
No offense Mabel, my favorite (and only bulldog that I know).

But today, I have doggedly stayed with (and please notice the nice pun) a computer project almost all day.  

I like technology, but I also am somewhat cursed, because I am just slightly too old to be really good at figuring out the in's and out's of it all. And it is constantly changing, so I feel like it is rare for me to be up on what all can be done, and HOW to do it.

For the better part of 8 months, I have been wrestling with getting a blog from my business website to communicate (and therefore SEND) to those subscribed to it.  Part of the issue is that I cannot obtain a living, breathing HUMAN to help me.  I usually invest a couple hours a week trying to solve the mystery of where all the humans at Google live, but as of yet, this has continued to foil and elude me.

However, stymied is not beaten.

Eventually, via a separate venture, it occurred to me that I could do an end-run around Google (which makes me feel powerful and vindicated) - I signed up with an entirely different company and I'm surprised it took me this long to do it – (on the whole, I am a pretty patient and long-suffering individual).

I suppose I shouldn't crow until I actually see the e-mails in people's inboxes, however, dare I say it, I think I have it figured out.  

If any of you are aware of the idea of a 6 X 6 – what are the top six things I need to accomplish in the next six weeks? – this was my number one on the 6 X 6 – which is what prompted the action.  


If it works, then I feel like I will have learned something important:  

Stick with it till you figure it out – But sometimes "figuring it out" means changing directions, companies, relationships, contexts, etc.  

Even bulldogs have to let go of their grip eventually, right Mabel?