Everyday Excellence—Transcript Joe Templin
Joe Templin—Everyday Excellence!
8.1.22 Joe Templin [Recorded 6_28_22]
To hear the episode Everyday Excellence with Joe Templin, click here.
[00:00:00] All right. People. I’m so excited to have Joe Templin with us today and I’m going to he’s so diverse already, rather than me introduce him. I’m gonna let him introduce himself. So tell me some salient things about yourself.
[00:00:15] Intro
[00:00:15] So I’m a auto didactic, poly mass. As a kid, I told my mom, I wanted to learn everything.
[00:00:24] I became a physicist. I eventually became a financial advisor, but I was focused on the technical. I was one of the few people who had actually read the entire tax vote. I built my reputation off of being smarter than everybody else. I built my reputation as martial artist as being faster and having greater endurance than everybody.
Speed Fades
[00:00:43] And eventually. Speed fades. I don’t care if you’re a 99 mile per hour fastball throwing pitcher. I don’t care if you’re a martial artist. I don’t care if it’s your mental acuity. Eventually you’re not gonna be the golden child, the [00:01:00] child prodigy, you know, the gifted one, people are gonna come up on you. So you need to learn to develop.
[00:01:07] Synthetic intelligence, where you can take multiple ideas and put them together to be able to have better things and better insight. And you need to listen and understand, and that allows us to be able to serve others better. Give me a little bit of a trail of how you got from a to B and what you’re doing currently.
[00:01:28] Right now at eight years old, I told my mom who is a former nun and in college professor in biology that I wanted to learn everything there was to. So she told me, well, you better get to work. So that’s sort of my attitude, a lot of things, we became very self-reliant in a lot of ways, my mom used to kick us outside and say, you know, have fun.
Don’t Die
[00:01:48] Don’t die, which is why I tell my kids. And I don’t wanna see you until lunchtime. 13. I started college cuz my parents said 12 was too young at 12 actually though I started doing TaeKwonDo. Eventually got my black belt won [00:02:00] an international championship. So that taught me a lot about discipline, hard work resilience overcoming.
[00:02:06] Cause I’ve had more than my share of injuries. I started college at 13, as I said at Hopkins. Then I went to John RPI, worked for a department of defense. I’m doing advanced laser research. That was really cool. You know, thank you star wars for influencing my life like that. Finish that up. There was an unexpected tragedy.
[00:02:24] We lost our family farm. So I went to financial advising, which combined with my background in TaeKwonDo really brought me into. Performance psychology and sales psychology, which eventually brought me into behavioral economics running my own business. I was training, developing other people, led more into training development, which led consulting.
Books, Books, and More Books
[00:02:43] I wrote a bunch of books along the way, and then that eventually all combined. Led to everyday excellence, which was part of the way that I dealt with pandemic and everything else going on there. Oh, along the way, I also picked up ultra marathons. So, you know, most I’ve done a day is a hundred [00:03:00] kilometers.
[00:03:00] I was training for 125 kilometer race when I broke my leg earlier this year. So I’m just starting to get back in. Wow. Tell me why you like to do podcasts. Podcasts in my mind are really like two people sitting down having a cup of coffee or an adult beverage and allowing other individuals to essentially be the fly on the wall for the conversation.
[00:03:22] Yes. So they can be very organic. There might be a couple of points that we actually wanna hit, but it allows us to explore new ideas and concepts that the listeners can get a lot of benefit from. I agree. I have no natural athletic ability. You know, I run ultra marathons. I am not the fastest person around by far, and I’m definitely not a beautiful runner, but I don’t stop.
[00:03:49] Marathons and Business
[00:03:49] And to get to the point of being able to do an ultra marathon, you’ve gotta do all this work beforehand to be a successful business owner. You gotta do all this work beforehand. You know, it’s like [00:04:00] practicing an instrument. Or learning a language. A lot of it is repetition and just doing it. I don’t care if you’ve got an IQ of 90.
[00:04:09] Or 150, if you do the work consistently, you’re gonna be successful. I care about your effort and your attitudes. Good, consistent effort, and good attitude. You’re gonna be incredibly successful in no matter where you apply it is those. Mindsets and skill sets that I think are most appropriate. And so I teach those to financial advisors, business owners, people who are trying to become successful in various capacities.
