
Why You Need a “Why” Transcript

think water

 Why You Need a “Why”- Adam Tank

Adam Tank

Miriam: [00:00:00] Here we go. I am delighted to have Adam Tank with us, and rather than me describe all the things he does, I’m gonna let him do that. But you are, it seems like a bit of a renaissance man, and I, I just was very impressed by your work with, you know, robotics and with prisons and with podcasting. So in the most interesting way you choose.

Tell us what it is that you do.

[00:00:28] Intro to Adam

Adam: So this, this is a, I was once introduced at a, at a conference as the Steve Jobs of Water. Nice. And I don’t claim to be Steve Jobs, nor do I think I want to be Steve Jobs, rest in peace, wherever he may be. But I do think that my inclination towards technology solving really challenging problems, especially in the water industry and trying to bring.

Products and services to the masses that are gonna make a meaningful difference in their lives that I do [00:01:00] relate to. Yeah. So when I hear that, I think that’s kind of a cool way to introduce myself. And so I, I sort of like to think about it that way cuz I think it helps position who I am. Mm-hmm. , but by and large.

Tech guy for sure. Entrepreneur for sure. Podcaster, author, and father of one, very happy recent father. She’s eight weeks old. This uh,

Miriam: oh my gosh. You’re a for new dad. Yeah.

Adam: Yeah. So we’ll hear, we’ll hear in the background if she, if she wakes up or not. And then also foster parent too. So have had multiple kids in and outta the house.

None permanent, but those are all important parts of my life. And sort of fill the whole picture of who I am.

Miriam: Wow. I, I love it. This is gonna be a great conversation. How did you get interested in water and tell us what it means to like, make these meaningful changes. I, I, I mean, this was eloquent, but I still don’t understand exactly what it is that you do with technology and water.

[00:01:53] The Water Challenge

Adam: Quite all right. So the, the water challenge, if. The way I like to sort of describe it is that when’s the last time you thought about [00:02:00] what it takes to get clean water to your house or wastewater away from your house? No one thinks about that. By and large, it’s an afterthought, especially in in developed economies and as it turns out, the infrastructure that delivers clean water and takes dirty water away from our homes, businesses, environment is unbelievably complex and by and large, quite.

So the stat that I like to talk about, and I have a whole bunch, but I won’t bore you with those, is that over 30% of the water that’s treated for our consumption is lost in between the treatment plant and our home. Wow. Just gone. It either leaks underground cuz of buried pipes or it’s it’s stolen in some capacity or it’s inaccurately measured.

Enabling the World

So it’s a big problem in terms of people not only having access to water, but places that don’t have access to water, getting access. And if we’re losing 30%, it’s a big problem. So what I do and what I’ve done for the last 10 years of my career [00:03:00] is focus on how do we enable the world to have more clean water.

Mm-hmm. , and the way that I’m doing that today is with a software company that designs this water infrastructure basically instantly using artificial intelligence. So previously, manually it takes hundreds, if not thousands of hours to design these. Unbelievably complex assets, but with software you can do it in hours, and that enables engineers and utilities and people responsible for building this stuff to do it a lot better, a lot faster, a lot more sustainably, and brings water to the masses.

So that’s what we’re up to.

Miriam: I love it. I so years ago I did some consulting with a simulation company, and they were dealing with 3D printing. Okay. And they explained to me that the metals, that whatever it was that was being made were so incredibly expensive that to design a build and then have it fail, were just, [00:04:00] it, it just was prohibitive.

Adam: And so with this simulation software, they were able to. Then project ahead, where are the points going to be? Where this is gonna fail, make the adjustments long before the build was ever made. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . And I feel like you’re talking about something very similar. Somewhat. Somewhat similar. Okay. Very similar.

Think About It

Miriam: Okay. Well, it’s interesting that you say nobody thinks about this, and I think, I’m gonna say 10 years ago, you’re probably right. People in the developed world never thought about it. But with climate change and the way we’re just seeing disaster after disaster, whether it’s hurricanes or tornadoes or, I mean, we’re supposed to go to California tomorrow, and the place we’re supposed to go, I mean, we’re actually calling people and saying, are there actual roads that we can drive on because everything’s flooded.

So I, I do think that what it is that you do is going to be progressively more in need. Not just for the developing worlds, but for the developed world. And I’m [00:05:00] gonna talk one more sentence and then let you talk, but it’s obvious to anybody who is Mm. I’m gonna go with midlife. Our infrastructure is struggling and the the things that were designed 50 years ago that made our lives incredible, were never designed for the populations that we now have.

Everything is, I mean, it feels a little bit like a science fiction movie where, you know, the machines are starting to break and nobody knows how to fix them.


Adam: It’s true. And that infrastructure, I

mean, you’re, you’re spot on. Especially in water, most of the pipes that were put underground were put in place in the forties and fifties, and they had about a 40- or 50-year lifespan.

And so now we’re, you know, 70, 80 years into that lifespan and everything is breaking. And it’s cracking, and oftentimes it’s in the worst places. So, you mentioned California struggling with the flooding as what’s happening now. One of the problems they have is that due to seismic movement, earthquakes et cetera [00:06:00] fault lines, the pipes underground is starting to crack and fracture as the ground moves, which of course leads to more water loss and of all states, Utah, Arizona, California, in the most significant drought.

Which really is not a drought, it’s just a way of being at this point. Mm-hmm., you’re losing all that water and you’re losing even more because the pipes are breaking. Yeah. And it’s, it’s mass chaos. So, anything we can do to help the utilities, the ones in charge of, of delivering clean water to homes and businesses, anything we can do to help them do that more efficiently is a win for everybody involved, especially us as taxpayers.

Miriam: Totally.

[00:06:37] Don’t Play By The Rules

Miriam: Okay. So, there’s some population of my listeners who are going, you know what? I don’t care about water, or this or that. Yeah. Hopefully they didn’t already check out. Yeah, I’m hoping, I’m hoping they’re still here. I find everything fascinating, and I love these opportunities to have these kinds of conversations.

I want to say you’re so much more diverse than even just this topic as I looked at your website and I [00:07:00] loved your conversation about learning language and being childlike. Mm-hmm. Your conversation about the four-hour work week that was difficult, if not impossible for you to attain. Can you just talk a little bit about how you see your own development from, say, a young person who had no idea what he wanted to do, what were the various factors that began to shape your life and I’m interested in self-development, the things mm-hmm., that self-sabotage us and the things that allow us to break out of that self-sabotage. Sure. So, I would love to hear some of those stories.


Yeah. I will tell you that I grew up in a family that by and large were. We’re government workers and very much steady paycheck every two weeks.

Don’t do anything different than that. And so, from day one, as soon as I, soon as I was birthed, basically I was being taught take the, the steady conservative route. And that’s, that’s not only in terms of your career, but [00:08:00] also how you personally act. Clean cut. My dad was military. Don’t, don’t sort of deviate.

No one likes someone who’s a, who’s sort of a rebel, if you will. And so, I grew up thinking that I was going to play by the rules and by and large, that’s what I did. So, you think about the kid that’s studious, that gets good grades, that is involved in all the activities, that does all these things. That’s exactly what I did.

Went to college and basically did the exact same thing that I was going to go to medical school. But what I found out was I was self-sabotaging. By and large, and the reason was is because I always had this innate desire to strike out of my own. To follow my own interests, my own curiosities, especially as it as it related to business and entrepreneurship and sales and sort of, you know, being in the trenches and figuring things out on your own and trying to solve problems that no one else had solved before.

New Way of Being

But I was al, it was always attention for me because that was not the clear, steady paycheck every two weeks. That was the [00:09:00] wild unknown that no one had ever taught me how to play in. What happened and what the, what I will call the biggest point of departure. And what I mean by that is a point in time where I departed from a way of being to a new way of being, and in this case, it was a much, I say more elevated way of being was in college by and large through, through literature.

So, I was introduced to a couple of books in school that totally shaped my worldview. One of those being Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Unbelievably powerful book, seven Habits by Stephen Covey was another really powerful book, the Power of Now, unbelievably Powerful book. There were so many that it was the first time I.

Ingested a message that truly resonated with me that no one had ever had that conversation with me before. And so, it opened my eyes to say, oh my gosh, there are people out there that think the way that I do, or that perceive the world the way that I perceive it. And those ideas started to resonate within me.

And I would say that was what [00:10:00] really sort of took me out of my own self- sabotage and encouraged me to blossom and become who I am today.


Wow. So how old would you say you were at that point, or how many years into school? And, if I can ask, what’s your birth order? Do you have siblings, et cetera? I have a younger sister, so I’m the, I’m the oldest of two.

You’re the oldest. Okay. Yeah. And I was, I read Think and Grow Rich when I was either 19 or 20, I think I was. Okay. Yep.

That is unusual to be offered those books at the university level. I’ve read them too, and they are extremely thought provoking and a coach that I have, he says it only takes you know, one insight to change everything.

And I think often about that analogy or metaphor of, you know, you’re on the West coast and you get in an airplane, and if that pilot turns that airplane just four degrees this way, or four degrees that way, that’s the difference on the other end of the country of Florida or [00:11:00] Maine.

[00:11:00] Challenges of Expectations

Miriam: And those ideas, wow. You were the first born, which means you bore, I’m also a first born, so you bear a lot of the parental expectations. And how did that go when you said I’m not going to be a doctor, I’m going to do this instead.

Understanding Each Other

Adam: Yeah, it’s, it’s, it still continues to be not a point of tension so much anymore because my dad in particular has come to understand that I can be just as successful and make just as big a difference in the world not going to work for the government or not being a doctor. So, it has gotten much better over time, and it’s been a very conscious decision that I’ve had to go through to build a better relationship with my close relatives, to help them understand where I’m coming from, and then also help them understand that I hear them.

I, I understand where they’re coming from as well and their point. I understand why and I understand how valid it is, and I understand the benefits of, of the lifestyle that they encourage me to, to live. But I’ll tell you, you know, even today [00:12:00] it’s there, there’s always that sort of like chattering in my ear.

Like, why would, why would you do that? You have this other opportunity with your, why would you invest in this? Or why would you, why would you travel? Why would you move to Rio? Why would you do something like that? And I always had to sort of face my fears and say, I know this is what’s best for me and I’m going to go ahead and do it.

Miriam: Yeah, it’s good. It’s a good solid answer. I think what you’re also saying by having that conversation with your close family is that you are not saying the entrepreneurial life is for everyone. I mean, correct. There are many people correct where that wouldn’t work for them and that’s okay. I don’t think any entrepreneur, well, that’s not true.


Some entrepreneurs who are shortsighted would say, come do this. This is for everyone, but anyone who’s done it a fair amount of time, you know, there are pros and cons to each paradigm and there is something really nice about the steady paycheck that happens. Yeah. Whether you get the client or [00:13:00] not, and there’s something that’s nice about having the insurance that’s there et cetera, et cetera.

But there also is something so exhilarating about knowing that you made this, you made this life happen, and you get to make your own choices.

My kids tease me all the time because they’re like, you know, ah, you never work. And I go, I work all the time. I actually work more than when I was hired, right?

People, I work more than I’ve ever worked, but when it’s fun, when you enjoy it, it doesn’t feel like work.

Adam: Right. It’s a, it’s a, it is a real blessing to be able to wake up every day and be working to solve problems that are truly changing the world. Yeah. You hear a lot of tech entrepreneurs, especially, are all about disruption and transformation and all this stuff, but ultimately, they’re building an app that, you know, delivers tacos faster to [00:14:00] people and it’s like, all right, come on guys.

we’re really not moving the needle here. But when I wake up and I know that every time someone runs a design in our software, that someone somewhere is going to get clean water because. It’s incredible. Yeah. And it is exhilarating. I like that. I like that term a lot. Yeah.

[00:14:17] World Without Water

Miriam: So, what does clean water mean to people? I know, and, you know, but what, what does it mean the,

Adam: I mean, the way that I, the way that I like to ask people that is walk me through a day, walk me through your day and imagine you don’t have water. And all it takes is the first two hours of your day to realize that without it. Your life looks nothing like it does today.

Nothing like it does today in countries that, where people don’t have access to clean water, you know, at a tap in their home or even a community, well, they’re spending hours of their day procuring water and then they also have to make it safe enough to drink because if they don’t, they’re getting sick.

So, it’s, yeah, it’s a just an [00:15:00] unbelievable amount of time and, and mental energy and physical energy that’s dedicated to procuring this resource that we, in the water industry call a resource. MM. Should be available for everybody, right?

Adam’s Service

Miriam: Right. Well, I’m pretty sure after air it’s water. You’re right.

Exactly. That’s exactly right. Yeah. So, I was looking at something, this was a while ago, I think, with the hurricanes in Florida and whatnot, and people who. I mean, I think somebody died from a fairly tiny scratch that they got on their leg, but they were waiting through water and you know. Mm-hmm., we see, we see these flooding things and we think, well, you know, yeah.

That’s inconvenient. And we don’t stop to think, wait a minute, the sewers overflowed there. This them, you know, I was reading something else about, somewhere in California, and it was all the gasoline and just the various chemicals that are now all mixed in with this. And it’s not like walking across a clean river.

[00:16:00] It’s, it’s a problem on so many levels. So, as you know, I always say to people in the military, thank you for your service. I’ll say that to you in reference to water because you are serving mankind. What. Would you say, or why would you say this is important to you? You seem, you strike me as someone who’s fairly mission-minded, even, and I want to get to this down the road a little bit but spending time in the prisons helping people.

Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. , it seems to me that that’s heavy on your heart.

Adam: I, I don’t, I don’t know why water was the thing I latched onto professionally, personally, as a foster parent, as a big brother and big brothers, big sisters as a worker, volunteer in the prison systems. I, I am someone who likes to see people live up to their potential.

[00:16:52] It’s Okay to Live Your Life

Adam: Mm-hmm. , don’t ask me why. Maybe it was because I felt like my potential was repressed in many ways when I was younger, and I don’t want [00:17:00] other people. To live that same lifestyle if they don’t have to. So, I encourage them to go, do, you know, be whoever you want to be. Go and live the life you want to live. It’s okay.

You don’t need permission, just go do it. That may be why, but it’s something that I’ve always felt that I’ve been so fortunate, and you’ve got to give back. It just, again, I, I don’t know why that is, but I just, I’ve always felt like you have to. If you are in a, if you are in a position where you can be someone who gives of themselves, of their time, their talents, their energy, their finances, whatever it is, then you should, you have one life to live. Other people don’t have as easy as you. Why not help others out? Like we’re all in this together.

Humanity’s Wants

And I think that’s, quite frankly, I think it’s been, I think that’s been catalyzed by all of my travels internationally too. Being in play, living in Mexico for a summer, working in an orphanage, going to South Africa in Lusutu and seeing this rural population of [00:18:00] villagers and all they wanted was clean water, healthcare education, going into China, seeing it there, living in Brazil, seeing it there.

It doesn’t matter where you are. Humanity, at the end of the day, we all want the same things. We want to be happy, healthy. Someone to love, people to take care of. So, if I can enable that for others, then I’m happy to do so.

Miriam: Wow. That’s someone who has kind of figured out their purpose and they’ve made their job fuel their purpose instead of, you know, trying to muscle their job into something that it can’t be otherwise.

I felt like, well, we could just end the interview right there. That was a pretty. That was a pretty good thing to say. Sure.

How did, how did you get involved in foster care?

Foster Care

Adam: I, so my wife and I, when we got married, we knew we wanted to have a, a family. When a lot of people hear family, they think of that sort of core nuclear mom, dad, two kids.

But family could mean anything. I mean, there’s a wide [00:19:00] range of what a family truly is. There’s no real definition in my opinion. And we said again, we are of. We have the resource to be able to help where we can.

And so, we thought, well, maybe adoption could be on the table. We weren’t set on having biological children, so we said maybe adoption is the route we want to go.

And the more we got into adoption, the more we found that the foster system is by and large, pretty broken. Yeah. And there’s an unbelievable need. Yeah. And in our area, there’s a big need, so why not? We have the space, we have the time, we have the resources, let’s give it a shot. And it’s turned out to be an amazing journey.

So it was, it’s a conversation between my wife and I just saying, this is something we feel like we want to do and there’s a need, so let’s, let’s do it.

Miriam: I love it. So something you did in one of your blog posts, what you compared and talked about learning Portuguese. Mm. You have to become like a child. So you took two different things and you put them together and you synthesize something new out of that, when [00:20:00] you look at what you’ve learned through foster care, how do you apply that through just interacting with people in the entrepreneurial world?

[00:20:10] Becoming Childlike

Adam: There’s, it’s, it’s, I love this. This is such a good question, Miriam, the, and I, I hadn’t thought about this connection until you asked this question, but one of my biggest lessons when I was in Mexico and I was working in an orphanage, and these kids were, you know, they’re orphans. You could consider them foster kids, for all intents and purposes, right?

They, they don’t have their parents around. They’re being taken care of by another entity. In this case, it was a state worker in a, in an orphanage, and the thing that I realized the most was, , you don’t need a whole lot to be happy. I mean, these kids had nothing, nothing. They had everything stripped from them, but they were some of the happiest kids I’ve ever seen on the planet.

And the same goes for the kids that we’ve had in the house in foster care. These kids have come from the most hellish [00:21:00] situations that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. And to see a six year old still beaming, smiling, bright and happy, running around, playing in a backyard, you know, not having a care in the world.

That just goes to show to me that like no matter how bad it is, it, it’s gonna be okay. There’s always a silver lining. It’s just, it’s all about perspective. And so kids oftentimes either, you know, they’re quick to forgive or maybe they’re unconditional lover. Whatever we wanna call it. I feel like in the entrepreneur world, we don’t have enough of that.

The “Why”

It always feels very cutthroat. It’s very fast-paced. It’s always grow in our case, grow, grow, grow. You know, how do you build this business to the point where it’s attractive for someone to want to buy it, and you just have to step back sometimes and remind yourself. Why are we doing this in the first place?

You know, okay, I had to miss a meeting. It’s not the end of the world, or, I missed a flight. It’s not the end of the world. Things are gonna be okay. I’d say that’s the sort of like the one for one transition. Regardless of how bad things may seem, there’s [00:22:00] always, there’s always something beneficial. There’s always something you can, you can move past and get over and get through.

Miriam: Sure. Mm. Such a good space to think about, you know, what is your perspective as you look at this difficult thing or this difficult hurdle? So I am gonna push back a little bit and say I have known other foster parents who have not had maybe quite what you’re talking about. They’ve had just, they’ve had a hellish time mm-hmm.

as they have worked with kids who have just been so messed up by the system.

Something that I think you probably have done. I mean, I’m, I’m assuming, but based on how this little child was acting, you managed to create a feeling of safety, both psychological safety and physical safety. And I, I would, like you mentioned that you know, tech is cutthroat, which I, I have seen that to be.

