by Miriam | Jul 13, 2014 | Uncategorized
When you are fried, like a piece of bacon, If you try to do too much in the ensuing moments, you will break (because your resilience has been crisped)
Do some self-care.
Three eight-hour-trainings in a row … and I am beyond bacon.
So, I planned nothing for the next 24 hours. Or almost next-to-nothing. I have a friend who was also at the training who's whole next day is scheduled out with people. She seemed almost despondent. I told her to reschedule all those people. She brightened considerably at the thought.
Now we'll see if false guilt prevents her from giving herself time to recharge, or if her courage and strength prevails and she actually reschedules those folks.
Put your own mask on first.
by Miriam | Jul 12, 2014 | Uncategorized
We watched an old movie, which, at the conclusion, my son said, "Well, that was cool and all, but I have to ask … what was the plot?"
You can go to great efforts and be lavish, but if the other person doesn't understand what you are trying to say …
it's a fruitless effort; all for naught.
Better to be understood that to be extravagant, loud, pushy, right, the winner, etcetera.
Without understanding, there is no connection. And from where I sit, without this, there is no point.
by Miriam | Jul 11, 2014 | Uncategorized
Some people are like a heavy backpack to carry.
They don't necessarily stop you, but they make every step an effort. And if you have to scale a mountain, they seriously raise your heart-rate and make you want to quit every step of the way.
Others, instead of taking energy, GIVE energy. They make your projects better. They say, "I love this idea – how can I help?" They give your vision wings. They actually bring out a better version of you.
Question- if you are honest and have the courage to answer: Which one are you?
by Miriam | Jul 10, 2014 | Uncategorized
A friend recently shared a line from a song:
"We are just all walking one another Home."
And her comment/ question to us (as there were several of us there):
What does this mean to people who have no frame of reference for God?
It was a question worth asking, especially as she knew the artist did not openly profess any faith.
What is Home for you? – not little "h" – where you live, your family, the familiar surroundings. I don't even think the composer meant medium "h" like your values or your friends. It seems to me the artist was speaking capital "H" Home. The place your soul recognizes as Belonging. Acceptance. Recognition. You are Welcomed. In.
While I cannot comment on any other faith tradition, I can comment that this is exactly what Jesus set out to do (and accomplished) – He created a way for us to come Home into the Presence of God. And there, because of my relationship with Him, I am Welcomed. Invited. Desired. I Belong.
I am Home.
by Miriam | Jul 9, 2014 | Uncategorized
My son exclaimed to me the other day, "Mom! Did you see the sunset tonight? It is amazing. Come over here, you have to see it!"
I love that at 17, he cares about sunsets.
When he was little, we would run out into a field close to us and lay down in the green alfalfa and watch the sky turn from blue to orange to red to purple. Sometimes, we would pile into the car and drive up to a high point where we could see our whole valley. Now, he is a dedicated sunset-watcher, as is his sister.
What you practice is what you become.