Having An Excellent Life
[00:04:38] And those are really the core. Of having an excellent life in a lot of ways, having a good effort and good attitude, you know, good attitude means that you’re going to find the silver line. You’re going to be able to know, all right, life knocks you down, you stand back up and you keep going. You know, it’s the re development [00:05:00] component of resilience, which ultimately is one of the greatest determinants of your.
[00:05:07] Where you end up and how much you enjoy life along the way. That’s right. It’s all about the grit, right? Exactly. And the stick to, and the mindset, the growth mindset. I mean, you’re talking about really important concepts. My dad taught me when I was in grad school. In any situation, whether it’s reading a book or attending a conference or taking a class or an interaction with another person, always look for the.
Look for the one thing
[00:05:33] Look for that one thing that you can use to make yourself better, to improve your insight, to apply in your business or your personal life. So whenever I’m working with somebody, it’s like, all right, if I can have one good idea to help them out, if I can extract one, you know, interesting piece or good idea.
[00:05:51] Or phrase from this situation that I can then add to myself. This has been a great time because I am better [00:06:00] and I have shared something and ideas are one of those things where it’s like lighting a candle. I can light your candle and it doesn’t diminish mine at all. I can give you an idea. And now if you give me an idea, we both have more ideas than we started with.
Lighting someone else’s candle
[00:06:15] Neither of us has lost anything. In fact, maybe we can get some synthetic discussion going. Absolutely you lighting someone else’s candle does not diminish your own. That feels really wise. I would love an idea of how you saw yourself self sabotaging in the past or now, and what you did to sort of overcome that
[00:06:38] Recognizing Your Own Self-Sabotage
[00:06:38] as much as I try.
[00:06:39] Sometimes I’m a jerk. Okay. I will say things that really don’t need to be said, or shouldn’t be said partially because I’m frustrated partially because I’m angry at really at watching other people, you know, hurt themselves and the people around them. And that makes me. That really gets [00:07:00] under my skin. And, you know, I can be very short tempered when I was a kid.
[00:07:04] I had a very bad temper. I’ve worked on it for decades. So, I mean, I have interfered with my own capacity in numerous ways in the times where you are. Who you want to be? What is it you’re doing differently sometimes it’s, it’s better to not say anything. Yes. And that’s a sign of maturity is not to send the long text back.
[00:07:28] Not even to say, okay, sometimes you just read it and you move on. Mm-hmm even when it hurts.
[00:07:34] Practice Every Single Day
[00:07:34] Well, I was first building my financial services business. There were 11 of us who started at the same time. They were all had better networks, everyone, you know, better skills than I did, but I had the discipline. I was told, do X, I did X plus.
[00:07:50] Now I was told that I needed to keep 15 appointments a week. So I kept 18. I can get better. And I practice every single day. I had a [00:08:00] fake fish in my office that I practiced my language on every single day that fish never gave me an introduction. He never gave me an appointment. He never bought anything from me, but I practiced every single day on him.
Growing Through Sales
[00:08:14] And so my sales skills accelerated past everybody else. Wow. At the end of the, of a year, there were four of us left. I was number one. I’m not you put in the reps. I put, I put in the reps. Yeah. Just sure you got some of that put in the reps from your farm or your TaeKwonDo or both. Absolutely.
[00:08:33] Absolutely. And in fact, a lot of it came from my training as a classical cellist. My cello teacher, Kara Dolan, you know, taught me. You need to practice every single day. In fact, he said, if I don’t practice one day, I notice if I don’t practice two days in a row. The critics notice if I don’t practice three days in a row, the public notices.
I still practice
[00:08:56] So even on a weekend, I’d still practice my [00:09:00] language because come Monday, I needed to be in front of the public. And my TaeKwonDo master Daniel Grant taught me something years and years before Malcolm Gladwell talked about the 10,000 hour rule was that you have to do a technique a hundred times to do.
[00:09:17] You need to do a thousand times to understand it. And 10,000 times to master it, you know, every single morning I still get up and I do the same basic punch that I learned 35 plus years ago, I do it a hundred plus times each hand. And at this point I have done it over 10 million times. I don’t have to think.
Do The Reps
[00:09:36] And that’s one of the reasons I’m faster still than guys. Half my age is because I continue to do those basic reps. Just for curiosity’s sake. Why do you continue that now? What does the TaeKwonDo practice in the morning do for you? Well, it helps set my mind and body for the day. So cause every day you need to work on your mind, body and spirit.