[00:22:55] Psychological Safety

Miriam: How do you create psychological safety for a little person and for a big [00:23:00] person, , a little person in a big person’s body?

Adam: Sure, sure. So the, the, I’m, I’m gonna try to see what kind of parallels there are. I haven’t thought about it to this extent before, but what I’ll say is that for, for kids that come from backgrounds of trauma, you have to treat them.

A bit differently than you would kids that came from, we’ll call normal’s not the right term, but a more traditional background. And one of the things that you, we’ve been taught to do and we’ve tried to put into practice when it comes to trauma-informed parenting is that you see the behaviors as a result from something that happened to that child, typically in their past. I mean, it has to be in the past. It happened to them in a previous moment.

And what that enables you to do is set aside the person from the behavior and you come to [00:24:00] realize that they’re, they are, although the person is creating the behavior in a way, they are not the same thing.

Person vs. Behavior

They’re not the, the person is different than the behavior that it is. So when you create the space to allow a child to see their behavior, not as them. But as a, as a behavior, as a concept in and of itself, that’s outside of them. And keep in mind, like this is quite metaphorical in a way. So to do this with a six year old is very, is very different

Right? Right. But to provide that space for them to say, you know, this girl, she came in, she, so her, her previous foster parents had said, she’s the most picky eater we’ve ever seen. She won’t eat anything but McDonald’s. Anytime we try to get her to eat a vegetable, anytime we try to get anything, she’s right.

She’s just so picky. She won’t do anything else. So the first day we have her in the house, we’re, we’re, I don’t know what it was that Kelsey and I were, were putting together, but something to have vegetables in and we said, you know, Hey I’ll call her Diane for a purpose of this conversation. Hey Diane, are you [00:25:00] interested?

You know, in, in trying out broccoli court? No. Oh, really? Why? Like, why, why is. She’s like, well, I’m picky.

And we immediately challenged her, that worldview of herself by saying, you’re not picky. What do you mean you’re picky? And she’s like, wait, what? I’m like, yeah, you’re not picky. She’s like, well, my foster parents always told me I was picky.

Like, You can choose, you can be whatever you choose to be. And today we’re not going to be picky. And so, right, we proceed to do that. She started to eat vegetables. And that’s just one simple example of that.

Let Them Have Control

So when it comes to the professional world and with adults, it’s almost similar in a way, and I’m thinking about this in the context of sales calls.

When I, when I get on a, get on the phone with a client or get on a Zoom with a, a prospect, and we’re having a conversation, I’m talking to engineers who by and large are very challenging audience, super conservative, very analytical very skeptical people. The first thing I like to say is if you, if, if you hear me say something that you [00:26:00] disagree with, bring it up.

You’re not going to offend me. It’s quite all right. I’m not an engineer. I’m not a PowerPoint guru. I’m not a software engineer, so I am not the expert in this room. You are the expert in this room. You put the power in their hands.

You let them sort of take control of the situation and the conversation, the way you, the way you want it to go, and you start to create this sort of safety in a way where they don’t see you as it’s me versus them, but it’s us having a dialogue together.

And I think very similarly we did that. Diane in our home where it wasn’t us forcing her to eat vegetables. It was, let’s talk about the situation and who we are, both who both of us are coming into this space and let’s figure out a way to make it work together. And sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.

But I’ve found that that typically is an approach that works quite well in both situations.

[00:26:56] Creating a Safe Space

Miriam: Yeah. What, what you’re doing, You’re creating this [00:27:00] space.

Like, Hey, we’re on the same team. Let’s pull in this together. You have strengths. I don’t have. Let’s look at this. I’m open to you. I’m not pulling some sort of one up, one down thing.

I’m in it with you. How can we make this better? Mm-hmm. , that’s what I heard you say. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. . And I can see why that would work with foster children and with software engineers or any engineer. Sure, sure. , you know, when you say, I’m not the expert, why don’t you help me understand this to anybody? Wow. Their walls come down, now they’re talking and they’re seeing you as an ally, not an adversary.

Mm-hmm. . Which to me feels like a perfect segue to the work you’re doing in the prisons. I think that that could be incredibly intimidating and also a space of One where you’re potentially met with hostility, et cetera, and I, tell me a little bit how you got involved in that, what your [00:28:00] experience has been, and Yeah, we’ll go from there.


Adam: So I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you Miriam, because you brought up the, the intimidation factor when, when we are in a prison, that’s the first question that the moderator, facilitator of these conversations typically asks is who in here is nervous? And what you find is that the inmates are actually the ones that in many cases, are just as nervous, if not more nervous, , to meet with you than you are with them.

Interesting. Because they, this, this sort of dialogue that’s created in this environment that’s created for them is like one they’ve certainly never had insight of a correctional facility, but probably outside either because a lot of these folks come from backgrounds where that type of dialogue is just not encouraged.

There’s not a safe space to share your thoughts. There’s no emotional connection. Anytime you did share that type of stuff, you probably got beat up for it, you know, physically or, or or metaphorically. So, [00:29:00] It’s just, it’s a really interesting perspective. When you walk in, you realize, we’re, we’re both on the same page here.

We just want to help each other. As much as I can help you think about the world in a different way, Mr. Or Miss Inmate, you can help me think about the world in a different way too.

Defy Ventures

The way I got involved with it was that there was a when I was living in California, there was a program called Defy Ventures, which still exists.

Phenomenal organization, and Defy goes into prisons, brings entrepreneurial leaders there and fosters dialogues around entrepreneurship so that when inmates are getting ready to be released, They have a plan of action for how they want to reintegrate into society. And the way that they, they are now thinking about the world is through the lens of business.

Upon release. They also have post-release programs where you meet with people that have just been recently released and the entrepreneurs in the business leaders come to the table and you talk about how are things going? What can we help with? Are you trying to start a business? How can we help you get on your feet?

Those types of things. To be honest, again, I don’t know why I latched onto that in part. , [00:30:00] but it, it certainly has been transformational in many ways, and I would encourage anyone who, even if you’re listening to this and you’re thinking That sounds nuts, or hey, that could be interesting, take a look at some local programs that might exist, because there are quite a few of them that are around, and I think you’ll find that it’s a far less intimidating experience than you might imagine, and far more powerful than you might imagine.

Miriam: Hmm. What would you say for you has been transformational in reference to that?

[00:30:30] You Are Not Your Behavior

Adam: So similar to the you are not your behavior.., Idea. Just because you’ve made bad decisions doesn’t make you a bad person. Hmm. In many cases, these individuals are products of the environment that they grew up in. And I can’t fault someone for ending up in jail or correctional facility if all they’ve ever known is an environment and a lifestyle of bad decisions.[00:31:00]

The only people in their lives that would’ve taught them to do otherwise are probably also making the same bad choices that they ended up making. And so once you realize that people can be molded and and shaped and they can change and they can transform, and there’s not this idea of a rigid persona that really exists, that actually has transferred into my professional career because it significantly impacts your leadership style.

There’s not this concept of like a, of a fixed persona or a person that you’re managing only being able to fill one role or only being, you know, able to do the certain set of tasks or responsibilities over time, you’ll find it’s a little more like clay. You can mold them. They can mold you. It’s sort of a two-way dialogue, and it’s a lot. It’s, it’s a, it’s a, it’s a really fun way to think about your dynamics with people.

Personal Story

Miriam: Yeah. Can you share a story where somebody said something and it, it really blew your mind, or it [00:32:00] changed your mindset in the prison and that, and you brought that mindset out into your work with tech?

Adam: This was a guy who had spent, at the time I met him, it was somewhere like 15 to 20 years behind bars. And I’m not sure what he had done, but to, in order to receive that sentence, that’s, that’s pretty significant.

So it probably was some type of violent crime, I would imagine. And I’m sitting there having a conversation with this guy, and we get done with a conversation and he stands up and he turns around and on the back of his head, the entirety of his skull is covered in a tattoo of his family. Mm. And I’m thinking,

I’m committed to my wife and I’m committed to my daughter, and I have friends that are committed to their families. Never in a million years would I get a tattoo of my family on the back of my head.

That to me, was such an opener because. [00:33:00] Someone might wear a ring to show a sign of commitment to their spouse. There might be other ways you wanna show commitment to your family. You might, you know take time in the afternoon to spend time with your kids or coach their sports teams or whatever.

Level of Commitment

And to me, it’s, here’s someone who spent 15, 20 years behind bars. It’s so easy taking a book by its cover to look at him and say, You know, you’re a bad person or you’re a criminal and, and I can’t see you in any other light to them literally physically turn around and hit you in the face with this is a very dynamic being who is committed to the people that he loves in his life.

That, to me, was just like, totally, totally mind blowing. And so when I thought about the level of commitment, that’s what I think about. When I take it to the business world, because in the startup world, there’s so many times where you’re like, why am I doing this ? This is so difficult. Why would I not want to have that paycheck every two weeks?

Why would I not just do something conservative nor, you know, nor the food’s coming from, et cetera. But I think about him and I think, man, [00:34:00] I gotta stay committed. I gotta stay committed through the tough times. And that that’s the level of commitment that I’m ex, that I’m aspiring to have that public “I am so committed to this and everybody is gonna know it.”

Miriam: Wow. That is a powerful story. Did you ever double back and ask him about that? Like did you get a chance to meet with him again or was it a one time meeting? One one time deal, but I did, at the end of the day, we did this I’m trying to remember the term. Basically you can get up and you can give. Kudos to the whole crowd.


So you might imagine 50 to a hundred inmates and maybe 25 to 30 entrepreneurs business people in the room. And at the end of the day, five to 10 people can get up and basically say thank you to someone in the audience who helped them, you know, develop a new perspective or had a good conversation. And I stood up and I thanked him and I basically said, you know, all of us in here, I’m sure we’re all committed to various things in our lives, but how many of us would be willing to literally tattoo.

On their body in a way that’s publicly facing for everyone. And you know, nobody raised their [00:35:00] hand. And so I think I, I tried to make the point there and give him some credit to let him know that I see that, and I respect that, and I appreciate that.

What did his face do when you were talking about that?

Adam: Oh yeah. I mean, just melted more or less. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, You could see the emotions there. And this is a guy who I imagine does not get very emotional and he didn’t get publicly emotional, but it was just Sure. No. You know what I mean?

Miriam: Sometimes the loudest scream of emotion is the eyes narrowing, like the tiniest bit. Mm-hmm. or, or the eyes dilating the tiniest bit. I would imagine that prison is not a place where it’s safe to show emotions very much. Right. And so they’ve learned to be very guarded. But I think you had to leave feeling like, Hey, I touched this person, but he touched you. So it, it, that feels reciprocal.

Yes. You know? Very, very interesting. Any other stories that come to mind?

[00:35:59] Walk the Line

Adam: There’s a conversations you [00:36:00] had. Yeah. Go online, search it on YouTube and, and a. Look at DEF Y ventures and they did a really cool 3D journey, if you will, of being inside a facility and going through some of these exercises with inmates.

Wow. And there’s this exercise called walk the line, where they have all the inmates line up on one side and all of the entrepreneurs, business folks on the other, and they basically have a step, I don’t know, maybe 10, 20 feet away from this center line. And what the moderator does is ask questions of the group.

Things like, how many of you grew up in a one-parent house? And if that’s true for you, you step to the line and if it’s not true, you stay where you’re at or you might take a step backwards. And so it’s just fascinating to see, not only in many cases how, how much closer to the line the inmates are because you’re asking questions like, did you grow up in a neighborhood where gunshots were, were a normal thing?

Or you know, at what age did you lose your innocence? Was it [00:37:00] less than 15 years old? Was it less than 10 years old? Was it less than five years old? In most cases, you know, the inmates are much closer to line than entrepreneurs and business folks.

Compilation of Decisions

However, inevitably, there always are people who are close to the middle of the line on both sides of the table, and you start to realize that your life and where you ended up today is a compilation of all the decisions that you made up to this point.

And it doesn’t take a lot to steer you in the wrong direct. Yeah. Right. Get almost get you over to the other side of the line. Yeah. So that, that was extremely powerful.

Miriam: That sounds incredibly powerful. I have noticed that the skillsets for entrepreneurs and criminals are very similar. Yes. And I remember a parent asking me one time about a child that they were very worried about, incredibly strong young person, and I said, Honestly, this person could [00:38:00] be an c e o or in prison in the next 10 years.

Yeah. You know, because of just their level of drive and their like, I don’t care what you think, I’m doing what I’m doing. And it, it really does show the, the basic personality if it is kind of funneled and shaped. It ends up in one place or the other. And that should be all the more motivation for us to do the kind of things you’re talking about.

Mm-hmm. helping these kids that are at risk. Mm-hmm. and I don’t know. I find it really challenging.

Leave Better

My podcast lasts. Quarter, I would say last year because it was really both times, both quarters really focused on entrepreneurship and you know, what is getting in your way, what is self sabotaging you, what is keeping you from your next level of growth?

And I feel like 2023 is actually going to be more- how did you get successful and now what are you doing with that [00:39:00] success? Mm-hmm. I’ve turned away a whole bunch of successful people if they haven’t told me they’re doing something interesting. Mm. With their success that serves humanity. Because from my perspective, I mean, I named my company leave better with the idea that you, you come and get help in whatever form.

Means, and you leave better. Hopefully people come to the podcast and they leave better, or they come to my coaching and they leave better. But then for heaven’s sake, the things that your life touches, leave it better.

We’re not put on this planet to just use it, just squeeze it out like a lemon and cast it aside.

[00:39:39] Nature vs. Nurture

Adam: I completely, I mean, Miriam, do you feel like that’s something that you, that’s nurture or that’s nature? That’s something you were born. Or that’s something you’ve learned to appreciate and value over time and encourage other people to do?

Miriam: You know, I, I feel like part of it is nature. Mm-hmm. . I think that as a human [00:40:00] being, I’ve always been concerned about the other.

I feel like a lot of that is nurture because I would say in my family of origin, I think there were some places that were hard and I was looking for ways to make it less hard. Mm-hmm. , but then I also was a person of faith and spent about 25 years in a ministry context where it was always about making it better.

Mm-hmm. . And I remember at one point kind of saying, I, I made a departure from that into therapy and I was like, oh, here I am again trying to make it better.

And then I made a departure into coaching and went, oh, okay, well this is a different way of doing the same thing. I think that many of us have callings on our lives and the context changes, but the calling doesn’t. Hmm.

Instilling the Spark

And so I, I like having these conversations where we’re exploring why do you do what you do? Right? Because I’m pretty sure you’re [00:41:00] probably making good money as the kind of person that you are. And you could have two and three and four houses or whatever, or the expensive car and or two or three or four, you know, I see some of that. At one point I was talking to somebody and I said, look, how many jets do you need? Sure. You know? Yeah, you bet. Yeah. It’s like one jet is sufficient. Now go do some good for someone else. .

Adam: Totally. I, I, I, gosh, I wish I had a good answer because it’s something that I’ve thought about for, again, I don’t know why I’ve, I don’t know why I’ve thought about this, but how do you instill that sense of, let’s, for the podcast sake, we’ll call it leave better.

How do you instill that sense of leave better in other people? If it’s not something that they’re born with, maybe there’s a, a natural proclivity there for some people, and you create the spark that then ignites that, then they go off and they do their thing. But for those that don’t have that, is it even possible to do?[00:42:00]

Authentic Living

I don’t know that I have an answer, but what I can say is that for me, and actually through literature and other people that I know who have had a big impact on me, when I see how they’re living their lives. When I see the benefits of living in a way that’s authentic, that is helpful, that’s something that I’ve always said.

That’s what I want. Yeah. And so then I work to get it. Someone hasn’t given that to me. I’ve had to work for the things that I have today, which I’m, I’m proud of, but it’s because I’ve had a desire to, to be that way or to feel that way that I’ve seen other people do. And so maybe that’s part of it. Maybe it’s helping create that North star for people so that they can say, that’s something I want for myself.

Miriam: Yeah, I think for sure some of that. Ha. I mean, that has to be there, you know, like. [00:43:00] Not only, what am I saying, but what am I doing? Mm-hmm. and is what I’m doing inspiring to you to make you want to go into the prison to make you want to go help, you know, create clean water or this, that, or the other?

[00:43:14] Lighting a Fire

Miriam: I, I had a conversation with my son the other day, and he’s in his mid twenties and through a graduate program. and he started doing some organizational stuff that was spectacular. And I, my brain exploded because I’ve been having these conversations, literally his whole life, .

But it took the scenario of graduate school mm-hmm. To light that fire under him and for him to take that and own it as his own. And so I think at some level it was modeled, it was spoken. And then, you know, life created a place where that fire was lit. Mm-hmm. underneath. Mm-hmm. .


You know, like when you hold two sparkler, you can have this one totally going and the other one may or may not, [00:44:00] depending on how old the sparklers are light up, , . And then there’s this moment, you know? And sometimes you get somebody else in there, hopefully before your sparkler goes out, if you have those cheap little short ones.

Mm-hmm. , Hey, get in here. Get in here. Sometimes maybe. Two or three sparklers to light the other sparkler. But then once it’s lit, you’re like, ah, now you own it. Now it’s yours. Mm-hmm. and I, I feel like there is a dearth of people now. That’s not true. I think there are a lot of people doing good. In our world, but I don’t think they’re given the visibility because it doesn’t make good news.

Right. One of the things I like following on Instagram is, and my Instagram is super curated. It only has positive things on it. That’s awesome. One of which is the good news movement, and they just do stories of people doing good things because our brains are being poisoned by this constant news cycle of tragedy and this and that [00:45:00] and Oh, the world’s going to hell in a hand basket and all this stuff.

It’s like, no, actually there are people doing good things,

Adam: Hans. Yeah, I, I’ve, it’s funny you, you mentioned this. I made, I’ve made two posts in the last Mae month on LinkedIn. One was about technology as a force for good.

Technology for Good

Mm-hmm. and I basically, Like, I don’t know, we’ll call it a little mini rant. And I said all the stuff we’re hearing about crypto meltdowns and financial this and the economy and the recession and all like, Just cut the crap. Like, I’m so tired of hearing this. Let’s bring attention to something really cool.

And of course, in my world, there’s a tech guy. That’s what I get excited about.

So there was this, a wonderful video of this suit that this gentleman was wearing, and he was suffering some, some sort of neuro like, like like neuro skeletal disease or disorder where he was just shaking. He could barely walk because it was so bad.

And in a matter of it was like maybe an hour with a suit that you put on that [00:46:00] like pulses your body in different ways. He’s walking steady as can be and it and that actually way. Yes. And actually the, the, the benefits of the suit last multiple days, if not weeks, once the suit is taken off. Oh gosh, now you have to go back and gosh, redo the suit.

