was done with me. And so she said, You lied. You lied. I said, Why mom? Why, why did I lie?

[00:23:57] Well, you said this. I said, this happened, this happened, this happened. You know what happened? I said, Okay, so now that we’re actually gonna talk about it, or at least I am, We’re just gonna go ahead. I said, we’re just gonna go ahead and just, I’m just gonna lay it out. And I did. And she did not like it, and I didn’t wanna hurt her.

[00:24:12] That wasn’t the intention. No. The intention was we can’t keep denying and lying. When I grew up, Miriam, it was in our household. What happens stays in the house. It doesn’t matter if the, because she was also abused. So domestic violence, all of that was something I grew up around. Alcoholism, all of that stayed in the.


[00:24:33] It didn’t matter. It didn’t matter how many people he did it to. It didn’t matter who he touched. It didn’t matter what happened. He stayed, it stayed in the house, and that’s where it stayed. So when I did this, Woo, it was like she opened up our door. What’s going here? It was bad. I had a, Yeah, I had some pushback, for sure.

[00:24:52] Yeah.

[00:24:53] Miriam – Well, you broke. You broke a family rule. Keep keep it silent and I’m impressed. That you were able to work it out with her, Because sometimes people can’t, Sometimes people just need the other person to acknowledge that it all happened and whatever, and it just goes south. It’s a testimony to just your vibrant, loving spirit that you were able to work it out with her. So well done.

Part of Forgiveness

[00:25:17] Neena: I had to. I had to thank you. Yeah. It’s a part of the forgiveness piece. Mm-hmm. , right? It’s a part of the, Yeah, and when I also owned my. I didn’t apologize for that because I didn’t have anything to do with that. But I did apologize for the hard time I gave her as I grew up. I gave her a hard time, but I gave her a hard time cuz I was angry with her.

[00:25:36] Yeah. You know? Cause she didn’t protect me and so but I said to her, I said, You know, mom, I’m sorry I gave you, I gave you a run for your money. She goes, You know what? I’m sorry too. That was the first time I’m 50 that she has ever apologized. Wow. I know. I took it. I didn’t even, I didn’t ask for an explanation.

[00:25:56] I took the, I’m sorry. I held it in my heart and that’s it. Yeah. Oh my gosh. So

[00:26:05] good. That is so good.

[00:26:07] Let Go 

[00:27:39] Give Yourself Space

[00:27:39] Miriam –  I love it. It reminds I was talking to my admin yesterday and she, I was asking if she’d had a good weekend and she said, Oh yeah, we went through our closets and we got rid of all of these things we don’t need anymore.

[00:27:52] And I said, Isn’t it. Awesome. Now you have this space and this openness and it feels like you lost weight. And she’s like, I love it. That’s what you’re talking about in an emotional, spiritual, psychological, all of that. You just get rid of that garbage. You don’t, It’s not that you’re pushing it down under, cuz when you ignore it, it always comes back to bite you.

[00:28:15] In the end. It, you have to deal with it. .

[00:28:19] Neena –  That’s the hard part, being self-aware. Woo, This is fun. Talk .

[00:28:25] Miriam –  All right, number five.

[00:28:26] Dream Big

[00:28:26] Neena –  Dreaming big. Yes. I realized that I was a very small thinker. And a lazy thinker. And what I mean by that is, is I’ve allowed many, many things circumstances, situations, media, whatever it is, influence my thinking and we follow along with the crowd.

[00:28:49] I’ve gone against a lot of things in my life. That’s why I’ve always been known as a straight talker. But there were things that I was accepting as my thoughts and belief systems that weren’t. So I’ve had to discover that for myself.

I decided that I’m going to stop being a small thinker and a lazy thinker. and that I’m gonna be somebody who actually does the research myself, checks things out for myself, does the reading for myself. and then open up my mind to dream big It has been that.

This whole process has all gone together, overcoming the shame learning to forgive standing in my truth. All of this is, is culminated to dreaming big, right? So that I can open up my space to all the different things that I need and want in my life, right? Yeah. So I, I think that all of this, at least for me, writing this, writing, just my autobiography alone, And I’ve written a couple of other little books here and there, but that one really helped me to dream Big Miriam and.

[00:29:52] Letting all those things go, like I, like I talked about, has, has really gotten me from a mindset of poverty, which I always had. I was always struggling and lacking and struggling and lacking. Even though I work really hard, it has nothing to do with that, right? Mm-hmm. . It’s just that I never thought I deserved more.

Open Your Mind

[00:30:11] Yeah. I just never thought that, and so now, Opening up your mind and dreaming like, Oh wow, I can actually, Why can’t I attain things in my life? Why can’t I serve others? Yes. You know, why can’t I have the things that others have? I never thought I could. And it was because I was just focused on working. I had to work, pay the bills, take care of my kids, work, pay the bills, take care of my kids, works.