[00:09:58] And so I get up [00:10:00] four, 15 ish in the morning and I sit down and have my cup of coffee. I read some stuff. I, I actually brain dump anything. That’s in my head cuz when you sleep is when you process a lot of stuff. So I write real quick. Whatever’s in there. I read. So I have stuff in me and then I go and I do two miles and do my TaeKwonDo every single morning.
I Write Again
[00:10:19] And I sit down and I write again. Because now my mind and body and spirit have been processing stuff. And so I’m inspired by why I had read earlier or why I listened to while I was running. And so it gives me something to then work on. And so by six o’clock in the morning, I have been more productive than most people are for an entire day when I had my breakfast shower up.
[00:10:41] Boom. And I’m. At that point, then you’re on podcasts all over the world. I’m writing, I’m working on analysis stuff. I’m burning YouTube videos, whatever it is, and I’m going. So by the time nine o’clock rolls around, I have [00:11:00] already accomplished the equivalent in the entire business day. I’m just getting better.
More Energy?
[00:11:04] Yeah. Yeah. Do you think that your particular physiology. That you have an extraordinary amount of energy or do you feel like anybody could have that amount of energy? If they did X? I think that most people can have it. It’s like, you know, the cover on the book has this cool nonlinear growth curve. Right?
[00:11:26] Mm-hmm so not, you know, I did not start running marathons until I did my first one right before my 30th. Because I said, if I won’t do it by the time I turned 30, I’m never doing one. So I had a deadline on the calendar, which a lot of people need, but you ramp up. So you don’t go from sitting on the couch, eating Cheetos, trying a marathon, you get up, put your shoes on, you run a couple of miles.
Run a couple of miles
[00:11:47] Then a couple days later, you run slightly more and you accumulate the miles on you so that your body can adjust to the. Same thing with martial arts, you don’t, you know, go and start doing a full split right away, cause that would [00:12:00] hurt or you know, training for an hour. You need to build up to that mentally.
You Need to Build Up
[00:12:05] You need to build up. When I first started in financial services, I wasn’t keeping three appointments per day. I was lucky to keep one, but kept hammering at it. And that one per day became two, became three became eventually the point where, where I was averaging 5.1 appointments kept per. So you build up to that and you build the staff around it and you need to sleep and you need to have the proper nutrition and you need to feed your mind properly.
[00:12:29] And you just develop this habit of excellence. It’s like in good, great, Jim Collins talks about the fly wheel gang and going gang it going. And then once you get up to a particular level, it’s much easier to maintain it. So anybody can gap five minutes. Anybody can work out for an additional five minutes per day.
[00:12:48] That starts compounding,
[00:12:51] Message from LeaveBetter
[00:12:51] Hey, this is Miriam jumping back in. Are you looking to go to the next level in your life or business? Right now? That’s what lead better is about my friend. We give [00:13:00] you the coaching to level up, have those breakthroughs so you can stop the self sabotage that keeps you where you are currently.
[00:13:06] Let’s make self-improvement a way of life. Go to leaf, better.com and download the free resource that’s there today. We change them regularly. So go and see what’s new at leaf, better.com. Now back to our interview, that starts compounding because let’s say that you’re working out for 20 minutes a day on average.
No Goose Eggs
[00:13:28] Well, then you one make sure that you get a minimum amount every single day. So no goose eggs. That’s very important in your business. No goose eggs, no zeros for the day. Yeah. Have to accomplish something, but also ramping up that workout. So you’re getting five minutes, minimum per day, then 10 minutes minimum per day, a week later.
[00:13:46] And then you’re doing 30 minutes on. Every single day, then you take that 30 to 35 and that’s a couple weeks later that 35 to 40, and you’re changing your sleeping patterns a little bit. And you’re designed to eat a little bit healthier because you realize that eating [00:14:00] nachos, you know, for three meals a day is probably not the best thing for you.
Happier, healthier
[00:14:03] You know, you start having cheese was going through your veins. So you start making these little changes and they add up and after three months people are like, Hey, what are you doing, dude? You’re looking good. Yes. And you’re feeling good and your production at work’s going up and your friends are noticing that you’re happier, you’re healthier.