But I mean, it was just tremendous. And that post actually did quite well. People were like, yes, yes, yes. This is amazing. More people need to hear about it.

And then just yesterday, or two days ago, I’ll use this term, you know, we think of the term diet as the, as the food that we’re consuming. And obviously the way that our bodies react to the food we consume does have an impact on how you feel, how you think, how you sleep, all those things.

[00:46:36] Information Diets

Adam: But we often don’t think about. Information diets. Yeah. What are we consuming that is becoming the thoughts and ideas that our brains start to process? And so I started to talk about how our information diets are by and large garbage if we’re only paying attention to garbage. And that’s what the mainstream media and most news cycles are supposed to be, are.

That’s what they do because it drives financial drives. Dollars for them is click. [00:47:00] Junk. It’s click bait. So let’s, let’s clean up our information diets and let’s focus on stuff that are, you know, people only doing good. So I encourage people drop links in the comments of good stuff that’s happening. Let’s, you know, spread the word, like share it.

Let’s get people talking about the good stuff. I think it’s, yeah.

Miriam: Oh my gosh, I love it. If you will send me the link to that article, I will put it in the show notes so that people can look at it. Perfect. Yep. I love the idea of the suit and, you know, there’s been a lot of talk of late of eating clean, and so what would happen if 2023 became the year where you’re, you know, the, the content you took into your head was clean.

You know, not in a moralistic sense in like is this positive? Is this uplifting? Are these people doing good with their resources? Right? I’m on the hunt to find people who have money and they wanna use it for good. Mm-hmm. , you know, because [00:48:00] again, I really think you only need one jet if that .

Mercy Ships

Such a good quote,

Anyway. Oh my gosh, this has been so great. Adam. Thank you so much for your time. I wish we could talk longer. Unfortunately I have something in a little bit. And I know. Busy life as well. Maybe we can do this again sometime. Sure. I feel like I’ve met a kindred spirit. Likewise. So I wanted to just say before we let you share how people can find you, we had a tiny conversation before we started and I had mentioned that I do a donation in your name to one of four charities.

You chose Mercy Ships and I’m so excited. That’s a fantastic charity that gives people free surgeries off the coast of Africa and it’s another little way of doing good. So why don’t you share how people can find you and then we’ll wrap it up.

[00:48:54] Where to Find Adam

Adam: My personal website’s probably the best way. Adam tank.com.

There’s a contact me [00:49:00] form there. Feel free to fill it out. I, I try to reply to everyone, typically. Pretty good about that. If anything that we talked about today is interesting to you, or if not, maybe you just have something you off the top of your head that sparked a thought you wanna send, I’d love to hear it.

So, AdamTank.com nice. I love it.

Miriam: Do you get a lot of like tank jokes with the last name Tank ?

Adam: I get a lot of Thank you very much as yes. , tons of those. That’s excellent Adam, thanks so much.


End Credits

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Podcasts, or wherever podcasts are found.

Full audio episode found here.

Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

All LeaveBetter Podcast episodes can be found here.

Music by Tom Sherlock.

head shot Miriam Gunn

If you are curious to know more, please contact me!

As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to address your concerns.

The Importance of Identity Transcript – Miriam Gunn

The Importance of Identity -Miriam Gunn

[00:00:00] if you wanna learn how to play the piano or the cello or hit a baseball or whatever, you can do it on your own for sure. And if you can set up a mirror so you can see what you’re doing or videotape your progress and watch your films, yeah, you can get better and better. And as people, we are amazing at our ability to look and grow. But you can like two x three x 10 x that when you have a coach.

So a lot of times I’ll ask people, where do you wanna be in six months or a year, or five years or 10 years? What are the actions that you need to do to get you there? Now, what is the mindset that’s getting in the way of doing those actions?

Because what. People do. It’s super weird. But what people think really impacts what they do and what they do impacts how they feel and what they feel impacts how they think. It just goes around and around.

[00:00:57] Intro to Miriam

Miriam is a leader and a coach of leaders. She has [00:01:00] advised and mentored hundreds of individuals towards better performance communication, and.

At the heart of her coaching is her conviction that your work is too important to feel anything less than your best. She works with leaders who are ready to challenge the status quo. Her clients bring their experience, vision, ideas, and curiosity. She brings deep listening, optimism, curiosity. And the ability to draw our insights from what she hears and observes.

I hope you enjoy this one.

Rebel Diaries

Hi, I’m Scott Fulton, the host of the Rebel Diaries podcast.

Having spent over 20 years leading disruptive high performing teams who have won international awards for their impact, I’ve now dedicated my career to helping coach and train leaders and to deliver more value and impact at work whilst reducing the risk of burnout, overload, and wasted effort. This podcast is dedicated to you and thousands like you, who know work can and should be better.

Hi, Miriam. Welcome to the Rebel Diaries podcast.

Scott, it’s so good to be here. I’m glad that we were able to make this work for the benefit of our listeners. Where are you abouts at the moment? Obviously this is [00:02:00] UK based podcast, but where are you right now?

Yes. I live in northern Utah, which is on the west side of the Rocky Mountains, and the area I live in is a little valley. It’s not exactly rural, but it’s not really urban either. We live on a little farm and we have animals and mountains and it’s a good thing.

Sounds very peaceful. Yeah, I, I think that outside, the trees, the sky, all of that reduces your heart rate. It’s good for your mental health. And along the way, we just tried to rescue as many animals as we could. So I think we have five or six different species and several individuals of all of those. And it’s just a little bit crazy, but super fun here.

[00:02:44] How I Got Here

So how did you get into your line of work? What was the trigger for you to say, I’m gonna help people grow their identity and all those things you help people.

Initially I would say I’ve always been interested in self-development, and [00:03:00] when I went to the university quickly, I departed from my original degree and I was working for a mentoring program with students and I did that for quite a while. And in the context of that, I realized that they needed a lot of help with their mental health.

And at that point I got a degree as a licensed marriage and familytherapist. . And as I started working with people who were older, I realized the people I enjoyed the most were the entrepreneurs. And at that point, then I got dual- certified in coaching.

And that’s what I do currently, is that I work with business owners and high performers helping them reach their next level.

But I think throughout, if you looked at the arc of my life.. There’s just been this pattern of listening, finding out where you’re roadblocked, and then helping you go over or around or through that roadblock and reaching that next level of you, you version 2.0 or [00:04:00] 3.0 or whatever.

When to Get a Coach

Great. And what kind of stage in the process to people get in touch with you? Do they wait till everything’s on fire, and it’s, I really need some help, or do people have the self-awareness to try and get help sooner, or is it a bit of amixture?

You know how with people, there’s always a bit of, you’ve got a spectrum of things. So I definitely have had entrepreneurs that did not reach out to me until things were on fire.

But I also have had some people, and usually these people are a little bit younger who say, Ooh, I actually don’t know where what I’m doing, but I know I’m gonna go far and I wanna invite someone into the mix with me.

Okay. Do you think there’s a trend to people being more accepting of coaches? Obviously high performers and athletes have had coaches for a long time.

[00:04:51] Business Coaching

Do you think in the business world coaching is growing Because I seem, I know quite a few coaches, I dunno, maybe it’s cuz I’ve run a podcast now, but is there a, an increase in people [00:05:00] seeking help from coaches?

I really think that it depends on where you live, and I think it depends on what you’ve seen modeled. I mentioned earlier, I live in a semi-rural area and I watched this happen with therapy. Therapy was and is, depending on which area you live in, considered kind of a, a negative, oh, you must be broken, you need therapy.

And if you go to the coasts of our country, whether it’s the east coast or the west coast, everybody’s super proud of their therapist and they’re like, oh my gosh, I love my therapist so much.

I’m seeing the same thing with coaching.

In my particular area, I would say like almost all of the people I coach live outside of my area because in my area that like therapy is just becoming accepted and coaching is viewed with suspect. However, if you go to the East coast or the west coast of the United States, everybody has a coach. If they are trying to become a high performer.. [00:06:00]

Learning and Improving

And as you mentioned athletes, I always say, okay, if you wanna learn how to play the piano or the cello or hit a baseball or whatever, you can do it on your own for sure. But you can like two x three x 10 x that when you have a coach,

I remember at one point in my own life inviting a coach into my life and I, the power of a question can shift your mindset. And what I find to me interesting is sometimes people look at progress in a linear fashion and they’re moving along this.

And they’re getting better and better at X, like for example, better and better at playing the piano. And sometimes a coach will come in and say, have you ever considered the cello? That person had never considered the cello, but maybe they’re uniquely designed for that, and all of a sudden they just take off.

And so in the business world, it might look like [00:07:00] someone developing this program and they’re. Eeking along, additionally, one plus one, and the coach comes in and asks exactly the right question and it sits inside the person and all of a sudden they just take like a little bit of a turn, either mentally or physically in an action.

And now they’re talking about exponential growth. Instead of one plus one. Now it’s 1, 10, 20, a hundred. Actually, I, it’s not 20, it’s 10 a hundred. Et cetera. So that’s why I like coaching so much is that it gives you the opportunity to 10 x yourself.

And what are the main themes that you are helping your clients with? Are there any specifics?

[00:07:43] What is Your Mindset?

You know what I find to be interesting is that everybody comes with a different problem per se, or a different goal, but the solutions all seem to be really similar. I think that solutions come down to: what are you [00:08:00] thinking? What is your mindset? What are the values that drive your actions, which are usually habits And it, I find that if you can get people to assess what are the actions they’re doing today that are contributing to the life they have right now, those actions were usually created about six months earlier in terms of their view of themselves, their identity. Something happened about six months ago and they started shifting in such a way, and you’re seeing the downstream effects of that now.

So a lot of times I’ll ask people, where do you wanna be in six months or a year, or five years, or 10 years? What are the actions that you need to do to get you there? Now? What is the mindset that’s getting in the way of doing those actions?

What people think really impacts what they do and what they do impacts how they feel and what they feel impacts how they think. It just goes around and around and if you can get somebody to push on one of [00:09:00] those things, then you get movement.

So you breaking the cycle then of almost self-sabotage. So you, are you seeing things like people lacking confidence and imposter syndrome and not thinking they’ve got it in them, and are those the kind of things that you’ll see?

Sometimes. I think that is a really common thing that people have.

Imposter Syndrome

What’s fascinating is that self-confidence and imposter syndrome show up for everybody at some point in their life, and usually it’s when people push into that next level. So there’s a certain level of behaving and relating that you’re totally comfortable with. It’s like the last year’s version of you.

I remember the first time I did a podcast. There’s the first time you do your own interview and there’s the first time you are interviewed. And each one of those come with these feelings of, “I don’t know if I know how to do this” and that imposter syndrome. Then you [00:10:00] take the action and you learn from it and you iterate and all of a sudden it doesn’t get you in that same space anymore.

Then you end up having confidence and you end up having, this ability to say, I’m. , I can do that. Because now your identity has shifted a little bit.

Yeah. I had a podcast guest recently who, it was her first podcast episode and she was told me she was really nervous and I said, you don’t need to be, she’s given like public talks and everything and I didn’t, she didn’t come across as nervous.

It was a great episode and it’s done really well and now on LinkedIn and she’s like popping up. But like I said, I’ve messaged her and said, you’re prolific now. She’s been on like four different podcasts since my episode about a month ago. And she said, you helped me get the confidence to do it. So that was nice.

[00:10:46] Your Identity

So one of the things I know that you look at is identity and people’s identity and how that affects their, their thinking. Can you tell us a bit more about that?

Sure. I think that we as human beings really want to be [00:11:00] congruent within ourselves. And so what that means is that what’s happening on our inside is what’s happening on our outside.

And an example of dis congruity or incongruity would be someone who has a really high value of not stealing, and then they end up stealing something. And maybe it’ll happen accidentally, like maybe something will be on the bottom of their shopping cart and they didn’t see it, and they walk out and they’re going to their car and they’re like, oh my gosh, I didn’t pay for this.

When someone has the identity of “I am not a thief”, or “I am an honest person”, they’re going to walk that back in even though nobody notices, nobody cares, whatever. And they’re going to find somebody. And it might actually be a hassle because now the computers are all shut down and the transaction is finished and you have to go find somebody in customer service and blah, blah.

Um, but people who have that internal identity of “I am an honest person”- [00:12:00] they will walk it back and they will find the customer service person and they’ll go through all that hassle because they need to stay congruent within themselves.

The Next You

So within business and high performing, whenever you wanna make a new leap into the next version of yourself, you have to work with your identity.

And the identity is weird because you’re not always aware of what’s happening in your thoughts. Some of these thoughts happen in a millisecond and you have to actually train yourself to hear what is happening between your thoughts.

I’ll give you an example. So I’m in midlife and I wish I had started the business journey in my twenties and thirties, but I didn’t. I did these other things.

So the other day I was developing a product, . And this thought went through my head, Miriam, you’re too old for this. You don’t have enough time. You don’t have enough runway to make this happen.

And I caught it. Like most of the time, I wouldn’t catch that thought, but I [00:13:00] caught the thought and I went, “hang on a second”. And then I Googled people who had incredible success after 55, and it came up with the guy who created McDonald’s didn’t buy his first franchise until he was 55.

There were like five or six people who were like name brands of different things. This person wrote their first book at 65 and made a whole huge series over it. All of that. So I ended up looking up these things and saying, “okay, here’s my thought- that is a previous identity. Miriam, you’re too old for this. And I started working with that thought and going, I’m not too old for this.”

[00:13:43] I Can Make it Happen

The identity of I can make it happen. Some people have that identity in spades and other people have to develop that. I. So in my case, first I started with new information.

Here’s a whole bunch of case studies of people [00:14:00] who developed things later in life.

Then I started saying, what actions would be consistent with somebody who could make it happen?

Action First, Confidence Second

A lot of times people wanna feel the confidence before they take the action, but it’s actually the opposite way. You take the action and then that gives you the confidence.

Yeah, there’s the, just take that first step, even if it’s very small, isn’t there, so that you actually start to just move, even if it feels completely daunting, just do a tiny bit, just open the book or put the trainers by the door. It just gives you that slight nudge to just start.

Yes. Yep. And if you, determine success. Not by completing X, but by starting X. So if it’s a workout, your success is not determined by, did I work out by for 40 minutes doing this, that, or the other? The success is did I change my [00:15:00] clothes and put on my shoes and drive to the gym or pick up the weights? Did I start? Because usually if you start, your brain will say, you’ve already spent this time to get here. We may as well finish it.

Yeah. So when you’re helping people form these new identities, is it, is there some internal resistance there or do people, I guess what I’m trying to say is the people that come to you for coaching help already probably have a kind of growth mindset because they’ve sought help.

So are you pushing it an open door with that, or is it quite difficult for some people to change identity.

I don’t think anybody changes identity in a flash. I think it’s more like a sunrise where it’s dark, it’s, is it getting lighter? Is I’m not sure, is it? And then you’re like, oh, the sun is up. So I think that a change of identity feels a little more, gradual.

The Right Question

Although I will say sometimes the right question will cause someone to something inside ’em kind of snaps and they’re like, oh yeah, I can [00:16:00] do that.

I do find that if I try and champion an identity in someone, “ah, I see this in you. You can do that, or whatever, blah, blah.” There’s internal resistance. But if I ask a question and say, ” what evidence have you seen in yourself that you could be this kind of a person?”

What evidence is, have you seen that you could move into the next income bracket? , I’ve developed a new product and I’ve got this email sequence, or I have this many new clients, or I am doing X,

– so I help them see they’re already taking the steps. Or, what is an action you could take that would be congruent with this new person that you want to be?

Then there’s some silence. And then they’ll say, I think I could do X.

And when you hear someone say, I think I could do X, you’re like, okay. Now it’s almost like you have feet across a stream and one foot is on this [00:17:00] side and one foot is on the other side. They’re straddling this space in their brain, and there is a moment in time where more weight is on the back foot than the front foot, and then somehow that shifts and more weight is on the front.

Then you know that they’re moving into that newer identity.

[00:17:19] How the Shift Happens

And that shift for you. How do you think that happens? Is that because of your coaching or because they’ve just had time to like get used to the idea? What makes that shift happening, do you think?

I think it’s different for every single person, but usually there’s some form of vision that is caught by the other person and it could be this internal desire that they have to be a different person. It could be a book they read. It could be someone else modeled something and they said, “Ooh, I could do that too.” It could be the championing of a coach.

There’s lots of [00:18:00] reasons. I do think it has to start with a vision of a possibility. I could go here or I want to go here. and then it becomes, which came first, the chicken or the egg? Is it the actions or the ideas that, I don’t know.

One of the challenges for people in life, and I know being an entrepreneur myself, can be just overload of, of choice and what do I do next as just so many things I could and should be doing. And then you can, if you don’t like, try to prioritize and get structure. Just get lost in it.

Did you help people with that to try and fi find their way through that, that feeling of overload and overwhelm?

Yes. I think that boundaries are incredibly important and what is fascinating to me is we do get to make a whole bunch of choices.


If you think about a pipe and if you keep this pipe really wide, And you put the same amount of water through it, or you make it really narrow, you’re gonna get different speed. And so for [00:19:00] some people, I wanna know, how important is it that this make enormous amounts of money quickly versus , what is the role of this business venture or this next level of view in your own life and your income structure, et cetera.

Because the answers to that are really gonna determine- do you get to meander and explore? There are some people who wanna start a business and they’re currently working for something else, and they want to transition into their own business- I’m gonna use the word someday, but they don’t have a lot of pressure to do it next week.

They’re gonna be allowed to take a much more meandering course of action than someone who’s, I wanna quit my job in six months, I hate it, blah. .

So the first person has a wider pipe and the second person has a narrower pipe because you have to create more velocity in a shorter amount of time.

So the narrower pipe means you [00:20:00] get to choose one solution to one avatar, and you work on systematizing that solution. , and then you work on your customer base. So that’s going to be ads and marketing and all of that sort of thing. And it’s going to have to happen in a very short amount of time. So you’re going to, you’re gonna need to have some rules.


Entrepreneurs are very positive and they get pulled by all sorts of shiny objects

Oh, I could do this. Oh, what about that? And before you know it, you’re actually not going anywhere. So you either have to be incredibly disciplined to say, I’m going to give this one idea and this one avatar, and this one solution X many months.

I was interviewing somebody, two months ago, and he said, I saved up this much money and I’m gonna give this six months, and if I don’t make any money after six months, then I’m going to go elsewhere.

[00:21:00] Those were his rules and somebody else would say “I’m giving myself a decade and I’m gonna iterate and test and learn as I go. And I don’t need this to make my income. I’m doing this for the joy of it.”

And then there’s everything in between.

