
Some of us speak more than just English.  And, while it is a life-long dream for me to be fluent in some other spoken language, in this moment, I am not talking about Spanish or Chinese or Portugese or Hindi.

I am becoming fluent in several other dialects.

Dog, for example.  Do you know what a raised tail means?

Deciduous trees.  Pale leaves, but green veins indicate -what?

When a horse pushes you with his face, is it affection, or dominence?

Does the sputtering of this engine require more or less gas?

This is not about amassing facts, but rather understanding systems.  There are many "worlds" all waiting to be discovered and each has its own vernacular, spoken or otherwise.

When you spend time with people who share the same vocabulary, it is a kind of Coming Home.  You can relax and even use shortcuts, because they don't require the backstory. And in this letting down, my heart expands and lightens.

For me, my favorite "world" is the one of the Larger Story.  Exploring the 'Something More' spaces, reminding myself that it is not all about my small story, but SomeOne Larger than myself.  When I am with others who can also speak this, my heart becomes progressivly more free.  I feel accepted and known; in part, because the exchange is not about self-promotion, but about Seeing:  

The other person, and the other Person.