[00:14:24] And it’s just those little compounded changes that James Claire talks about atomic habits, but you gotta keep doing them. And it’s that consistency because you’re gonna have bad days. You’re gonna have days where you’re like, you know, F it, I just wanna sit here and, you know, drink beer and eat nachos.
[00:14:42] Shift Your Mindset
[00:14:42] What do you think is the difference between people who care about high performance? You mentioned the name, James clear, and anybody who is interested in business or self-improvement knows the name. You mentioned Jim Collins, anybody in business knows the [00:15:00] name. but a lot of people don’t, you know, I think a lot of people don’t know the names is because I saw this from pew pure charitable trust that the average American, after they finish their education, so high school or college or grad school or whatever reads on average, less than two books a year.
People Don’t Read
[00:15:17] Ugh, that’s a travesty. That’s the problem right there. That is a travesty. And you don’t need to read a book necessarily. I mean, you can go on YouTube and there are literally hundreds of thousands of books there that you can listen to while you’re doing the dishes, which is one of the things that I do.
[00:15:33] Or while you’re driving to the office, you know, you can read graphic novel to be able to get good stuff. I mean, audio, there are so many ways to consume information at this point. But people don’t want to, they want the distraction. They wanna turn their brain off after eight hours of work. And so Dr.
[00:15:52] Carol Dweck in her analysis said that roughly only about 40% of grown up Americans have a growth mindset. [00:16:00] Now here’s the thing. Every single baby has a growth mindset. Babies are sponges. They absorb the world, they see people walking and they, you know, stand up and they try and to, and they fall down, they get back up and they do it again.
[00:16:11] They toddle and they fall down and they do it again and again, and eventually they’re pushing the chairs over and they’re climbing up to get the cookie truck. Why aren’t adults, cookie truck, wiring adults, big people. As I say, climbing up to get that cookie jar because they failed and they. You know what?
[00:16:26] I really don’t want that cookie jar, they settle. And as I said to one of my friends in, in terms of relationship, advice, better to be alone than just. Mm. Okay. You want that? Go get it. It might take you a while, but you, they give the same medal in the marathon to the person who does it in two hours and 15 minutes as somebody, it takes five hours and 30 minutes doesn’t matter.
David Goggins
[00:16:52] You still want the 26.2, you still get the same thing. So David Goggins talks about the fact that he’s stupid in to be able to, [00:17:00] you know, learn things for classes. He had to write it. Eight 10 times to do it. I know some people who that’s, how, what they had to do to pass the CFP exam. So even if it takes more time, more reps, then do it.
[00:17:15] So I’m naturally talented in terms of the academics. I can learn a lot of stuff and be able to do it, but you know what? I’m not task naturally talented in terms of the physical component. That’s what I did. I was not naturally gifted. Cellist. So I practiced and practiced and practiced and practiced in repetition to it.
You Have To Want It
[00:17:32] The, if it takes you five reps to do something instead of two reps to get it. So be it it’s worth it. Yeah. Yeah. I think the big issue is you have to want it. You have to want it enough. Do you have any thoughts on how to fan the flame on desire? You need to find something that gives that spark. So, as NCHE said, [00:18:00] a man who has a strong enough, why will overcome any, how, you know, if a car falls on a kid, the parent is gonna suddenly turn into Superman or wonder one, pick that car up, right?
[00:18:10] Because it is that I. As I think, I think it was Diana. You know, when learning is as important as breathing, when you quest for knowledge, that much, when you’re desperate for it, you will find a way to learn between Khan academy and YouTube and the rest of the internet. Literally anybody can learn anything.
[00:18:32] Yeah. The entire world of knowledge is out there. MIT’s got their entire undergraduate curriculum available for. Wow. Why don’t people take advantage of this? Why don’t people look? Why don’t people learn? Cause they don’t care, but if something interests them, they’ll go down their rabbit. They’ll spend two hours on the internet looking for stuff, or they’ll spend hours on TikTok scrolling.
Just Find Stuff That Interests You
[00:18:56] Just find stuff that interests you and just start [00:19:00] in life. Everybody’s focused on. Doing the big quest, cause it’s like a video game. They wanna get to the castle, save the princess, get all the gold and all that. But you know what? It’s not a straight path. Sometimes you gotta take the side quest.