[00:30:36] And I never looked up, you know, to take a deep breath. Yeah. And then when I did, All hell broke loose because Nina was like, All right, let’s go. So my goodness, year now, every year I dream big. Every year I get up, I say, Okay, this year, what am I going to do differently than I did last year? And that happened Miriam, because I used to journal.

[00:31:01] And when I opened up my journals, I realized that all I had to do was erase the number and put the new date in for the new year because it was a. every year. And I said,

[00:31:13] That’s a little shocking. That’s a wake up call. It was

[00:31:16] a wake up call. Yeah. And I realized every year I now dream a little bit bigger.

[00:31:21] Every year. A little bit

[00:31:22] Miriam – LeaveBetter Podcast Ep. 19: bigger. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:31:24] Boundaries

[00:31:24] Miriam –  Can you give an example of thinking small versus thinking a little bit bigger that isn’t necessarily. Monetary. I wanna give, you know, I, I feel like I’m tracking with you. I know what you’re talking about. You’re speaking my language, , but I want some concrete examples.

[00:31:43] You know, I used to think this way and it was a series of steps, but now I think this way,

[00:31:52] Neena –  you know I think that one of the things that I’ve learned is boundaries. Boundaries was a big one for me. I didn’t have. Right. Because my boundaries were crossed since I was a child, right? And so I didn’t really have boundaries.

[00:32:09] I was either very angry or very submissive, you know what I’m saying? So it was, it was like really opposite spectrums. And I realized that I was always the yes person, the people pleaser, the, you know, going there, you know? And yeah, I fought some people, but most of the time if I really wanted you to like me, or if I wouldn’t really wanted to be accepted, Then I would be over the top serving all the time, doing all the, to the point of my exhaustion.

[00:32:37] Yeah. Right.

[00:32:37] Miriam –  What did you, you learn that you could say no to? Boundaries are like my pet project. I love Boundaries. Boundaries. Is


[00:32:44] Neena – it? Oh, I love that. I love that. You know, I learned that I don’t ha, I didn’t have to be everybody. This is just small, but I didn’t have to be everybody’s taxi. Right, because my family didn’t have a car.

[00:32:56] I was the one with the car. It was like, Oh, can you pick me up here? Can you drop me off there? Can you pick me up? And then one day I was like, No. What, what? What did you say? ? Right? The answer was no. And I, and I, and let me tell you, it’s not easy, Miriam. I hung up the phone and I felt this overwhelming guilt.

[00:33:18] Yeah. You know, like, Oh my gosh, that was not nice, you know? Yeah. And then I said, No, you sit your behind right here. What does this feeling feel like? And this is before I knew about self development. This is just me talking to myself. What does this feel like? Why does you feel this way? Is this really the truth?

[00:33:36] This is me talking to me like, before I even knew what self development was, but I realized that every time you, you put a boundary, Not only are they gonna be uncomfortable, you are going to be uncomfortable. Yes. Yeah. You have to learn to be uncomfortable, you know? Yes. Because your life gets a hell of a lot easier, Miriam, Let me tell you.

[00:33:59] Nobody calls me today, .

[00:34:03] Be OK with Discomfort

[00:34:03] Miriam – I don’t. Know why in our era, our country, our society, you know, if you’re in PE or you have an athletic trainer, they tell you if you work out this muscle, you’re gonna be sore, drink a lot of water, it’s gonna be sore. It’s not a big deal, it’s just normal.

[00:34:24] But nobody tells you when you stretch yourself emotionally. Yeah, it’s gonna be uncomfortable. And what you described, you did such a good job of describing how it feels. When you give someone a legitimate no, it’s legitimate. You aren’t everyone’s taxi driver. And I remember the first time I told somebody I was no longer going to be attending all these meetings and they looked at me like I was crazy.

[00:34:51] I said, I still wanna be involved. Send me the minutes. I’m not gonna attend these meetings anymore. And my gosh, Yeah. My life, it was one of the best decisions I ever made in my life. Right? You know, . But for a while there was that feeling of, Oh, are they gonna be mad at me? And how is this gonna look to people and blah, blah.

[00:35:12] And you have to get over that space and say, Now I’m not talking about being a selfish jerk. The people who need boundaries are like, Oh, I can’t. I can’t, I can’t. The people who don’t need boundaries are already selfish saying no to everything. If you say no constantly. You do a little evaluation and find out if you can be a little more giving.

[00:35:33] But in general, most people don’t understand actual boundaries where I end and where you begin. Where you end. Yeah, where I begin.

[00:35:46] You Can Say No

[00:35:46] Neena – LeaveBetter Podcast Ep. 19: Well, now I just say no is a complete sentence. Because what, what used to happen, and I think, I don’t know if this is more women, but it it because I work more with women.

