
Our town does one of the absolute best firework shows I have ever seen – the only change I would make is that it would actually be done on the 4th, rather than the day before (due to some sort of scheduling conflict with the company that puts on the show).

This year's was no exception – it was spectacular.  And the thing is, it is totally free.  It feels generous and one of those amazing conjunctions between small town values and big city budgets.  It went on for a full half hour and our relatives, who were with us for the event, commented that the fireworks were even better than the ones at Disneyland. Which, if you've ever been to the Magic Kingdom and seen their extravaganza, you know that this was high praise.

It made me want to be more generous with others – with my time and my resources.

I think that this is how lavishness works – that you tend to want to pass on what you have received. 

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