Yeah. Everything’s different, isn’t it for people? So your entrepreneurs can, I’ve heard there’s quite a lot of depression goes on and people are burnt out, and obviously it can have an impact on personal life and family life if you’ve got that narrow pipe as you described. “I gotta get this business off the ground.” You may have lost their job and they’ve, now I’m gonna go it alone. They’re gonna feel significant pressure to, to, to just work all the hours under the sun and we know that can be bad. Are you helping people in that space as well?

[00:21:47] The Systems

Yeah. There’s every kind of coach and there’s every kind of person.

I personally am the kind of person who is not going to encourage anybody to burn a bridge without having a [00:22:00] place to land. So it’s don’t quit your job so that this entrepreneurial thing can work. Like get this entrepreneurial thing to work and then quit your job.

Now it’s different if somebody’s been laid off and that’s sort of a situation, but even then, I almost think I would say get another job, even part-time. So the, the weight of your finances does not fall on this venture.

When the weight falls on the venture, people get really desperate. They start putting things on credit cards and taking out loans, and now they have just this incredible amount of stress that’s happening, which then fuels into working 15 hour days and terrible sleep, and now they’re not eating and they’re not exercising, and it’s just really negative downward spiral that I have seen entrepreneurs do.

That isn’t really my coaching style. I’m gonna say take care of yourself. Because if you take care of [00:23:00] yourself, you become less desperate. And if you become less desperate, then you attract the kind of customers you want. You don’t have to start making kind of crazy deals and working for nothing.

And I just don’t think it has to be that way. My business model is “let’s learn ways our business can succeed, but our lives get better and the people we’re around, like their experience of us is better as a result of all these changes we’re making.”

And do you coach, is it just one-to-one individuals or do you coach teams as well?

I have coached teams. I think that my preference is one-to-one.


I do some small group kind of things, and that’s just fine. There is so much power in just having that space for that individual to be able to pause or go on a rabbit trail or come back. So that’s just my preference.

But I have done, groups also are powerful.

I’ve been a part of some groups [00:24:00] where the coach asked the question, but the, the gem in all of it was as it went through the various people, some other entrepreneur had been there first and they said, this was my experience. I think that there is a lot of benefit that can come from having a tribe of people in a similar space.

Yeah. And you’ve to come with that, you’ve gotta have that team safety haven’t you, to have open conversations and you’re not, cuz potentially you wouldn’t get the real people in the room if they depend, if there’s tension between people and politics and all that stuff. So I can see how one-to-one would be much easier in that regard. You get probably the real person.

Yes, I would. I would agree with that. Yeah. A lot of times, because I am also a marriage and family therapist, there is this emphasis on systems. Understanding that if you are part of a team and I can help you change- you by definition, change them. Like the whole [00:25:00] system kind of changes as the individual changes.

Some people like to work with teams with all the people in the room and other people like to work with teams with only one person in the room, but knowing that person is gonna go back and push on the system and get it to change.

And I think I’m more the latter.

[00:25:17] The Victim Mindset

Yeah, that’s fair enough. So one of the other topics I know that you help people with is having a victim mindset. Can you tell us a bit more about that?

Sure. Yeah. Except I would gently correct you and say I helped them with not having a victim mindset.

Sorry if I phrased that question badly. . .

Yeah. Uh, people don’t like th that term victim mindset. And if you say to anyone, do you have a victim mindset? Oh, they’d all be like, “no, I don’t.”

But really what a victim mindset means is that you hold them- I’m gonna put them in air quotes, you hold them responsible.

Outsourcing Power

So it was [00:26:00] that person. I’m sad or frustrated or angry or less than or whatever because of them, because they did X. Instead of saying, “I am a person with control of my life. I get to control my decisions and I get to de control my actions and my emotions.”

I have heard people say that policeman always hides in that one street and it’s, it’s just his fault. I got the ticket instead of saying, “yeah, I was going 15 over the speed limit, which is why I got the ticket.”

Or it’s because you did X that I’m upset. In a way, you’re outsourcing your power to the other person. They have the power to make you mad. They have the power to wreck your life. They have the power.

I always say to people, you all, you have so many more choices than- you may not like those choices, but you do have more choices.

You could have a conversation with them. You could basically go into a [00:27:00] space of, I’m going to be separate from you until we get some help. Or you could get a divorce. There’s lots of options and people will say, I’ve tried this, I’ve tried that, I’ve tried everything. And it’s just them.

You have tried it, but you haven’t tried it effectively yet, and unless you’re dead, there’s usually something that you can do to make the situation better.

Locus of Control

I like, Phrase of internal locus of control or external locus of control.

If I have an internal locus of control, I can say, okay, here are the circumstances. Maybe my paycheck was less than it should have been, or maybe it’s rained all day, or maybe my kid came down with covid. Those things I have no control over. What control do I have? How I respond, what I think my next action? Is there anything I can do that’s going to make this situation better. And sometimes the very first thing you need to do is just take a [00:28:00] breath and get a little clear about what’s going on and then decide which way you wanna chart your next action.

Yeah. It’s how people interpret the events around them, isn’t it? Cuz you know that can, how you internalize it and interpret it affects how you respond and you, it’s easy to say obviously, but if you can get to a place where you can interpret things in a more positive way, that can change everything.

I’ll give a tiny example of this. Last week I got a notice that my virtual assistant was going to take a full-time job elsewhere and I employ her part-time and I love her and she is like my outsourced brain.

I was super sad and for a moment, I contemplated letting a variety of things go, a whole list of things going. Well, if she’s going, maybe I shouldn’t do this, maybe I shouldn’t do that.

That to me feels like a victim mindset. Well, this person has [00:29:00] gone and so now woe- is -me. I can’t do this, I can’t do that.

[00:29:04] Reframing

It took me just a minute to wrap my brain around the whole thing, and I said, well, how could I reframe this? What if -I’m sad that this is happening, however, this does give me an opportunity to evaluate everything that she was already doing, make some changes, cut some things out, add some things in.

And then I said, what other opportunities are here?

I thought she probably knows some other people who are also, she’s really good at crossing the T’s and dotting the, i’s, very organizationally savvy. And I said she probably knows some people like that. So I asked her for a list of people like that, that she knew, which she gave me, and then I made the decision.

I interviewed one and made the decision to hire her before this other person’s last day, and I asked her to train the new virtual assistant.

It’s not something I would’ve wanted, but it’s turning out to be okay and good, and it [00:30:00] really came down to: how am I interpreting what is happening and now what are the actions I’m gonna take about it? I have a lot of optimism toward the whole thing.

One Book

So one of the questions I ask all my guests is, if you could take one book with you to a desert island, what would it be?

You’re gonna say, this isn’t fair. There is a compendium of Cs Lewis’s Narnia series, and the Lion, the Witch, and the wardrobe, the whole thing. And I know they’re children’s books, but I love them because I read them a gazillion times as a child. So when I read them as an adult, it compresses time and it brings now and then together. But also what CS Lewis did with this series is take these universal principles and concepts of Christianity and he married them to delightful stories.

When children read books, they made pictures in their [00:31:00] head. And so when a movie comes out on a childhood book, everybody’s disappointed because it isn’t the way they thought it was gonna be in their head. And I love that those books do that for me, that when I read them, I can see it and I’m taken to another place.

Even though they’re very simple, it’s not like they’re complicated, but it’s a wonderful way to just go into a different space. So that’s what I would do.

[00:31:24] Where to Find Miriam

So if anyone wants to work with you, how do they get a hold of you? I have a website. Leave better as in you can leave better L E A V E B E T T e r.com and you can reach out to me via that.

Or Miriam, m i r i a m at leave Better. I have an Instagram at leave Better. I’m on LinkedIn. I would love to hear from people. I love working with people in other countries and as long as we can figure out the time zone, we’re good.

Brilliant. I’ll get all those linked in the show notes.

Miriam, it’s been great chatting to you. Thank you for being on the show. Thank you,

Scott. It’s been really fun.

A big thank you for listening to the Rebel Diary Show. Your time is precious, so it is appreciated. If you enjoy this episode, be sure to hit that subscribe button in your podcast app of choice so you don’t miss the next one.



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Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

All LeaveBetter Podcast episodes can be found here.

Music by Tom Sherlock.

head shot Miriam Gunn

If you are curious to know more, please contact me!

As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to address your concerns.

How to Improve Family Dynamics Transcript

family dynamics

How to Improve Family Dynamics – Todd Williams

Miriam: [00:00:00] All right, friends. This is so much fun for me because I have someone that I knew, like I’m embarrassed to say, almost four decades ago. We got reconnected about a month ago. So Todd Williams and I went to high school. We were in a choir together. We just had such a fun working relationship. He was an officer. I was an officer. So many hours spent together there. And then we reconnected. I found out you’re a business owner and you’re working on a new venture and a podcast, and I was like, oh my word. I wanna interview you.

So welcome Todd. Why don’t we start with that And then you and I were talking before I hit record on just the miracles of what has changed in the last three and a half decades.

No cell phones, no internet, no podcasts. Remember when it was only radio and there was like nothing you wanted to listen to? [00:01:00] Yeah.

Todd: All of that radio. And here we are, radio and about three. Three or four TV channels that you had to get up off the couch to, to turn to. That’s right. Cuz your dad said, Hey, turn it to Channel five.

[00:01:15] Intro to Todd

Miriam: Exactly right. That’s exactly, exactly. Anyway, welcome Todd. This is just so much fun. Tell me a little bit, I wanna hear what you’re doing now, but if you don’t mind, for my own curiosity, you graduated with me in 1985. What happened with you professionally? From from here to there? There to here.

Todd: Well, first of all, Miriam, it is just a pleasure to, to be here.

I, I I’ve, over the years, I’ve, we obviously lost track. We didn’t have social media. We couldn’t, we couldn’t just keep track of everybody like like everybody does now. And it’s just a, just a pleasure to be on with you and talk with you and get to get to re reacquaint. So and the fact that you, you have the same passions of podcasts and business is even more exciting.

Todd’s Background

So so I gradu Yeah, we graduated. I I, [00:02:00] I, I left, I went to B Y U had a, had a girlfriend I served an l LDS mission in, in Pennsylvania, we got married shortly after I returned home. We spent spent a couple of years in, in Salt Lake.

But then most of our, most of my professional career has actually been in Phoenix, I started my love of technology. I worked at I B M and was a director of sales in selling system X servers, really kind of before the software boom.

This was all hardware and love my time with I B M, but I was more fascinated with technology and where technology was taking us.

 Early on in our marriage, I bought a computer. And, and and it was, this was, you know, this was, this was late eighties, and so it was, you know, it was the I b m, you know, the I B m computers that were, that were just starting to take off.

Apple or Macintosh was kind of starting, but love the idea of where technology was gonna take the world. 2008 [00:03:00] we moved back to Utah and live in Utah County, and I started working in a company called Omniture. They’re a web analytics company that eventually sold to a, to Adobe in a, in a two, almost nearly 2 billion acquisition.

And I was part of that, part of that acquisition with Adobe and worked with Adobe for a couple of years. Most of my, most of my roles, Miriam, have been post sales. It was all around client acquisition, client growth client expansion product expansion.

Trustworthy Avenues

And I’ve, I’ve, I led teams over the last 10 years in. Six different continents managed 350 million in revenue and just, just loving the technology space. And now we’re, now we’re seeing a very tectonic shift into podcasts. And that’s really where the world is turning. It’s in, in this, in this, what I call credibility marketing space.

And people are becoming, are needing [00:04:00] an avenue to, to trust, to trust news. They don’t, they don’t trust news anymore. They don’t trust what businesses say about themselves. They, they they, they want to hear from the subject- matter- expert themselves. So I applaud you for what you’re doing here on this podcast.

Miriam: Oh, well, thank you. I can’t think of anybody better in sales than you because you’ve always been just such a people person. You’ve always been just really warm and approachable, and I, I can see you would be very good at that.

[00:04:27] What is Family Paramount?

Miriam: Okay, so let’s talk a little bit about. Your new venture, and then I’m gonna ask a whole bunch of questions.

That’s what you were doing on the outside of you, but a whole bunch of things were happening on the inside of you that allowed you to develop into that next step. Nobody has a 350 million venture that they’re navigating. , you know, without having some skillsets being developed along the way. So tell me what you’re doing now.

Okay. we’ll just go from there.

Todd: You bet. So let me, let me kind of tell you what we’re doing with [00:05:00] Family Paramount. I’m, I’m really excited about about what that is. It’s, it’s, it’s pre-revenue, but it’s a way to give back. And to help really what’s happening in family dynamics across the globe.

So I’ve, I’ve got two daughter, well I’ve got six children, Cheryl and I have six children. The two oldest are twins. They’re are identical twin girls. The first, the first one kind of went into marriage and family therapy Right from the beginning. She started working in, in, in boys’ homes. And and, and kind of rehabilitation centers or, or halfway, you know, halfway houses that get kids out of the jails, but into a, a setting where they can really thrive.

Meanwhile, her twin sister, identical twin sister went into specifically in elementary education. And so that, that she was teaching fourth grade and what was happening, Miriam was that her name was Britney, so it’s Tiffany is the, is the first one that I mentioned. Britney is the second one. [00:06:00] And she was noticing that as she taught these children, there was, there was gaps as the foundation of the family really was struggling.

Family Dynamics

 The struggles of the fa family dynamics that were unfortunately be set in upon so many of our, our children these days. And when I, when I say family dynamics, I’m gonna, I’m gonna include all of the distractions, you know, the social media.

The, the news, the world events, the, the, the separation of families and, and divorce and all of those things, that all of us, all of us are, are, are are recipients of, in some fashion.

So my twin daughters got together and started talking about how do we solve this, right?

How do we, how do we solve this? So Britney decided to go back, get her, go back, get her master’s degree in marriage and family therapy as well, but specializing in play therapy and specifically in adolescent and child therapy. So we have the [00:07:00] dynamics of these twin girls who are master. Master therapists really in, in, and that’s master is my, is my definition, I think, but in a way that can help children and families become better.

Growing Together

Because what was happening is, as Britney would, Britney would, would have therapy sessions. She noticed that most of the time the parents needed the therapy sessions as well.

Yeah, yeah. You’re probably, you’ve probably seen that in your therapy, se your therapy practice. Mm-hmm. . Mm-hmm. for. . And so my, my wife got her master’s degree in, in family living and family life from B Y U and and ultimately in chi, early childhood education.

And so the three of them got together and said, Hey, we, we, we want to. Have this psychoeducational site where we can give podcasts and video blogs and information to, to help the masses on [00:08:00] learning, building, and really understanding fa, what is family dynamics and what are, what are the right family dynamics that we should be creating from children and as they grow to adolescent. To teenagers and even within a couple and couple couple couple relationship strategies.

So we’re in the process of building that out. We’ve got a fa we’ve got a website that’ll go on go live probably by the first of the year called family paramount.com, where we, we literally are lit trying to help families learn and understand and better their family dynamic.

[00:08:36] Monetization

Miriam: Wow. I love it. And it’s super needed. I mean, we just are seeing for more reasons than we can even discuss here, the. , the families are struggling. It is a hard time to have young children and how fun that your entire family can engage on this as a, you know, as a unit. It’s something that you can, you know, work on at [00:09:00] the same time as, you know, do normal family things.

So, yeah. You said it’s pre-revenue. Let me ask kind of your long-term goals with this, because sometimes people create pet projects. That never, they never intend to monetize them. They just, that’s their act of service to the world. Other times, their act of service to the world is monetized, and there’s no right or wrong in that, but you do have to have a little bit of a clear vision, what your intention is as you go into that.

Todd: Yeah. So right now, I, I kind of look at it as the create, grow. Monetize, right? Yeah. So right now we’re gonna create, and we’re going to, we’ve, we’ve written, well, I, I’m, I’m kind of the backend technology brains behind it. But they’ve written quite a few articles and blogs that we will be post at launch.

We’ve got some, we’ve got a, a pre-launch trailer that we’re, that we’re, we’ve recorded, we’ve recorded one episode of a fa of a family Paramount blog podcast. [00:10:00] And our long-term strategy really is to just help families. So that’s, that’s what we’re going into it for. We’re not, we’re not, we’re understanding that, that this is not a, a multimillion dollar venture.

Goal of Monetization

But what was, what was heartbreaking to me is when I heard that Britney and Tiffany had a six month waiting list, and it takes six months to get into them and there’s simple basic practices that they should be learning. The people should be learning now about how to love, how to, how to trust, in a, in a normal, healthy family relationship.

So we’re gonna create and we’re gonna create all of the necessary articles around all of the dynamics of child adolescent play therapy of a of, of, of, of teenage, teenage reactions, appropriate child play, appropriate teenage, teenage practices. And then ultimately family. So, we’ll, it’ll, it’ll grow. I’m, it’ll grow [00:11:00] into a monetization events seminars, courses obviously podcasts and, and video blogs.

but we want to help. We want to help families. Yeah. Create a better family dynamic.

Miriam: I mean, that is pretty evident. Just hearing your enthusiasm for it. Your face is lit up when you talk about it. It’s really an important thing and I appreciate kind of your long horizon on that. Something that I find interesting, many people I don’t know, as someone who is a therapist and also a coach, I have this predilection toward one-on-one type things, and to think that that is maybe the best or the most efficient. But also as I’ve continued in my own development, I’ve done quite a few kinds of business classes and self-development classes that have a video component and then a group component.

And honestly, you can grow equally as well through that, and it’s much more [00:12:00] scalable.

Having Someone There

Part of the reason that your daughters have a six week wait or a six, I couldn’t remember if you said six week or six month, but many therapists are just booked out the wazo and part of that is insurances and you know, this, that, or the other, but it really boils down to a lot of people are struggling and there are more, there’s more demand than there are therapists to be able to do that.

It’s just, it’s common where you are. It’s common where I am and what I hear you creating is a space where people can come and you don’t have to like, rely on Google and go here for one article and there for one article and whatever. You can go to a centralized space that over time you’re going to develop, you know authority, material authority and people will trust you.

And then you have, you know, this landing place where people can come and grow and hopefully there’ll be some community aspects [00:13:00] to it where they can meet each other and help each other.

Something that I think is also just a problem that you’re solving when you have difficulty in families, they’re habits that are, I’m gonna use the word maladaptive habits and generally, The people you know have the same habits you have.

And so, you know, if you listen to self-development gurus and influencers, they’ll say that, you know, you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with for good or bad. And it’s very difficult if someone wants to change the five that they’re around. They don’t know anybody like that.

And so what I hear you doing is you’re providing an opportunity for people to hear from people who have different habits, maybe.

[00:13:51] Generation to Generation

Todd: It’s a great way of saying it. I I, I, I hadn’t thought about that, but you’re right. It’s, that’s absolutely the case, especially, especially when you have dynamics in a [00:14:00] dysfunctional family that goes from generation to generation.