[00:35:55] I think it is, and you know, from what I’ve observed is that we tend to say no with an explanation. And and I’ve given the women that I’ve been working with permission to just say, no. Without the explanation unless it’s needed. Right, Right. Cause you don’t have to be rude. No. But but if you’re saying no and the person’s like all offended and all over the place, cuz you’re saying no, you don’t have to explain.

[00:36:17] That’s their emotion. And they need to deal with that emotion. Yes, Yes. And you need to be okay. And I think that’s the hardest thing, at least for the women I’ve worked with and myself, was to say no. Pause, like, just literally just stop my mouth from speaking, right? Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. , but boundaries has been a beautiful, beautiful thing to learn.

[00:36:39] I’m sure I still have some to do, but the, the great part was, is that I started it in my life, but it has transitioned to my work as well. I’ve of course put boundaries up. I have to. Absolutely.

[00:36:50] Miriam – LeaveBetter Podcast Ep. 19: You have to. Otherwise it takes over your whole life. It does, yeah. And there are so many ways. I love your sentence that you don’t have to give a reason.

Make and Keep Commitments with Yourself

[00:36:59] I echo that a thousand times. There are other ways you can say, You can also say no. You can say no, but thank you for asking. Yeah. Or you can say can I get back with you in 24 hours? And then you can say no when you’re not with them. Some like the straight up no is a hard one for people to learn. They have to work up to that.

[00:37:22] Yeah. So there’s some, there’s some no steps that are, you can be gracious and not let the other person run your life. I can remember teaching people. , you can say, No, I’m sorry. I have a commitment already. That commitment doesn’t have to be to someone else. Sometimes that commitment was to myself. Mm-hmm.

[00:37:45] I had already said, I’m gonna spend X amount of time doing whatever. It wasn’t open space for someone else to run in and just, you know, run all over it. I’m a big fan of, of being truthful. And that was the truest thing. I actually had a commitment to myself, and when you keep commitments to yourself, then your shoulders go back and you walk a little taller and you value yourself differently.

[00:38:12] So I love, love, love. It’s so true that you’re a boundary person.

[00:38:17] Neena –  Yeah, I am . I’ve grown to be right. I wasn’t always, but you know, I think anybody, even in business, you know, you don’t have to, I always say that everything that glitters isn’t gold, right? Mm-hmm. . And so you know, one of the things that’s I think more difficult for entrepreneurs and, and leaders and stuff is to say no to another, yet another opportunity.


[00:38:38] Yeah, another opportunity, right? Yes. Because there’s thousands of them. You know, sometimes, especially if you’re on the online space, you’re gonna get bombarded with emails and texts and messages about go join this group and that group and join here and go this. And if you don’t learn to say no. Or this is not for me right now, you know?

[00:38:58] You are going to run yourself ragged and you’re gonna get very frustrated. I know. I was, yeah. I was trying to join everybody’s group that I liked them as people, so I joined everything. But then I realized that I felt bad at the end because I couldn’t commit to it all. Yes. Right, right. So it’s a boundary to you too, like you said, maybe committing to.

[00:39:18] And just saying no, because you need to, because you can’t say yes to

[00:39:21] everything

[00:39:22] Miriam – because we’re finite. We’re human beings. We are not, you know, digital bits that can be just, you know, shaved into smaller and smaller pieces. Right. It’s like we’re, we’re living and we need open space and we need time to reflect.

[00:39:38] We need time to connect with the people we love. We need the time to do our. own Jobs

[00:39:44] and it’s so easy to, at different junctures in your life, to be the yes man or woman where it’s like whatever the other person you wanna be liked and you wanna help and you want you, and then you lose your way. Mm-hmm. , so.

[00:39:59] Mm-hmm. , this has been really, really good.

[00:40:01] Noisy World

[00:40:01] Miriam – LeaveBetter Podcast Ep. 19: Tell me about some of the things that you are, maybe the concepts you’re chewing on right now, like in, at present day.

[00:40:09] Neena – LeaveBetter Podcast Ep. 19: Yeah, I’m thinking about a lot of things, right?

[00:40:11] So it’s getting busier and so now I have to start making some choices. Yes. You know, of how I will manage that calendar and, and schedule. Because you know what, Miriam, I also discovered that it’s very noisy in this world.

[00:40:24] It’s getting very noisy in my calendar. Yeah. So I, so that’s what I’m chewing on right now. How do I want to also be good to self, good to myself, good to my spouse, right? My children are all adults now, thank God. But my husband still needs time too. And when I’m coming home every day, like, sorry, got a coaching call.

[00:40:44] Sorry, babe, about dinner, you know, is in the pot. I’m gonna go downstairs. That’s not good either, right? No. So that’s what I’m chewing on my, my boundaries in life, you know, what I’m going to bring to the table, to this world, and what’s the best way for me to show up. I also try to now put everything in perspective of is it serving me or not serving me?