[00:19:13] Sometimes you gotta go to the Tavern and talk to the weird old man that’s me typically, you know, sometimes you actually need to rest and recover some you’re buildinging resources. You’re getting allies. You’re getting you know, capital, but people aren’t trying to even understand what that request is, because if you have that vision, that thing that you’re trying to work for, that really excites you, you are going to overcome anything that gets in your way to do it.
People get tied up
[00:19:42] So people, unfortunately. They get too tied up. They do their nine to five. They come home. They watch Desperate Housewives or, you know, 90-Day-fiance and they eat their high fat food and they feel like crap. And then they’re just too tired cuz there’s nothing. [00:20:00] Sparking that. Yeah. So I tell people college or university is like the giant Smorgasburg, go try the 900 types of tacos, go join the juggling club, you know, take a class in something on a pass fail basis that excites you.
[00:20:16] I mean, Steve jobs dropped out college and took a CMY class. And that’s the reason why we got all the cool fonts on the Macintosh, which now are in word. So because of that, we have. All these other things. So just explore. I mean, one of my friends in my fraternity got me back into TaeKwonDo and look where I am today because of that, another friend introduced me to holography and I went and really did some cool stuff there.
The Nobel Laureate
[00:20:41] And then I got a chance to meet a Nobel prize Laureate. And one of my best friends that I met from that. Is now this big shot in a publicly traded company doing awesome laser technology. And so I talked to him once every two weeks or so, and it’s really insightful because of that, you know, side [00:21:00] interest that I took a chance on exploring for a little bit.
[00:21:03] And you know what, if you explore it and you don’t like it, no harm, no foul. It’s not like you spent tens of thousands of dollars to pursue something like that. You know, you spend a little bit of time. Right. What I hear you talking about is fanning the flame of your own curiosity that you have to nurture that muscle.
[00:21:23] Fan the Flame of Curiosity
[00:21:23] And I find that people get progressively less curious when they’re too stressed. And so part of this is learning how to manage stress so that you can fan the flame of the curiosity. What concept or idea are you currently chewing on? So I write every single day, in fact, between. My various writing projects, I’m probably writing three or four pages every single day on different subjects.
[00:21:50] So I explore a lot of things right now. I am playing with Emily Dickinson in terms of her cadence. Another thing is I’m looking at [00:22:00] cross-training techniques to be able to accelerate healing. I’ve got a commitment that I want to win. A race in my age division in the age 100 plus division, which means I gotta live that long.
Basically Dead
[00:22:12] And the only reason why I think I can win one then is because everyone else will basically dead. So it’s you know, war of attrition essentially, but it’s forcing me to evaluate lifestyle and all this, and I’ve got teenage kids. So I am constantly, constantly looking to, okay, what’s going on in their world in terms of.
[00:22:32] Media in terms of what they’re exploring. So these are sort of things that currently I’m interested. One of the things that Einstein said is to maintain the curiosity of a child is the essence of genius. So I hang out with seven year old boys through Cub Scouts all the time. So I get down my knee. I look ’em eye and eye.
[00:22:52] We talk about our favorite dinosaurs and what cool socks I’m wearing. Yeah, I, I heard in a general sense, the things you’re [00:23:00] talking about, you’re curious about your health and your children and communication, all the nuances of that, that anybody who’s listening, who says, well, my life doesn’t look like his, or I don’t have that kind of energy or I’m not doing well.
Curiosity about your own life
[00:23:16] You, you have that same curiosity about your own life, your own health, your own children, your own business. We don’t have to be exactly like each other to learn from one another. No, nobody wants to be like me and I don’t want other people like me cuz I probably hate them. I’d be like, dude, calm down. What sort of beliefs or actions kind of made the biggest impact on you as a leader?
[00:23:39] Like maybe from a leader to you and then as you look at leading others, One of the big things was the old scout leader who retired during COVID. After 35 years did this thing. When my oldest was just first joined Cub Scouts and he always did this, he would get down on one knee [00:24:00] and be eye to eye with the kid.
[00:24:02] They were the most important thing in the entire world. Then at that point, and that kid felt heard and seen, and somebody was communicating on their level. Yeah. And so from a leadership point of view, know, I don’t care if I’m talking with my friend, who’s a CEO of fortune 500 company or somebody who is 19 years old.