They don’t necessarily know what they don’t know. And Of course, and so, you know, the basic, the basic fundamental things that, that I think you and I grew, grew up with in, in, in a, in a, in a way that is, Love and, and devotion and trust and, and all of those things that, that I think I, I, I took for granted growing up is, is a way that is a way that we can, we can teach people, right?

Which is ultimately what a therapist does is, is give another approach. You know, have you thought about this?

And I remember. My my daughter telling me a story about she, she came home a couple of days ago and or home, she just came to our house a couple of days ago and she said, you know, I, I really feel like I helped this couple come up with some, some different ways to, to function within their, within their family.

And I said, well, what, what was it? And she kind of laughed and she said, well, I told them that they should use paper plates. [00:15:00] and and there was this big family argument, dynamic problem that was all around dishes in the sink and, and scattered dishes around the couch and all of these things. And, and my daughter, my daughter who’s the therapist, said, you know, Jane and John Doe- just use paper plates.

The Simple Solution

And and the, the couple came back the next day and they said, you know, that was such a simple solution, but we hadn’t thought about it, and we needed you to tell us about that.

And so, you know, it, it’s so simple. It’s such an easy thing. But if you’re stuck in the hole, you, you just can’t see outside the hole for so many reason.

Miriam: Often the simple solution is the most elegant solution and sometimes it takes someone on the outside of you to just ask a question, right? That makes you think, oh, well yeah, why didn’t I think of that?

For sure. [00:16:00] So I’m gonna bounce out of the therapy space and more into the coaching space because I wanna hear as you went through, you know, you’re in midlife probably at the apex of professional career. And as you went from this to that and the various steps, what skillsets did you learn that are helping you architect this new project?

Todd: You know, I’ve, I’ve looked at my life over the last 20 years in, in retrospect often, right, because I I’ve gone into technology and then I went into customer success, and then maybe I went into, I went into marketing I went into sales. I, I, I started growing different aspects of my career, working with difficult executives, working with good executives, working with difficult employees, working with good employees trying to figure out ad campaigns and ad insertion campaigns and, and, and different types of, of podcast solutions and [00:17:00] how that all works.

Culmination of Success and Failures

And, The things that I’m doing now, I’ve kind of come, come to the conclusion that the things that I’m doing now would’ve been virtually impossible to do 10 years ago. Not because the technology’s different, not be because the world is different, but because I’m different and my knowledge set is different.

And so all of the failures, and yes, I’ve had many, all of the failures and all of the successes have culminated and continue to culminate into a, a, an avenue of success where I can thrive. And if I wouldn’t have had those difficult, difficult situations terrible successes future fail, you know of past failures, all of those things.

I, I wouldn’t have been able to accomplish things that I’m trying to accomplish now.

So it’s, it’s interesting your perspective as you get older because [00:18:00] you, you see the, you see the failures that you’ve, you’ve done, you’ve done, you see the, the successes that you seen in others or even in yourself. You see the, the failures potentially.

In your children or the, maybe not failures, let’s say, let’s call them learning experiences. You know, the, the learning experiences that your children are, are having and it just, it’s good, you know, the, the, the, the fact that, that I’ve got a, a, a, a, this, a son at, at, at the school. That is maybe, maybe frustrated.

He’s in a senior year at B Y U and he’s, he’s frustrated with everything that’s coming at him, and, and I just kind of smile and say, keep going. You’re doing it’s okay. You’re, it’s okay. You’re, you’re doing good. You know, over the years, I’ve this is maybe a good thing to add. ‘

[00:18:53] Todd’s Mission

Todd: Over the years I’ve I’ve written a personal mission.

and, and that that mission statement has, has [00:19:00] kind of adapted and moved and changed and, and but for the most part it stayed. It has stayed pretty, pretty consistent. And it’s a simple statement. It’s, it’s four kind of four for tactics.

It’s, it’s, be happy, be better, find good. and move forward.

I try to be better every day. I try to be a better person, better, a better, better husband, a better father, a better son. I don’t always succeed, but I try every day find good. I want to, I want to look for the good in life. Look for the good in things. Look for the good in people.

Trust that that they. Have the best intentions at at heart, and then also just get up every morning and put your pants on and move forward.

You know, I think for me that is, that’s been how I’ve tried. To [00:20:00] live my life and, and learn, keep learning every single day and, and hopefully when, when this mortality ends, thinking, okay, I’m, I’ve, I’ve accomplished what I’ve wanted to accomplish in my life.

Miriam: Yeah, you’ve lived a good life. Todd. What I appreciate about what you just shared is that two of those things were mindsets and two of those things were actions or behaviors, and where I think so many people get stuck.

Either they’re, they’re doing activities that aren’t maybe evaluated. They’re habitual, they’re not really thought through, and a lot of people, I think, have prisons in their mind and their mind circle on negativity, or they get caught up in outrage, or they just aren’t really pushing into that space of the best version of themselves.

Mindset and Behavior

Yeah, and you really have to have both. I mean, you can’t have a productive mindset without it turning into behavior that’s, [00:21:00] that’s really just impossible. And you’re kind of deluding yourself if you’re like, oh yeah, my, everything in my head is just going great. Well, it, it has to show up in your actions because that’s just how we’re wired as people.

And I appreciate the thoughtfulness that you have taken throughout your I’m gonna use the word adult life

cause you, yeah. Cause you, you, you knew me in my, in my adolescent life. , . Well, even in your adolescent life, you were fun. Everybody loved you, and you got stuff done and you were very networky and connecting even then.

But it, it was in a young way, you know?

And how cool I was talking to somebody the other day. They were asking me about my career, and I said, I’ve always done the same thing. I have always listened and helped people with their roadblock, whatever it is, and helped them reach their next level of themselves.

And in high school it was listening to [00:22:00] people talk about their boyfriends. And in college it was something different. And then in my first career, it was mentorship, and my next career it was therapy. In my current career, it’s professional coaching. It’s the same skillset set, right? Yeah. Listen, Be present, ask a question that will move a person.

Time Stands Still

I love, I love that. I told my husband when I came home from this reunion where I saw you met reacquainted with you. Yep. And I took my hands, you know, a foot apart and I said, here was high school. Here is now. And in some weird way, we pulled those two spaces together as though 35 years. Hadn’t happened, and yet it clearly has happened in our, our depth and our, well, in my case, my breath.

We won’t talk about that, but , I said, yes, Cheryl and I felt the same way. It’s interesting how you can reacquaint with someone after so many years [00:23:00] and. , it’s like nothing ever happened. It’s like time stood still, right?

Sure. For sure. It’s one of the mysteries of the universe, the both, and where we all clearly have changed and also our inner core. Soulish, humanity is still the same.

[00:23:19] Skill Sets and Failures

Miriam: So I wanna bounce back to the, when you were talking about these skill sets and the, the successes and the failures over the last three and a half decades, can you get specific, because I think specificity really helps people.

Here’s where I thought X or I did x. Big mistake. And this is what I learned in the context of that.

Because we’re all on this path to you know, reach our next version of ourselves. And what is obvious to one person is a revelation to the other.

Todd: So two experiences that have really changed my, [00:24:00] my look on people, my look on businesses.

 I was talking to my mom this was quite a few years ago, probably, probably 20 years ago, and she said, Todd, remember that people look out a window.

And see a different view. So what that did, Miriam, is it allowed me to take in people’s views and understand people’s view. Very, very differently over the years because their view out, their picture out of their kitchen window is just different than mine.

It’s not wrong, it’s just different.

So there was a quote by, by Zig Ziegler, who’s, he said, you don’t build a business, you build people. And then the people build the business. And as I’ve, as I’ve built, let’s see, I’ve started 1, 2, 3, 3 different businesses. I’ve tried to, and then been an executive member of the leadership team [00:25:00] of, you know, three or four others.

People First, Then Customers

But as I’ve tried to go into that, I’ve tried to focus on the people.

People first, then customers, then the business, and, and, and there’s, you know, there’s a lot of people that will say, no, no, no, you gotta focus on the customers. No, no, no. You gotta focus on the revenue. No, no. You gotta my view, my picture Window , right?

My, my, my view. Is focus on the people first, focus on the employees. Give back to the employees. Let the employees know that they are the most important people and customers come second, in my view, if, if I always do that and have employees that trust me

they will ultimately follow you into building a successful business.

There’s another, there’s another quote by Muhammad Gandhi that I, I try to follow. It’s be the change in the world that you want to see. You probably are familiar with that. And and I’ve tried [00:26:00] to be the change, right?

Be the positive influence, be the good, be the positive, be the, be the one that, that, that stands out.

Miriam: Yeah, I appreciate that. I have que two questions that are taking me in opposite directions and I’m not sure which one to ask first, but I think I’m going to ask when when you have failed, as someone who is a basically positive person, what’s the message you hear inside yourself and how did you approach that failure?

[00:26:34] Approaching Failure

Todd: So this is a great question. I don’t fail well. You know, I, I don’t, I don’t fail well and I have, I have failed countless times. I go back to the mantra of be better, move forward, be happy. You know, life, life is hard and life is hard for all of us. And the only way really to get through this life is to lock arms. Connect with people who love you, connect people. [00:27:00] Connect with people you don’t know and that you need to know and move forward.

Miriam: Yeah. Boy, that is really well said. I know that something that has helped me when I’m in a quote unquote failure space, and I don’t know who said this, I never lose. I only win or learn. Yeah. And I think, ugh, if I can just internalize that, and I do most of the time, but something that you’ve mentioned that I think is profound and really important.

You said link arms and connect. When you’re in that space that you feel like you failed, you need someone else. N not necessarily a book or a you know, pla a, a phrase. You need a human, a live human to look in your eyes and say, I love you anyway. Mm-hmm. , and it doesn’t matter to me. I’m, it matters to me in that this has made you sad, but it doesn’t make me think any less of you this “failure”. You know, we need real [00:28:00] humans to give us hugs and to say, I love you anyway, and you’re worth so much more to me than this activity. Whatever it, whatever it is.


 As people are losing their employment, their sense of self just takes such a hit does and a lot of times it isn’t actually about them. Nope. It’s about all these other factors yeah. . So I love that.

Todd: There was, there was an experience that I had actually when I was in Phoenix, I, I had lost my job. It was a layoff. We had, we had merged with another company and duplication of efforts and it’s ultimately what brought me, brought me to Utah, right?

So, Which was actually a really good thing, right? But at the time, I didn’t think it was a good thing, thought it was either my fault or what could I have done different or what could I have. And I remember I got a phone call. It’s back when we called each other instead of texted each other, I got a phone call.

I got a phone call from a, from a friend that said, Hey, I, I want to, I want to. I want to, are you available [00:29:00] for lunch on Tuesday? Let’s go to lunch and let’s talk about who I can connect you with. And and I’ve, I’ve since thought about that over the years, and I’ve tried to emulate that in my own life now.

Whenever I hear of someone that’s, you know, needs some connecting, I, I really try to reach out and say, Hey, I’ve got a lot of connections on LinkedIn. Who do I know? Who do you need to know? And how do we connect? But for me personally, that was such a, a wake up moment because he, number one, he didn’t have to do that.

The Human Response

He was busy, but he took the time to call me and say, Todd, you’re important to me. Your future’s important to me. How can I help? It’s the. It’s the, the, the human response that I needed to get myself, you know, off the couch or out of the bed or whatever and move forward. Yeah. You know? Yeah. The human response, what I appreciate about what

Miriam: you just shared is that there is the [00:30:00] aspect of actual help.

Did connect you with people via LinkedIn or whatever. Yeah. But what probably helped you even more, at least initially, is he asked, how can I help? And I’m always talking with my kids and saying, just ask me how you can help. Nine times out of 10 I’ll say, I’ve got this. I don’t. I we’re good. I just wanna know you’re in this with me.

And that’s what this gentleman did for you is he got in it with you. That’s wonderful. I love that. , what a beautiful what a beautiful story. You’ve had some good people in your life, for sure. Yeah.

[00:30:36] Habits, Actions, and Thoughts

Miriam: Okay, so can I ask you a coachy question? Sure. You bet. All right, so you’re starting this new venture. You have been involved in several, like very large.

Successful ventures, you’ve done two or three companies of your own. If you are standing in this point and you can see two directions, there are certain things [00:31:00] that you could do that would expedite this new venture, and there are other things that you could do that would just slow it down. Just habits, actions, thoughts.

Paint me a picture of if you were standing in that point and you were like, okay, if I do this, this, and this it’s gonna speed this sucker up, and if I do this, this, and this, whether it’s between your ears or actual, you know, things, you’ve, you’ve been around the block a couple times with these business ventures and you know, what will, you know, light the rocket underneath it and what will pour water on it?

Mm-hmm. . Tell me, tell me what those things are.

Todd: Let me, let me start with the success, the, the things that I, I know drive success. Okay. And this is, these are Miriam. These, these are some things that, that I’ve thought about.

Recipe for Success

Success to me is, is so personal because what I believe [00:32:00] is success or what you believe is success could be totally different things.

Most of the time it’s not financial. Or maybe shouldn’t even be financial. Right? Right. But but the, the kind of, the kind of the recipe is, is great marketing, great product. I have a list here. Great product, great marketing, engaging sales. Equals success. Mm-hmm. . So if you have a great product and you have great marketing and you have engaging sales, those three things together is is successful.

What’s interesting about that and what I want to kind of talk about is. It’s not just a good product, it’s a stellar product. You have to have a stellar product. You have to have, you know, great marketing, not just, not just mediocre marketing. You have to have great marketing. You have to have engaging sales, not just salespeople, but you [00:33:00] have to have engaging sales.

If when you have all three of those, you have a recipe of success.


I’ve always hired Miriam. I’ve always hired for personality. I can, I can teach, I can teach people. Right. Yeah. But always it’s tough. It’s tough to teach personality. Yeah. So when I interview, if you ever interview with me in the future, anyone out there, I’m looking for personality because I can teach them how to sell or how to market, or how to produce, or how to engage.

But I can’t, I can’t change their personality.

Miriam: So then you asked, then you asked what are the things that just roadblock Yeah. Hang on a second. Cause I wanna go ahead, comment on this. Yep. I heard you say food, water, oxygen, . If you’re missing any one of those three, this thing is gonna die. And it’s, it’s, and it’s good food.

It’s good luck, good for good air. Right? It’s, yes, exactly. It has to be evaluated and lack of [00:34:00] evaluation, whether it’s in your business or your personal life, it’s choosing mediocrity. Yeah. So I, I love that. I love that you have this written down. It’s like right in front of you.

Todd: I’m going, oh my gosh. That’s, this is what’s, what’s interesting and, and is it’s, it’s at the top of my Evernote. Huh And whenever I open up Evernote, which is my daily, it’s, you know, that’s, that’s where it is, you know?

Miriam: Yeah, yeah. Well, you’re just getting your brain thinking and thinking and thinking always on that.

That’s part of your D N A now.

So, yeah, let’s move on to the roadblocks.

[00:34:34] Roadblocks

Todd: So there is, there really is Miriam only one roadblock. Mm. And that is, that is between your ears. Yeah. It’s, it’s your, your ability to believe, you know, it’s your, it’s your ability to hope.

It’s your ability to believe, it’s your belief. It’s your ability to move. It’s your, your ability to, to, to put past the negative thoughts and create.

My grandmother, many, many, many years ago, while [00:35:00] I was, you know, in my early teens told, told her family a statement that said, in periods of calmness in your life, there is no growth.

Mm-hmm. . And, and so sometimes those periods of calmness are. Oh, time to breathe, right? Yeah. Yeah. They’re, it’s, it’s, they’re good. Catch your breath, . Okay. It’s good. And, and we, and we, and we look at those times and we say, we say, okay, I can, I’m, I’m finally out of trial, or I’m, I’m finally out of struggle. But you have to realize that in those periods of time, there is no growth.

 In high school, which we thought was so hard that, that we now realize were not hard. You know, college where, where we thought that was so hard, which it wasn’t very hard. Right. totally. You know, all of those things have helped us become who we are, but it was through the trials and struggles.[00:36:00]

that we did that.

Anyone can be Anything

So, you know, going back to the, the, the things that will stop a business or stop thriving is when we, we, we have an opportunity and we say we can’t do it.

Yeah. Right. So that’s, for me, it’s, anybody can be anything, you know, anybody can be anything. We just have to have enough willpower and determination and, and and enough days.

Sometimes it takes a lot of days.

Miriam: Enough days. And I would also say enough support, enough support, enough flow to mm-hmm. , all of that to, you know, to be able to get there.

[00:36:37] Shedrick Wildlife Fund

Todd: Oh Todd, this has been so fun. I appreciate you just immensely. So we had mentioned, I had mentioned to you before we started that as a thank you, we do a donation to a charity of your choosing in your name, and you had chosen the Sheldrick Wildlife Fund.

We’re going to adopt a baby girl Elephant in your name, and you’ll get monthly [00:37:00] updates and you can see how she’s being taken care of and will eventually be released in the wild.

We’re all about leaving things better here in conversation and in action, and this has been a great, just a great interview.

Thank you so much. Oh, Miriam, it’s absolutely been my pleasure. It’s been, it’s great to talk, it’s been great to reminisce about the old days and about some of the things that that’s gone wrong and, and good things in, in your life and my life. So it’s been my pleasure to be with you. Good. Very good.

End Credits

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Full audio episode found here.

Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.

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Music by Tom Sherlock.

head shot Miriam Gunn

If you are curious to know more, please contact me!

As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to address your concerns.

Self-Improvement: Succeed at Being You Transcript

elisabeth galperin

Envision Your Future – Elisabeth Galperin

[00:00:00] Hey, friends, today it is my pleasure to interview Elizabeth Galperin. She is the owner of Peak Production Coaching. Not only is she a speaker and a coach, but she’s a sought after trainer. She’s passionate about helping professionals perform at their peak and reach their potential. She sounds like someone like me.

[00:00:18] That’s what I do too. And so we’re already friends. We spent time talking beforehand and it’s like we have some things in common.

[00:00:25] So Elizabeth, something you said, ~ we often get stuck in our own stories and limiting beliefs, especially those around disorganization and overwhelm.

[00:00:35] So welcome and let’s start there.

[00:00:38] Elisabeth: Okay. Thank you so much for having me. I’m excited to have this conversation with you.

[00:00:43] Miriam: Great. Why don’t you give me a little bit of an idea of what you mean by limiting belief, and then let’s talk about some ways to counteract those, or at least address them.

[00:00:56] Limiting Belief

[00:00:56] Elisabeth: Okay, fantastic. So when I meet with brand new people that I’m telling, you know what I do, or in my very first couple of sessions with a client, the I, you know, it very quickly turns to, what’s not been working right, and why am I feeling overwhelmed, or why am I feeling disorganized? Why am I, you know, worried about growing my business?