[00:41:04] And so I’m really just expanding who I am as a human being. Yeah.

Shed Your Shell

[00:41:09] Miriam –  Yeah. I appreciate you sharing that. The it, I mean, some people don’t like these analogies, but in order for a crab to get bigger, it has to shed its shell, you know, it breaks that shell and then it comes out and it’s all pink and soft and then it gets a new shell that’s bigger.

[00:41:27] I love that a snail has to like come out and go into a new one, or, I mean, not to get gross, but bugs have to do it too. And snakes like we have. Crack open pieces of us and get rid of it in order to move into that next phase, that next space, that next level. And part of moving into that next level is saying that used to serve me that idea that habits, that behavior, that relationship.

[00:41:56] And I’m grateful for it, but it isn’t taking me into this next space in life that’s, right You know, and that’s right. If we believe that we’re here for a purpose, each of us is looking for that space, How do I maximize why I’m here? How do I, not in a bad way, but how do I earn the oxygen that I breathe? What, what makes it worth me?

[00:42:20] You know, taking up this space. It’s this giving to the other people. It’s giving to the people in your, you know, your immediate area, your spouse. I, I really appreciate that you talked about

[00:42:32] Neena – LeaveBetter Podcast Ep. 19: that.

[00:42:33] Miriam – LeaveBetter Podcast Ep. 19: If you’re serving all of them and you lose this close to you mm-hmm. , that’s no good,

Find Order in Your Life

[00:42:38] Neena –  right? Mm-hmm. , Well, I was always like that.

[00:42:41] I was always like driven to work really hard, you know, like give my blood, sweat and tears to everything I put myself into. If my marriage is falling apart, that doesn’t make any sense because at the end of the day, he’s the one that takes care of me when I’m not. Not my job, not my company, not my business, none of that.

[00:42:58] My husband does. Yeah. Yeah. And so he comes first. It’s God, then my family, then it’s business work, all that stuff. Right? So that’s, that’s the order in my life. And and you know, I think I do a, a practice where I think things in my life, so like the old thinking, like you just said, you know, You know.

[00:43:16] Thank you for having, I actually do. I thank it. Yeah. I. The abuse in my life because it’s made me the strong woman that I am today, and I learned a lot from it. I learned not to be abused. It showed me how to see abuse in others to see if I can help in some way. Mm-hmm. , you know? Mm-hmm. , I’ve learned to pour into nonprofits that work with domestic violence.

Invest in You

[00:43:36] Right. So, So I think that issue, I think that experience, I don’t wanna go back to it, but I thank it. Right? Yeah. Same thing with the old ways of thinking. You know what, I used to think before that I, I thought you could squirrel away nickels and dimes to try to save some money to be, you know, wealthy. One day was actually making me impoverished until I realized that I needed to invest in me.

[00:44:00] Mm-hmm. and. You know, and so when I took my investment and I put it in my education and I put it in me, and I put it in my business, now I’m thrive. , right? Because I got out of the squirrly. Small thinking. Yes. And I think we all have to do it one step, one, one degree at a time. One step at a time. It’s taking 15 years.

[00:44:19] It’s not like I just got up as like you, I got this. No, . Not how that happens. No,

[00:44:25] Miriam – LeaveBetter Podcast Ep. 19: But I would bet that there was an aspect of I got this. For that time, that age of you, that version of you Oh yeah. Got that nugget and you ran with it, and now this age of you and this version of you is getting the nugget and running with it.

[00:44:43] Do It Afraid

[00:44:43] Miriam – LeaveBetter Podcast Ep. 19: Before we end, what, what would you tell your younger self? If you could just say something straight to her, what would you say?

[00:44:51] Neena – LeaveBetter Podcast Ep. 19: Do it afraid. Do it anyway. Just do it anyway. Cuz I used to live a lot in fear. Of getting in trouble, fear of getting hurt, fear of what will happen to me.

[00:45:03] I always say to myself, Listen girl, you’ve got this. Do it afraid. Do it. You got this. Oh, I love that,

[00:45:11] Miriam – LeaveBetter Podcast Ep. 19: Nina, thank you so, so much. My audience knows that we do a donation in your name to one of four charities you chose Best Friend’s Animal Sanctuary because you said that you had rescued quite a few dogs and cats.

[00:45:26] So we’re gonna do that in your name. Thank you for this time and just your wisdom and your enthusiasm. What a joy. And you better believe I’m gonna be. You know, knocking on your door, you know, six months or a year from now and saying, Hey, let’s do this again.

[00:45:42] Neena – LeaveBetter Podcast Ep. 19: This was good. This was so fun. Thank you for having me, Miriam.

[00:45:46] Thank you. You’re welcome.

End Credits

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Music by Tom Sherlock.

head shot Miriam Gunn

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As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to address your concerns.