Getting on their level
[00:24:25] And in college I’m going to literally get, or my seven year old Scouts, I’m going to get on their level, look at them eye to eye and make them understand that at that time they’re the most important person in the. Yeah. And that I believe in them and their capability, even if what we’re trying to do is beyond them at the moment they can grow into it and I need them to become the best bet they can be.
[00:24:55] I need to understand what they need from me to achieve those things, [00:25:00] because then we both. Yeah, well spoken, throw out the top three to five things. Your parents taught you have fun. Don’t die. that’s very important. Suck it up. Learn that from my mom. Everyone thinks I learned that in my train. Now my mom taught me that always do the right thing.
[00:25:19] Hmm. Another thing my mom taught me was when you’re having a bad day, go help somebody else. From my dad that, you know, always look for the part, this question is too faceted. Normally I just ask people to tell me about a book that they would highly recommend. You’re someone who’s written. Excellent. That’s right.
Everyday Excellence
[00:25:39] So give a small blurb on your book and then tell me about another book someone else wrote that you would recommend. Okay. So everyday excellence. I call it multivitamin for life because we all have these different dimensions of our lifestyle report. We have our physical health, our mental health, our spiritual health.
[00:25:57] We have our occupation, we have our relationships, we [00:26:00] have our communication ability, you know, so we’ve got all these different parts to us and. Especially when we’re under stress or time constraints, we drop one of the balls. Everyday excellence is designed to help fill those needs and help people get just slightly better, a little bit better in some capacity every single day.
[00:26:20] But then there’s an action, right? And that’s one of the things that differentiates my book from all these other daily readers out there is that there’s a translation from up here. To hear actually doing something which crystallizes it and reinforces the messages.
Good to Great
Nice other books that I would really recommend if somebody’s going into business, you know, Good to Great by Jim Collins is just an absolute phenomenal book.
[00:26:50] Cuz it talks about the mindset in leadership. Yes. You know, whether you’re a sole proprietor. or you’re leading an organization, you know, getting the right [00:27:00] people on the bus and in the right seats is very, very critical. Agreed, agree. Servants leadership is one of the biggest things that I see there and being able to get all components of the organization focused on what that goal is.
[00:27:15] There’s a military concept that Jack William talks about of commanders and tech mm-hmm . If everybody knows the mission. That you’re trying to accomplish. You can give everybody power, empower them, let them make the decisions. And you’re gonna have a faster, more flexible organization that is much more innovative and ultimately profitable because everybody’s focused on beating the Nazis or, you know, whatever the mission is for that organization.
[00:27:47] Yeah, love it. Any other recommends books, you tend to give people, you know, James clear atomic habits is always good. Yeah. Ryan holiday, you know, almost anything he’s wore released is awesome. Courage is calling [00:28:00] is a very good one, especially in the environment that we’re in right now. So that’s an, a very good one, you know, and people are gonna laugh at me, but I still drive a lot of insight from some of the oldest books within.
No One Walks Through The Same River Twice
[00:28:17] The martial arts community, the Dao de Jing the Art of War, things like that, because there’s an old stoic saying that no man can walk through the same river twice. Yeah. Cause the river’s different and the person’s different. Why go back through? And I read these books. I mean, even reading my book, I wrote the thing.
[00:28:35] You know, I get new insights from what I wrote today, because I’m a different person than I was when I was writing the book well said.
[00:28:45] How to Find Joe
[00:28:45] So why don’t you share how people can find you and where they can find your book? So they can find the book, basically anywhere books are sold. So, or they can find it online at my website, which is [00:29:00] everyday-excellence.com and actually recommend people go there.
[00:29:02] Because even if you don’t buy the book every single day, there’s a new micro blog post the espresso of excellence as I call it. Excellent. Joe. Thank you so much. This has been so fun. And those of you who listen to my podcast know that we always do a small gift to a charity in this person’s name and Joe chose the Nature Conservancy.
The Nature Conservancy
[00:29:23] So we’ll be sending a donation in your name to them. And hopefully that’s one of our ways of leaving things better. This is just such a fun, fun interview. Hopefully there’ll be an opportunity to do another one. Oh, I would love to come back and have a completely different conversation, Miriam. Thank you.
[00:29:42] Be excellent. And grow today. Love it.[00:30:00] [00:31:00] [00:32:00] [00:33:00] [00:34:00]
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Music by Tom Sherlock.
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