[00:01:20] And what I hear from clients, and I mean, It’s varied, but quite often, uh, it has the, the preface of I’ve always been, or I’ve never been, so, you know, I’ve always been so terrible managing my time or I’ve always been, you know, in my family I was always the kid who could never pay attention.  I hear very early on in the relationship with, with individuals part of that identity.

[00:01:52] And you and I know, and, and even they know we can all change. Doesn’t matter how old we are, right? But oftentimes we sit in that old identity and it creates a limitation that we may or may not be aware of.

[00:02:07] And so in my work with clients, you know, one of the very first things that we talk about is, well, that’s maybe who you.


[00:02:16] Have been or who you identified with, but who is it that you want to be and want to become and to, to kind of dispel the belief that, um, that’s unachievable. I think the. Not everyone is familiar with that term of limiting belief, right? But it’s old identity, new identity, and part of my role is to help bridge that gap and also give my clients the confidence that they can bridge that gap, whether they’ve been, you know, we’ve been around for 20 years, or 40 years, or 60 years, right?

[00:02:52] We can always change.

[00:02:54] Miriam: Sure. I, I agree with you on just how this plays out in people’s lives, and I think that, one of the things. I don’t hear talked about much with limiting beliefs is as you’re going through that identity transformation, the other person struggles to accept that new identity.

[00:03:14] Before we had gotten on, and we’re talking about this, I asked you about your name and did you wanna be called Liz or Beth or Elizabeth? And you said, I used to be called Beth, but I want to be called Elizabeth. And that is such a small little way of saying, but. Big in its ramifications. This is who I was.

Identity Shift

[00:03:33] This is who I am now, and I bet you anything, you had a ton of people who struggled to make that switch and they called you the old thing until they switched to the new thing.

[00:03:44] Yes. Yes. Can you talk a little bit about how you see that for your clients as they’re trying to make this identity shift and change and the other people are kind of trying to put them back in that other space?

[00:03:57] Not, not in a mean way it’s just habit.

[00:04:00] Communication

[00:04:00] Elisabeth: Yeah. Right. And it’s comfortable, right? Yes. I mean, you know, most humans do like things to stay the same, and particularly the way we view a loved one, a family member, a partner, a business partner. So you’re right. You know. I, I talk a lot with my clients about the importance of communication.

[00:04:21] Clearly as a coach and and a client, we have to be doing a lot of communication. But I also make sure that we figure out who, who is in your sphere that we need to talk to about the changes you’re making and how those individuals can support you, um, and how can you support them. So my background is actually, The field of communication.

[00:04:44] I was a speech language therapist in my first career, and you know, the, the more I get into, I mean, I’ve been, I’ve been in my, my own business now for 15 years. But I continue to see how communication with others is such an important factor when it comes to changing our own habits, adopting new strategies, trying to, you know, run your business differently.

Communication Systems

[00:05:06] Putting systems in place. There’s always some element of who are we communicating to about it? How are we communicating with them, and how does our change impact those around us? So I mean, it’s you’re, you’re hitting the nail on the head in terms of any time that we’re changing something small or big , we have to not just think about how do we want to respond?

[00:05:33] And behave differently, but how are we going to need to support the people around us or ask for the support of people around us so that we can make that change and, and have the support and the acceptance of it.

[00:05:46] Miriam: Sure. Can you give an example, or I should say, are you willing to give an example from your own life where you had a limiting belief?

[00:05:55] I assume there was this process of, you didn’t know it was there then you knew it was there, but you didn’t do anything about it. Then you started to do something about it, but it probably went poorly and then you accomplished it. Give me an idea, like with a practical, you know, boots on the ground example.

[00:06:14] Public Speaking

[00:06:14] Elisabeth: Okay, so I’ve got a great one for you. So I used to be, I won’t quite say deathly afraid, but the idea of public speaking. Was something that sounded miserable to me. I was the student in college that avoided taking a public speaking class. It’s interesting as I. You know, as I went through and started my first profession, I was, I was an educator and a teacher, but it was more about being with kids.

[00:06:44] And it was in a smaller, it was in a smaller setting and smaller role, but the idea of getting up in front of a group of peers or professionals, was something that terrified me. So in the first five years or so of my career, my identity and limiting belief was, I’m afraid of public speaking and I’m terrible at.

[00:07:04] So that was anytime someone would ask, Hey, do you want to be our spokesperson? Hey, do you wanna get up and, you know, lead this discussion? My limiting belief was, oh no, I’m terrible at that. Oh no, I’m afraid of that. Well, when I, when I was in, I. Used to work in the public schools and I took a position at a private practice being a speech language therapist, and part of my role there was representing the practice and helping to build our clientele.

People Pleasing

[00:07:34] So I had to start wearing a sales hat and that required me to start talking to groups of educators and parents. I was extremely uncomfortable doing so, but I also didn’t wanna tell my boss no. Cause I’m a people pleaser by nature. So even though I had this belief that I’m terrible at speaking in front of an audience and you know, I, my face would get all red and I’d get sweaty and, you know, all the terrible things that you experience.

[00:08:05] But I, I had to get comfortable being uncomfortable and. You know, after, I don’t know, let’s say five or six times, I started getting feedback that you did a great job up there. We loved your presentation, and so it took other people’s perspective for me to start to think, well, maybe I’m actually not a terrible speaker, public speaker.

[00:08:27] I still am not comfortable, but I’m at least getting feedback from other people that maybe I’m not terrible, maybe I am somewhat good at this. And just through the practice of. Being uncomfortable and pushing through it anyways, helped me turn the, the, the tide. And now if you ask me what’s one of my favorite things that I do in my business, it’s when I get to speak in front of a room full of people and do a workshop or a training.

Energized by People

[00:08:52] So complete 180. But you know, that’s over a span of, of several years and it really re it. Being willing to step into it and know that I could get to the other side of it if I practiced and if I, took the feedback from other people and, and allowed that to be the message versus my own internal message of, you’re not good at this

[00:09:16] Yeah. So that, that’s a significant one.

[00:09:18] Miriam: Yeah, no, I can totally tell, and I can tell by the way you’re talking about it, that when you get to be in front of people now, it energizes you and it does. I wonder how many of our listeners have these hidden genius spaces within them that they are. Unaware of, or they are like on the other side of the coin thinking I’m no good at that, or I can’t do that.

[00:09:42] I was talking about limiting beliefs on a podcast earlier today that where I was being interviewed and we were, we were just discussing about how the space in your brain is feeding you- it’s almost like a ticker tape just feeding you this, these messages constantly and so many people do not know.

[00:10:03] Just because it goes through your brain doesn’t mean it’s true.

Tips on Changing Mindset

[00:10:07] Elisabeth: Right, right. You may have a choice to believe to, to have the thought and choose to continue with that thought or to change the thought.

[00:10:18] I certainly learned that, you know, through throughout, particularly becoming a, a business owner.

[00:10:24] An entrepreneur. But you’re right. Just because the thought exists doesn’t mean that we have to believe it or allow it to, to hang around.

[00:10:32] Miriam: Right. What would you say if you were giving some practical tips on people changing their thoughts because everybody says, oh, you know, you need to change your thinking or your mindset.

[00:10:44] Feels sometimes a little abstract.

[00:10:47] What would you say are some concrete ways to stop that thinking in your head?.

[00:10:54] Journaling Your Thoughts

[00:10:54] Elisabeth: I do firmly believe in just the act of journaling and writing and taking a thought and making it concrete on paper.

[00:11:02] I really love I am statements so. In, in my previous example, I am a competent and, um, I’m a competent speaker, you know, and just writing it and, and feeling into it and thinking about what does it feel like to be a competent speaker? So kind of putting yourself into the new identity and, and thinking about what would it feel like and where would that lead me to and who.

[00:11:27] Speak to and just kind of letting the, letting the vision play out.

[00:11:31] But getting it from just the thought that’s floating in your head and this non-tangible, to an actual statement that you’ve written on paper, that you’ve turned into something a little bit more solid.

[00:11:42] Spending just time with your thoughts and, and doing the journaling and imagining what it feels like to be that version of yourself.

[00:11:50] I also think that asking other people for feedback and getting, you know, like I was saying earlier, we have a perception of ourselves that is very different than, or at least somewhat different than what other people perceive of us. So being willing to say to a friend or a colleague, um, Hey, how would you describe, if you had to use three words to describe my speaking skills, what would they be?

Future You

[00:12:14] And just allow yourself to see how other people are viewing you and, and receiving you.

[00:12:20] I think that’s a very powerful, it’s vulnerable, right? But it’s very powerful.

[00:12:26] And then it’s taking little small steps that, you know, how can you put into action.

[00:12:33] Ben Hardy, Dr. Ben Hardy is an expert that I follow, and he, he wrote a whole book about, it’s called Be Your Future Self Now, I believe. What I’ve learned from him is, you know, go ahead and make a decision today. Assuming you are that future vision of yourself or, you know, having that different belief about yourself.

[00:12:53] And the more you act as your, that future version of you, the, the sooner you become that version. So it’s like, are there some small steps you could take that, that will encourage you to act upon? That new belief or that new identity, and then it starts to get a lot more comfortable, much more quickly.

[00:13:14] Miriam: Yeah. I really appreciate those thoughts. I often say, you know, where you look is where you go and I don’t know. I definitely see that when I drive, I have to be careful not to look too, too far. Look at the scenery. Oh, all of a sudden I’m across the line, you know? But where, where you look is where you’re gonna go.

[00:13:33] Internal Confidence

[00:13:33] Miriam: And if you are constantly looking at, I suck at this, I’m terrible, I’m this, I’m that. I’m not as good as them, you know? It’s amazing. Me this, this goes across a, um, spectrum from, you know, I mean, both you and I address people who are trying to reach their next level, who are trying to be successful.

[00:13:53] It’s amazing to me that these principles hold true whether you are below the poverty line or a multi-millionaire. Where you look is where you’re gonna go and what you tell yourself super, super matters.

[00:14:07] When you are trying to improve and reach that next level of you, there’s all sorts of spaces of pushback, whether it’s from the internal spaces in you or the people outside of you. And one of the things that I hear people express, they all, whether you’re, you know, regardless of any gender, it kind of comes out a little bit differently depending on where you stand.

[00:14:33] But the, the similar motif is, Uh, I, I don’t do well with criticism. You know, they’re, they’re going along and then someone says something critical and then it kind of sucks the wind out of their sail. And so, how would you work on this idea? I mean, that is a form of limiting beliefs when someone else is critical and then you somehow take that in.

[00:14:58] Receiving Criticism

[00:14:58] Miriam: What kind of input would you say to people who are on the receiving end of criticism?

[00:15:04] Elisabeth: A couple of things come to mind for me. One is, we don’t know what’s going on inside someone else’s, you know, world and mind. Oftentimes if there is criticism, uh, we only see it on the surface.

[00:15:18] We see what words they’ve used. We don’t know, you know, if they’ve had a terrible day, if they just, you know, receive terrible news. We have to remember that their words carry, some weight and meaning that we can’t see. Having a little bit of thick skin and recognizing that the words that someone uses has, I would venture to say more to do with them than it does to you, especially when it is a criticism.

[00:15:44] Right.

[00:15:45] I think also allow yourself to be curious and instead of if we do receive criticism instead of shutting down or, wanting to kind of hide away.

[00:15:57] Step towards it and be curious and maybe ask some, ask a follow up question or, um, explore, you know, where that, where that comment is coming from instead of shrinking away from it. Again, that’s not easy to do. It takes courage and it’s uncomfortable, but I also think that when we take. An extra minute or when we ask an extra question, that is when we can often uncover, oh, this is what’s going on.

Be Curious

[00:16:27] That comment really did not have to do with me and, and my performance today. It really had to do with what happened at home for that individual, or, you know, what? They’re going through. So be curious. Allow yourself to explore someone’s comment versus internalize and project what it could mean.

[00:16:47] And then I think that, you know, at the end of the day, If you can lay your head on the pillow and you can feel good. I gave my best effort. I did what I did the best I could for my boss or, , I gave my client the best, of me today and, and maybe they didn’t feel fulfilled by it, but if you can check with yourself and say, despite the criticism or the feedback,

[00:17:14] the best I could. I know I gave, you know, my whole self. That’s, that’s all we can do. What more can you ask of yourself and what more can other people ask of you?

[00:17:25] Measure of Success

[00:17:25] Miriam: I used to tell people, well, I still tell people this when we’re talking about boundaries, the, the measure of success is not whether or not the other person is happy. Like nobody’s ever happy when you give them a boundary. And so many people will try and set a boundary and then the other person gets upset and then they’ll say, oh, well I failed.

[00:17:45] And it’s like, no, the, the measure of whether or not that was a successful activity, were you clear? Did you speak with respect to the other person, and did you make it about you, not them? And so then regardless of the other person’s response, they can say, okay, I did my best. I did those three things.

[00:18:07] And what I hear you saying is, when you’re in the face of criticism, the question is not, is everyone happy with me all the time? The question is, did I do my best? Yeah. And that’s powerful. Yeah.

[00:18:23] Elisabeth: Yeah. A hundred percent. A hundred percent. We, we are, we have the most command over our own thoughts, our own actions, our own beliefs.

[00:18:33] We don’t have the control as much as we want over other people’s thoughts and beliefs.

[00:18:39] Check in with yourself, um, and if you’re, if you’re content with what you contributed and, and how you showed up, that is a great way to, to measure, yourself.

[00:18:50] Miriam: Yeah. I wanted to ask you, you said earlier you have to kind of develop a thick skin and I’m kind of curious. I think some people are naturally more sensitive than others, like neurologically, neuro, physically. But I also think some people are acculturated, like they kind of, I don’t know.

[00:19:08] Be Proactive

[00:19:08] Miriam: It, it’s, it served them to be more sensitive in a younger space in life. If someone wanted to go about developing a thicker skin, how would you counsel them or coach them?

[00:19:23] Elisabeth: Wow. That is a great question. Well, I, I mean, I really think it, it is a, it leans in a little bit more to what we were just talking about, um, what are the measures? And, and so I talk a lot in my work and with my clients about being proactive.

[00:19:43] And so if I’m going into a meeting, Where I, let’s say we’re discussing a project and we’re gonna make some decisions. It’s important to go into those conversations in our meetings, knowing what’s the objective.

[00:19:59] So if the objective is I wanna be right, and I go into that meeting and there are people there that don’t agree with me, then I’m gonna come out feeling disappointed and hurt. Like I wasn’t productive or didn’t accomplish something.

[00:20:12] But if I go into a meeting or conversation, knowing the objective is for us to be able to move forward or to be able to compromise, or to figure out what’s best for this individual, then. Whether it’s my idea that gets chosen or my idea get. You know, some holes poked in it, and we, we end up going a different direction than I thought was correct.


[00:20:36] Then I get to leave that meeting saying, Hey, we hit, we reached the objective. And so there’s no reason for me to feel like I wasn’t listened to or that my idea wasn’t best, because that wasn’t the, that wasn’t the purpose. So I think as long as you, if you can enter. A meeting, a conversation, a project, and you know, what is that?

[00:20:58] What is that ultimate goal I’m trying to reach or that we’re trying to reach? Then it helps us to, it’s not that it’s gonna completely take away emotions and feelings. But I think it helps us to manage emotions and feelings because we can see the bigger picture, we can see the, the actual goal. And if we met it or we got close to it, then I can, I can take it less personally.

[00:21:25] There are going to be some circumstances where you just feel bad, right? But I do think that that helps in a lot of ways, knowing and thinking ahead of time, what is it that we’re trying to achieve? And really, Is there an opportunity for me to learn here?

Failure vs. Success

[00:21:42] Right. That’s another, you know, I don’t know if we’ll talk about this, but the idea of failure versus success. And I fully believe in, in the fact that there is no such thing as failure as long as we learned something . And so if you can, maybe you got feedback that you didn’t want, or maybe you were, you know, again, your idea was turned down.

[00:22:03] But if I learned something, Then I don’t need to feel bad. I actually can now see how that was a growth opportunity.

[00:22:11] Again, it’s largely just it’s mindset, right? And it’s, it’s, it’s thinking a couple of steps ahead. But I think those are some ways to not take things so personally and, and see the opportunities even in the moments where there could be some conflict or there could be some disagreement.

[00:22:31] Don’t Take Things Personally

[00:22:31] Miriam: I appreciate that. That feels like emotional chess, in a good way. Like not in a manipulative way, but you’re thinking three or four moves ahead. What is it that I am wanting to accomplish in this meeting or this action ? And in what ways am I trying to grow and. Stretch, all of this makes sense with constructive criticism.

[00:22:49] It doesn’t make as much sense with like the trollish kind of criticism. And I do think when people get a certain level of success, their heads are above the crowd. And I think people can be extraordinarily mean. And that’s where your earlier advice about. , don’t take this personally. This isn’t about you.

[00:23:10] This is about them. I,

[00:23:12] I heard one, um, podcaster say, this isn’t evidence that I am big enough that I’m getting noticed. Woo-hoo. Yes. Which I thought was an amazing reframe. I’m like, okay. There you go. Yes.

[00:23:26] Elisabeth: Yes, I, I have a, a friend who said something similar. She said, uh, if you ever find that you have haters, it means you have arrived

[00:23:35] Yeah. And it’s that same idea that, you know, we’re never going to please everyone, then we’re never gonna have everyone that agrees with us. And, if your voice is being heard, that’s an accomplishment and it’s going to come. What comes along with that? Some of the folks that are gonna disagree and they’re gonna be loud and, you know, they, they may try to shine a negative light, but it means that you’re, you’re being heard.

[00:24:00] And that’s, again, that’s the ultimate goal, right?

[00:24:04] Think Big

[00:24:04] Miriam: Absolutely. Okay. there are lots of concepts that are integral to your practice, but. Always, if someone is growing, they’re chewing on something new too. So what concept or idea are you currently chewing on that might be a little bit on your growth edge?

[00:24:22] Elisabeth: Oh wow. let’s see. Well I am definitely, as I referred earlier, I’m definitely working on the strengthening that belief behind, Spending more time thinking about my future self. As, as a business owner, you can, I should use I statements here. It’s very easy for me to. Have blinders on in terms of what do I need to do today, tomorrow, this week.

[00:24:55] And, to not always carve out time to allow myself to think big. And I’m, I’m a very realistic thinker and kind of conservative when I set goals for myself. so something that I’m really working on now is allowing myself to think big and envision my future, beyond what. You know, might, even beyond what I might think I desire and, and to play with that.

The Big Picture

[00:25:24] And to the hardest part for me with that is just giving myself time to, to sit with those thoughts. I’m, I love to be in action. I love to be checking things off the list. And so I will frequently shortchange myself on having. Think time, creative time, and so that’s something that I’m learning that I need to give myself time.

[00:25:50] Create the big picture and to have the vision so that I can get there quicker and, and really get clear on who my, who my future self is. I’m very happy with who I am right now. And it’s easy to say, well, I’m good. I’m in a good spot. But I also know that in order for me to impact more people and to leave a legacy and to, you know, build this business to a level that, can really, Have, have immeasurable impact that I have to think big.

[00:26:20] I have to think bigger. And so that’s something that I would say is a, is a personal expansion right now that I’m working on.

[00:26:28] Envision the Future

[00:26:28] Miriam: Yeah. I appreciate you sharing that. That wasn’t necessarily something we talked about beforehand, so I appreciate you just being willing to go there. I think that so many people look at their life today, and if you said, look back 10 years at how much you’ve grown, they would say, oh my gosh.

[00:26:47] And if you ask them to envision 10 years from now, They kind of see themselves, but just a little older or more wrinkly. But it’s like, yeah, well the growth you had in the last 10 years could be the growth that you have in the future 10 years. Right? And I do think that that is a mind blowing concept for most people.

[00:27:07] Um, yeah. Throughout, like the early parts of our life we’re given this roadmap. You know, you go through K through 12 and then you might go to the university and then you might go to a graduate program. Or you might develop, you know, and there’s a certain point where the plan ends. It reminds me on, Like the, the Lord of the Rings movies where they had that map and certain parts of the map were all detailed out.

[00:27:31] Like, here’s the Shire and here’s the mountains and here’s whatever. And then there’s these big sections in between that is like the unknown, you know?

[00:27:39] Right, right. And that’s what we’re talking about is the, is the unknown.

[00:27:45] Elisabeth: Yes. And I think, you know, I do also think that, I’m not sure where this messaging comes from.

Be intentional

[00:27:53] I haven’t really thought about this, but we do kind of have that messaging of, well, it’s the unknown. Nobody knows you can’t write your future. I mean, I think there are a lot of ways where we are told, we’ll just have to see what the future holds. But I’m a firm believer.

[00:28:10] Again, this is definitely a, a shift in my mindset over, you know, the last several years, but we actually have a lot more control over who our future self is, if we become intentional about it, if we spend time creating it and envisioning it. So I, I do think that we can. Easily get by, by saying, well, I don’t know.

[00:28:31] It’s unchartered territory. We’ll just have to see. I’m just gonna keep working hard. I’m just gonna keep, you know, doing my best. But we can do more than that.

[00:28:39]  We can be more specific and we can fill in the map for ourselves. It, it may not go exactly as planned, right? Most likely it’s not gonna go as planned, but better to have a plan and, and experience some detours than just have a map of the unknown and see where, where life leads you.

Mindset shift

[00:28:59] Miriam: Yeah. I was thinking as you were talking how I wish that we had been taught these sort of things in school. You know, nobody knew when you and I were in school, nobody knew that Google was gonna come out and that we didn’t need to memorize all those facts cuz we’d have Wikipedia. I really wish that we had been taught how to shift our mindset. Because the vast majority of people, and I I find this to actually be tragic, is they reach the edge of the unknown territory on the map of their life and they stop.

[00:29:28] They stop and they say, well, I guess this is what life is. I guess this is, you know, and it does not have to be that way. But I understand why they stop, because it’s scary to venture out into something that you don’t know where it’s gonna lead. And, uh, this is where I think having mentors, having coaches is really helpful because sometimes they’ve been there before, or at the very least they can say, Hey, I’m in this with you.

[00:29:55] Reward Yourself

[00:29:55] Miriam: What, what, if any, have you made a purchase of a hundred dollars or less that you felt like, um, whoa, I’m so glad I made that purchase, and why?

[00:30:06] Elisabeth: I am getting into the mindset of gifts for the season when I think about purchasing something for myself, um, that has made an impact, I would have to say, Spending, spending money on myself is actually something that I have struggled with. I often try to, you know, make, make the penny stretch the penny, and if I don’t need it, I could use that money for my kids or, you know, for the house.

[00:30:37] Just a couple of days ago, um, I allowed myself to buy a pair of earrings and a necklace. Just because , and again, as insignificant as that may sound on the surface, I talked my clients a lot about it. How, I mean it really, if, if you study the brain, having reward is actually a really significant, part of learning and, and change, behavior change.

[00:31:04] Learning that it’s okay to reward myself and to buy something that I like simply because, I’m worthy of it. I think buying a necklace and, and a pair of earrings the other day, just because I could, um, and I was thinking of, of me and not someone else. That’s a, that’s a shift for me.

[00:31:28] It’s representative of the fact that I’m worthy. I can buy myself things and not have to feel guilty or feel like I’m taking away from someone else.

[00:31:37] And not even just how it made me feel, but, the, the purpose of it or the reason behind it was I don’t have to have a reason. Right. .

[00:31:46] You Are Worth It

[00:31:46] Miriam: Right. Uh, I appreciate you sharing that. Yeah. What I hear you saying is that it was symbolic of “you are worth it” and therefore, , it didn’t matter if they were expensive or not, or it was the act of doing it and saying, I am worth it.

[00:32:01] And I, I love that. That’s such a nice way to end this, conversation with just really everybody realizing they’re worth it. Maybe they could come up with a small, something that they could do to represent that. Whether you feel it or not is immaterial. Take an action that says I’m worth it. And sometimes the feelings follow the action.

[00:32:24] Where to Find Elisabeth

[00:32:24] Miriam: So, Elizabeth, how about if you share how people can find you and then we’ll wrap this up.

[00:32:31] Elisabeth: Okay, thank you. The best place to find me is my website, it’s peakproductivitycoaching.com. And I’m also very active on LinkedIn. I really find that to be a valuable platform, my name is Elizabeth.

[00:32:48] Spelled with an S Galperin and I try to share lots of valuable information, inspirational and motivational information, so that’s a great place to find me over on LinkedIn.

[00:32:59] Miriam: Awesome, thank you. Elizabeth and I had mentioned earlier that we would like to make a donation in your name. You chose The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, they rescue orphaned elephants after their moms have been somehow killed, whether by poaching or drought or human animal conflict.

[00:33:17] And you’re, you chose a little boy elephant. So we will, adopt him in your name and you’ll get, you’ll get updates on him through the year. Thank you so much. Just for your time. We’ll put all of this in the show notes. What a pleasure. What a great conversation.

[00:33:33] Elisabeth: Yeah. I appreciate it and thanks for having me and I hope, I hope our message today, reaches some people in the way, in the way that it needs to.

[00:33:42] Miriam: me too.

End Credits

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Full audio episode found here.

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Music by Tom Sherlock.

head shot Miriam Gunn

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As someone who has been a therapist for over a decade and has been coaching people for over three decades, I am uniquely qualified to address your concerns.

How to Be a Productive Leader Transcript – Scott Fulton

scott fulton on how to leader

Be a Productive Leader – Scott Fulton

miriam: [00:00:00] Hey friends, today we have a special guest, was it last week that we met? I did your podcast the Rebel Diaries podcast. And then now we’re switching we’re gonna get to hear about your digital business, and we’re going to get to hear about the works you do with teams. Anyway, I just am really happy to have you from the uk. Welcome, Scott.

scott: Hi, Miriam. It’s great to be here.

Thanks for.

Absolutely. Okay, so why don’t you talk a little bit about, just in brief and then we’ll get more into it, but the two sides to your business.

[00:00:34] Digital Programs for the Police Force

Okay. So the first side is the digital aspect, so that’s. That came from my background. I spent 20 years in a police force in the UK called Dave and Somerset Police, and I headed up the digital team there and we built loads of great products, I would say great, of course.

But you know, lots of innovative products and solutions for the public. Things like reporting crime online some operational systems, covid solutions, all that kind of stuff. And it was. A real [00:01:00] eye-opener for me in terms of how I can offer value to people. And I left the police force and decided I wanted to go alone and help other police forces and other organizations.

So with a couple of my Ex members, I’ve set that up and the company’s called digital Rebels. And yeah, we’re focusing on building websites, bespoke solutions, so unique products and, and services for solving problems for people’s customers fundamentally. So that’s one. And then the other side is more around team high performance and coaching and teaching leadership skills.

That really helped me during my time in the police dealing with demand overload. Cuz you know, it’s an operational organization. There’s always a crisis, there’s always more work that you could ever do. And I found a way. To be able to manage that in a really effective way. And we’ll probably get onto that later about how, how we kind of did that.

Diminish the Chaos

But, but something I’m really passionate about is helping people who are struggling in what I call corporate chaos, where they’re overloaded, they’re going to [00:02:00] wasted time in pointless meetings. They can’t say no to people cuz they don’t want to, you know, let them down and they just perpetuate this problem of, of frankly chaos and they get stressed out.

So yeah, those are the, those are the two aspects

excellent. Well, and you cleared up something for me even as you were talking about your businesses because I knew that you had worked for the police force, but I wasn’t sure in what capacity.

So why don’t we start with, I’m very interested in this notion of teams and the reason I think that teams are so important, if you’re a business owner and you have a team of people, if they’re not getting along, your revenue is just in the toilet.

Or if, if they’re not getting along, somebody’s quitting because they can’t stand this other person and blah, blah. And you know, your company culture really struggles.

The Problem You Face

If you’re part of a team, like if you work in a corporate situation and you have a terrible person on your team, or you just know that life, life could be better That it’s, it’s [00:03:00] a real problem.

And I feel like honestly, every parent who has children, they, you have a team right there. And I think that any of the things that you’re gonna talk about would apply to every single one of those scenarios. So talk to me a little bit about teams and where you feel like you can help them.

scott: So, yeah, and, and if it probably help if I just start by saying a bit about where I went wrong in my career and how I how I was doing it wrong, so, so when I started, I won’t give you the full life history cuz we haven’t got time and your listeners will be very bored.

[00:03:33] Management vs Leadership

scott: But, but essentially when I, I got my first management job and I specifically say management rather than leadership. I made so many mistakes, and this feels like a confession, a cringe, but you know, I felt I had to have all the answers.

I felt that I needed to make sure my team were working hard and like pace the room and all this stuff that is just awful to think about now. But I was young and foolish and in my defense, , and, and that, that looking back, that [00:04:00] drove the wrong behavior in the team. You know, there was a lack of trust. They didn’t feel safe.

And they worked, but they clearly didn’t enjoy. And thankfully I, I learned hopefully quite rapidly to become more of a. And actually for me that’s more about creating a safe environment for the team. So safe for them to say, Scott, that’s a really stupid idea. and me as a leader, being humble to say I don’t have all the answers.

And I found myself in the latter part of my career in the police actually openly saying my team are much smarter than me. I’ve employed smart people with skills I don’t have, my job is not to tell them how to do their job. My job is. Given the environment to be safe and high performing, give them the problems that need solving, but then frankly get outta their way until they need me.

Safe To Challenge

And that for me is, has proved really, really powerful in terms of creating high performing teams. There’s lots of other factors, but for me that main one is safety for them to, you know, challenge me. To ask [00:05:00] for clarity but also to make mistakes and learn. And certainly in the space we were working in, in digital, it’s very easy to fall into a trap of making assumptions.

Oh yeah, if we build this product and we put this on the website, then the customers will love it. And you make those decisions in the boardroom or the office, but. The reality is, until you get something in people’s hands, you don’t really know what they’re gonna do with it.

So you have to be willing to learn from your mistakes.

And I always cite the example of, of Elon Musk, who obviously is quite controversial character, but he was doing all the work, you know, trying to land the SpaceX rockets so they could be reused. , every time they blew up, he didn’t sack the team. They used that data to say, right, what went wrong? How can we do better next time?

And for me, that’s really important as a mindset to say, you know, we need to test and learn, test or fail. And it’s safe for the team to do that. Does that make sense?

[00:05:51] Leading and Teaching

miriam: Oh, yes. I appreciate what you’re saying. Tremendously. I, I think I wanna bounce in and say, You know, okay. The [00:06:00] space where you did it wrong, you know that was a failure of someone above you who didn’t teach you.

And I think that we can graciously say, okay, you did it wrong, but also nobody led the way. And you’re taking that space and saying, well, I’m not gonna let that happen with anybody, from now on, and I’m sure that you are teaching, what does it mean to manage well?

So when you talk about creating safety, this is something that’s super important in our workplaces right now and in our homes.

How do you create a place, a space where someone can disagree with you and it doesn’t feel disrespectful on either end?

Yeah, I mean, I, I don’t know if it, I mean, it’s something that just organically happened over time with me. If I look back, I don’t think there was a sudden switch where I think it takes the leader.

I mean, it is, it’s gotta be start with the leader to, to be able to say, I don’t have all the answers. And to openly admit [00:07:00] that to their team. So that takes, I think, courage on the leader’s behalf and you know, the leader needs to feel safe doing that. But I think some people are hired wired to see that as a weakness.

Golden Rule

And I think it’s, it’s about. Setting that example up front with the team, so they go, oh, actually I feel safe to ask or to challenge or to question, and it’s gotta be in a respectful way. But I think, you know, there’s a phrase I, I learned on a training course a few years ago that really stuck with me. You, you’ve probably heard the phrase treat people how you want to be treated.

Actually there’s a better way and it’s treat people how they want to be treated. Yes. Because different people want to be treated in different ways. They have different needs, they have different levels of confidence, they have different things going on at home. You know, there’s all those dynamics at play in the work environment.

And quite often it’s the quiet ones that might have the best ideas. So I think a good leader also makes space for those quieter individuals and makes sure that everybody has a [00:08:00] say. And you know, so I could ramble on. But yeah, those are, those are my key. Kind of thoughts around that.

miriam: Yeah. I really appreciate that.

When you were talking about this, this space of humility and having courage, it makes me think that the leader has to have a, a good sense of self-esteem. Like they have to be okay in their own skin and their worth isn’t going to be based on the other person’s performance or the other person’s, you know, perfection or whatever.

How would a leader get there?

[00:08:34] Don’t Control, Lead

scott: So I think a lot of the problem is still, there’s quite a lot of what I’d call industrial aged thinking in, in some organizations and management. Because you know, if you go back to the industrial age, and I’m not a great history, so I may get some this wrong, but essentially, you know, the whole factory mindset where work was predictable, you had production lines, everyone knew what their role was.

They knew that they had a performance target if I deliver five widgets every hour or whatever it is, and the [00:09:00] management structure was clear and the boss called the shots and said, work harder, work faster. We live in a very different world now in the corporate world where work is is quite untangible, it’s quite difficult to put your finger on it.

People have very specialist skills, rolls, overlap. You get those kind of tensions and politics and things like that, and. If you’ve got a manager who’s still stuck in that industrial age mindset, they’re trying to control people in a way that’s just not realistic and it drives the wrong behavior, and that’s when you know people, I always say focus on outcomes rather than outputs, but you know, the traditional way of thinking is about volume of work and.

Less Talk, More Action

You just say, my developers, you know they, they come in and they type on keyboards a lot. Now, some development leaders will think if their developers aren’t working all day at the keyboard, they’re not achieving. But actually, I would say to my team, if you spend most of the day talking about the [00:10:00] problem, And a tiny part of the day doing the actual coding.

That’s fine with me cuz that’s just, the conversations are important. It’s the problem solving, it’s the teamwork. It’s not about volume of things. You type on your computer.

And I think the same applies to, you know, people in other jobs. You know, there’s this whole present presenteeism that I know people are struggling with in remote work.

You know, if I’m not, and I’ve felt this, when we started remote work during Covid, it was like, oh, the green dot, I need to be at my screen if I, you know, go for a, go to the toilet or go to get a. Someone, Scott’s not online. You know, we weren’t like that in the corporate when we were in the office. You’d go for a walk to between meetings. You’d get some fresh air and have a chat with someone, you know. But yeah, I might be going off a tangent here, but ,

[00:10:43] Nature of Work

miriam: no, I, I don’t think it’s a tangent. I think it actually is a really important question about the nature of work, which really matters whether you have a business or you’re, you know, part of an employment space, which is pretty much everybody who listens to my podcast.[00:11:00]

I, it, this, this notion of the industrialized work. I don’t know if you know of or follow Seth Godin, but he would talk about that. Yeah. He had his manifesto on education, and I think I probably read that five or six years ago. And it had never occurred to me that at least in the, , the education system is very much toward, you’ve got that main leader, here are all the rules.

Everybody make your widgets the same way, and it is.

It is not developing people for what our current work situation is, and all of those kind of jobs are being done by robots now, or mostly, or, you know, transitioning toward that space.

And so the question becomes, You know,

You have an inherent risk when you trust a team the way you are because there are the slackers who aren’t doing work and who are distracted and who are just. Taking advantage of the company. And there are the people who, if you [00:12:00] just gave them kind of the direction you wanna go, they would work their hearts out for you.

How do you talk to leaders about that kind of dichotomy between their team members?

scott: So one of the things that I learned, and again, a lesson I learned kind of midway through my career was, We, I did have one of those team members and I’ve obviously, you gotta be very careful, . But yeah, we had a team.

Individuals Impact the Team

So, so, so the, the nature of a lot of, again, I’m talking about developers, but the, there’s this kind right

here and we’re just gonna say for the sake of this, hypothetically speaking, yes,

of course. This Hypothe example developers, a lot of them like to just put headphones on and just do their. Whereas we know that to be more effective, you’ve get multiple brains solving a problem.

So we’d encourage people to sit together at the computer to work together on things. Now, we had one individual that, hypothetically, one individual might decide that they don’t wanna be part of, that they just wanna work on their own. And that caused tension. [00:13:00] The quality of their work wasn’t great. It created bugs in the software.

It was, you know, and I, I let it go too long.. Unaddressed because I wanted to be liked and you know, still quite early on as a leader and I thought, oh, I don’t wanna have this difficult conversation with this person. In the end I did cuz it got really bad and but I let, my regret is I let that fester too long and it actually, they then decided to leave the organization, thankfully, the day they left.

The, the atmosphere in the room changed and I hadn’t realized that. To me it was a massive lesson about how much one individual could impact a an entire team. Yeah. And yeah, so there’s a big regret. I didn’t address that sooner. So, so I encourage, and it’s hard in some organizations to get rid of those bad eggs.

[00:13:44] Be Brave and Act

scott: I don’t wanna sound harsh, but you know, some people just are lazy and or don’t want to work and just want to coast and hide behind others. So I think that’s, again, I’d encourage leaders to be brave and, and actually have those tough conversations. But I get that they are [00:14:00] very much dependent on how much the organization can support them.

So certainly the police, my experience. In the police. Being a public sector organization, sometimes it’s quite hard to get rid of, you know, difficult people. It’s, you can’t just, in the private sector, you just go, right, don’t come in tomorrow. , . But it’s not, it’s, it’s not so easy in the public sector. You’ve gotta go through rules and regulations and they can sue you for, you know, unfair dismissal.

And it’s just a minefield that I think sometimes organizations are afraid to even go into. So what happens is, I’m gonna be really harsh, but this, it’s like a cancer in the organization then that just sits there, spreads and is not dealt with. So I think it’s really serious. If you’ve got some really bad behavior, it just needs to be dealt with because more people suffer as a result.

So, yeah, long answer I think encourage the leaders to actually just be brave and, and try and deal with those problems.

Learn from Mistakes

miriam: Right. How do leaders learn that kind of brave? because you’re right, it is difficult and [00:15:00] honestly, even in the private sector, depending on which state you’re in here, you have to document things up the wazoo so that you know it’s, you know, all taken care of so you can’t be sued and all of that.

Mm-hmm. , how do leaders learn how to be brave?

scott: Good question. I think, well, certainly the life experience for me helped. I. Being open and reflecting and learning from your mistakes, I think is a good way. Obviously you can do lots of reading and listen to great podcasts like this and, you know, get inspiration from others.

So, you know, try and find what good leadership looks like. There’s loads of things out there, you know, YouTube, it is, et cetera. But, but I think nothing beats life experience, but you have to have the self-awareness to, to say where you went wrong and what you would do differently next time. Take that time out.

To just do a bit of a personal retrospective and say, you know, what did I learn? Could I have handled that any differently? What would I do differently next time? I [00:16:00] think that that self-reflection is gonna be key.

[00:16:02] Coaching to Grow

miriam: Yeah, I would agree. I also think, I mean, you and I are both in forms of coaching. It really helps to have somebody outside of you saying, okay, what is it you need to do?

I am here standing next to you. I’m cheering you on. I know you can do it for these reasons.

Okay. Now that you’ve done it, let’s talk about it. Where did you, you know, Excel, what would you have done differently if you had a do-over you? It’s, you just can’t under. The power of having someone in your corner like that.

miriam: Mm-hmm. . Okay. You have a motto on your website, do less but deliver more. What does that mean?

So there’s extra bits to that, but yeah. So it’s do less of what doesn’t matter and do more of what does. So for me, this is, this is kind of key and it’s become, that’s why I came up with that. I think everything revolves around this.

So it’s all about accepting that there’s always more work that you can never [00:17:00] do. There will always be more work that you can never do. So all you can do is prioritize and. Unfortunately, in some organizations, the bosses say, well, everything’s a priority. And if you look up the definition of priority in the dictionary, that’s not possible.

If you can only have one priority by definition, but you know everything’s a priority or can you just squeeze this in as well? And that’s when you know, people get overloaded and stressed out, and it’s not good for the organization or the customer.

So what I help people focus on is, is. We can’t do everything.

[00:17:31] Prioritizing

miriam: Okay? We need to get visibility of work to be able to understand how to prioritize. So don’t leave work stuck in your inbox or on post-it notes, or leave your desk or on whiteboards. It has to be in a, in a single place where you can then look at it and make judgements on what’s the most important thing you should be working on next, but also keeping on top of that and continually reviewing.

And there’s loads of other aspects to that, but the, but the key thing is do less of time wasting. Do more [00:18:00] of value.

Two Types of Work

miriam: There’s a guy called Cal Newport. He’s got a couple of books. One is called A World Without Email, and he talks about two different types of work in there, which I blatantly stole from my training because I, it was really powerful.

And there’s basically two types of work. One is work execution. So that’s doing the actual work that delivers the value. So that’s what you’re employed to. And then this workflow, which is everything else. So that’s talking about work, that’s having meetings, it’s having email conversations, it’s having project plan.

And unfortunately for a lot of organizations, they spend most of and staff, they spend most of the time in workflow mode talking about work rather than actually doing it. And he says meetings and emails are talking about work, not doing it. So what I do is help teams say, actually we’re gonna do less, is do less of the workflow stuff.

You wanna optimize that and do more of the work execution time. And that’s where I managed to get my team within the police. I’ve managed to protect them so much. Probably 90% of their time was work [00:19:00] execution, and that was pretty rare in the organization.

Most of the other old parts of the organization were stuck in emails and meetings and and so on.

Determine the Key Activity

So yeah, those two things are really fundamental for me is actually do less of. Wasting stuff and do more of what matters. And there’s all sorts of benefits. One, it’s good for the customer and the organization.

It’s a no-brainer, but it’s also good for the individual. Mm-hmm. . So they come into work and feel that they did something of value that day, rather than go in with great intentions, get totally lost in the inbox, and meetings the day finishes and they go, I didn’t actually achieve anything I intended to do.

It’s just been a waste of my time. And over time, that wears people out. So, yeah, I think it’s, you know, give people the space and the ability to do what they’re employed to do. Yeah, it sounds so obvious, but it’s quite rare from, in my experience, ,

it is extraordinarily rare. I have practiced maybe the last year or two writing down.

What is the key activity I need to do today that will move my business forward? Because I recognize exactly what you’re talking about. [00:20:00] You can spend all day in your email inbox, and I have seen even in myself, you know, you get rid of this one, get rid of this one. Oh, I don’t actually know what to do with this one.

Hmm. I’ll skip it and I’ll come back and you do that with four or five, 15 or 20, and pretty soon you just have done nothing but really shuffle stuff around and meetings are just the bane of all of that. I, I really wish that in school. Instead of some of the stuff that we all had to memorize that we can now Google.

[00:20:32] Facilitating Meetings Well

miriam: I wish they had taught, people, taught all of us how to facilitate a meeting elegantly, you know, where you, I mean, meetings can actually get some stuff done, but so much of the time they’re just a huge time suck.

I appreciate what you’re saying about a person coming into work and in effect, just for lack of a better word, shoveling crap from this pile to this pile and then from [00:21:00] this pile to this pile, and they, they don’t end up feeling like, Was the oxygen I breathed today worth the activity I did, you know?

Yeah. That’s a very hopeless space. Yeah. And if you’re an employer, it feels crazy- making because you have people there and you’re paying salaries and you’re like, where is the product?

scott: There’s so much inefficiency and then, oh, we, we need more staff. So then you end up hiring more staff. So I think the stat in Cal’s book is, Three.

I think the average worker, kind of corporate worker spends three days a month in pointless meetings. Yeah, that’s crazy. Just thinking of how much time, how much more productive the organization would be. And again, and then we just pick up on, I always catch myself when I say productive because you can be productive and deliver no value.

Doing the Right Thing

So actually it’s don’t just obsess about productivity. You need to know if you’re doing the right thing. And that’s, again, thinking about outcome. [00:22:00] Is this what the customer needs? Can I get evidence? This is what the customer needs, rather than just, I’m doing it because the bosses said to do it in a board meeting.

They thought that would be a good idea. Let’s just do that. And then you waste hours, months, and hundreds of thousands of dollars for something that was an ego driven project rather than something based on what customers actually need. I’ll get off on a tangent there. That really annoys me, so I don’t wanna get good.

Don’t get me started on that.

[00:22:27] Have Other Passions

miriam: We could get each other off on tangents. I am sure. Okay. On your website too, you had something that it sounded like you did in your spare time. I was totally un unaware of this, and it looks like it involves cars.

scott: So to it’s, yeah, so it’s a hobby. It has been for a long time. It’s a little bit sad, but there’s a, so that’s two, especially a Spanish car manufacturer or two companies cuz they split into two separate brands and they make quite sporty cars. And I got into them when I got my first ever [00:23:00] car.

I had one I’m probably on. 14th Seat, well, copra now. And yeah, there’s basically an online community that I joined a long time ago. It’s been running for 20 years now. And probably about 15 years ago I took over running it and yeah, we got about 50,000 members and online forum, social media, people discuss it, their cars, it’s really geeky.

There are women as well as men. It’s not just men. And The best bit is I get to go on car launches in Spain, all expenses paid, and write reviews and drive cars around racetracks. So it’s a, it’s a fun hobby to have. Yeah.

That’s pretty awesome. What have you learned as you have been kind of navigating, like running this forum?

How much time and effort it takes is one . So. Mm-hmm. , luckily we’ve got, I’ve got quite a few volunteers who help me, who are just passionate again as a hobby. So they’ll, one of, one of them takes care of the Instagram and we’re quite good on that.

Engage People

Sometimes I can’t go to car launches, so [00:24:00] one of them’s gotta take one for the team and fly out to a nice hotel.

And unfortunately you don’t get to see much of Spain. You’re literally whiting in a hotel into a car and then back up, which I’ve done it in one day before. Sometimes it’s like, you know, you go to Spain and then you’re coming in over again. I was like, I was in Spain at lunchtime today, even though, you know, dunno how good people’s geography are from UK to Spain, but it’s a bit of a.

miriam: It’s probably about a three hour flight, I think. Yeah. And what I’ve learned is just, you know, how to build communities, how to engage people a bit more. And, and the key thing is, if you know this, the community kind of looks after itself because it’s something people are passionate about or they put time into, they help each other, you know, someone’s got a problem.

There’s always someone up there to say, oh, I solve this in this way. People have put like online guides and videos together to help each other out. So I’ve just learned about, you know, how if people are passionate about something, Willing to put in the effort and not get paid for it, which is, you know, Doesn’t have, it’s pretty, doesn’t be

scott: about money.

It’s pretty cool. Yeah. It doesn’t have to all be about money. And so it really brings up an important point [00:25:00] about I mean I, we haven’t really talked about the digital part of your income stream, which I know is significant. And I think for the sake of time we’re just gonna say you also have this other income stream.

[00:25:12] Why Just One Thing?

miriam: And I think that a lot of times people are caught in. Set of, I have to do one thing. What is the one thing I’m gonna do that’s gonna support my lifestyle? And whether they’re an entrepreneur and they’re building their business or they are working for someone else, either way, I think it takes a little bit of stretching your brain to.

Say, well, why does it have to be one thing? Why can’t it be more things? And after you have one or two things, then I just love that you have this hobby that also probably takes a fair amount of time and energy, but it brings you joy. I mean, like you had a big smile on your face when you’re talking about it, and it sounds like you meet people maybe that are different than in your other, you know, work activities.

[00:26:00] So what would you say to people. Pursuing a hobby and or the, the time management of you know, everything that work and family takes and then this other thing.

scott: Yeah. So it is a bit of a juggling act to be honest. I didn’t, I kind of fell into the, splitting my business into two kind of came about by accident.

I, I was just gonna focus on the digital, but I gave a presentation at a police conference about my journey. Three police force representatives came up and said, you have to come and help us if you did this in your police force. So then I, my training was born from that, but yeah, again, it’s back to that priority question and, and, and trying to say actually, where’s, where’s the best place of, for me to put my effort?

Get Help From Others

But it’s also being open to getting help from others. So I’m, I’m in that kind of entrepreneur trap where I’ve gotta do it all. But then I haven’t really, cuz there’s online ways you can get help. So I’ve just hired a virtual assistant to help me out. Nice. I’ve got some ex team members who are helping me cuz they’re, you know, they want to help and they [00:27:00] can see the benefit in the business and if it grows then they’ll be part of that.

So, yeah, don’t, just, don’t try and do it alone, but also make sure you take space for downtime cuz there’s a danger to just keep working and burn yourself out. So as, as long as you’re in a place where you can just do enough each day and move the needle a bit. You’ll be all right. But yeah, the danger is I’m a terrible procrastinator, so, you know, I, I’ve fall into that trap.

Sometimes it’s easier to do the, oh look, a shiny distraction I can go and deal with and not do the hard thing. So it’s, it is having discipline as well.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Can I ask you a coachy question since I’m a coach? You can. Okay. What. What was the space that kept you from getting the va, the virtual assistant.

And how do you imagine this pushing your, your business forward?

[00:27:55] Delegation and Perfectionism

scott: So why did I only do it recently? Is that what I asking? Yes, yes. I [00:28:00] felt I didn’t have enough work, I think was part of it. But there was also probably a bit of perfectionism going on, if I’m being honest. Saying like, oh, you know what, if they do it differently to me.

But then I reminded myself that’s how I was for 20 years in the police. I, I, you know, I gave the team, I put myself at the bottom of the org chart and said, you know, you are the skilled people, so, I needed to remember what I did and say, why don’t I outsource this stuff to somebody who can do it better than me?

And is actually excited by the stuff that I’m not excited about . So I think that’s how I just came to that realization rapidly.

miriam: We’re about a month in and she’s like, you haven’t done this. I’m chasing you on this. So actually it’s quite good that she’s holding me to account, so I’m quite enjoying that cuz Yeah. Otherwise I’d probably just meander, I’ll put it off, I’ll do it tomorrow.

So yeah, she’s helping giving me some of that discipline.

Sense of  Relief

I just love that you did this. If I understand right, most advice for businesses is that your number two hire is either a salesperson [00:29:00] or an assistant, depending on what your business is.

And it seems like most of the time, Entrepreneurs, like you said, just feel like they can do it all themselves and this moment when they hire an assistant, and sometimes it takes a couple to find the right one, but when you find the right person, oh, this thing like lifts off your shoulders and it’s like, why didn’t I do this? Sooner.

What do you feel like your next level of business or personal development is?

So the business side, so the digital stuff has taken a lot longer than I would’ve liked but I’m very close to getting the first product out with.

[00:29:37] Where to Next?

miriam: So I think the next phase is Get that off the ground for, for the digital for the for the training side. I’m, I need to move the upper level. I need to get more awareness of my training, and hopefully this podcast will help. I’ve been speaking at conferences, but again, not enough. I need to get out there more.

And I probably need to do a bit more, setting myself online, do some more videos and, and sharing and that kind of stuff on LinkedIn and YouTube. So I, I need to just do a [00:30:00] bit more of business development is, is where my, my weakness is, and I need to get better at that.

It might not be weaknesses, it might be just like there’s only so much of you and only 24 hours in a day. You know? Yeah. There’s just a limit to when it can all be done and yeah. . Some people have, you know, large budgets and they hire a bunch of people and they get stuff cranked out pretty quickly. Other people do it a little bit more organically and that’s all good.

Sheldrick Wildlife Fund

Well, Scott, this has been just a blast. I’ve really enjoyed the conversation and I just enjoy you as a human being.

And I’m hoping that we’ll have an opportunity maybe in six months or a year to do round two. I think it would be fun to kind of catch up and see, see where you’re go, what you’re doing, and how your business is progressing.

I had mentioned before we started that we like to gift you with a donation in your name and you had chosen the Sheldrick Wildlife Fund.

We’re going to be adopting a little baby girl elephant [00:31:00] in your name , this is an elephant whose mom has been poached and they will take care of it for 15 years or so and reintegrate it into the wild.

We’re looking for ways on this podcast to do good.

Every possible direction by exposing you to that charity, by helping out the charity, by exposing our listeners to your good information.

Anyway, so why don’t we end with you just sharing how people can find you and find your podcast, and then we’ll be done.

[00:31:29] Where to Find Scott

miriam: Cool. So yeah, you can, my website is scott fulton.co.uk.

My company is Digital Rebels, so search for that and it should come up.

And the podcast is called Rebel Diaries and I interview guests like Miriam and others focused on how to do better and achieve more at work. I’m also on LinkedIn and yeah, various social media sites. But yeah, if you search for me, I’d generally come up.

Thanks, Miriam.

scott: I will, I’ll put the links in and it’ll all be good and we’ll look forward to another conversation in the near distant [00:32:00] future.

Thanks again, Scott.

End Credits

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Ending Horse Slaughter in the United States Transcript – Gentle Giants (Christine Hajek)


Christine Hajek

Horses and Non-Profits – Christine Hajek (Gentle Giants)

Gentle Giants-Christine Hejak

Miriam: [00:00:00] All right, friends. Today I am super excited to have Christine hijack with us today. She is the owner and founder of Gentle Giants, and this is a charity that rescues draft horses from slaughter, abuse and neglect. They are located in Maryland. They have over 300 acres and rescue, to date over 1500 horses.

So part of the reason that I want to have this conversation, as we know my podcast, is about ending self sabotage and developing yourself in your business so that you can make a difference in the world. And Christine has certainly done that and is doing that. I’m just so excited for this conversation.

So welcome, Christine.

Christine: Thank you, Miriam. It’s such an honor and pleasure to be here.

It’s so great.

[00:00:47] Christine’s Journey to Horses

Miriam: So I don’t even know how I got exposed to your charity. I probably saw something on Instagram. That’s my best guess. And I started saying, what is this? And started sniffing around and have [00:01:00] kind of not only

donated but been following your, your nonprofit work for at least three or four years. We had the privilege of talking, I had the privilege of talking with you last year and did a little bit of coaching and that was fun. So your motto, rescue, rehabilitate, retrain, rehome. It’s the whole package. Why don’t you tell me a little bit how you got started with this venture?

Christine: So There’s a long story and a short story, so to try to compress them both together. I did grow up in a home with horses and it was a relatively small breeding farm. But like most commercial equine ventures, all the horses at the farm had to earn an income in order to be there. So that meant that at the end of each horse’s service,

If one of the mayors became unable to get pregnant, if she had more than one complicated delivery, if she had a FO that was born, you know, less than [00:02:00] satisfactory conditions or had crooked legs then those horses were liquidated and they were liquidated at the auction. And at the time when I was a kid, I really didn’t understand exactly what that meant.

But as an adult, when I was into horses on my own, I purchased a draft horse at an auction very, very impulsively. Having been grown up and being told the horses at the sale are trash, they’re the throwaway horses. They all are there for a reason.

The Reason

I ended up purchasing this horse, and when I went to the stall to collect him, the Mennonite fellow who was selling him was stroking him and talking to him, and he was crying, and so I said, I’m really, really sorry that you have to sell your horse, but I’m really glad that I was able to buy him and I promise I’ll give him a great home.

And the gentleman was really relieved and he was like, I had no idea it was a private buyer. I thought he sold to the meat men. And I said, the, the meat men. and I promptly got a very, very thorough education of exactly [00:03:00] what was happening to all of these horses who were no longer wanted and weren’t working out for their homes.

I was a little appalled. I was 28 years old when I learned about horse slaughter despite having had horses since I was six. But it really is truly a dirty little secret of the equine industry that nobody speaks about openly. Because nobody likes to admit, number one, that they know that it’s happening, and two, they don’t like to admit that they’re contributing to it because this is a financial benefit for these farms to have a way to dispose of their horses, rather disreputably, but then also to still earn an income with that disposal.

So that was kind of the start of Gentle Giants. I met that first horse who was named Elijah, and he was indeed not trash. He was not a throwaway horse. He was absolutely amazing. So I knew that if there was one Elijah out there, there were bound to be many, many more.

So that started my quest to go out and find them all.

[00:03:58] Starting Gentle Giants

Miriam: Wow. Well, [00:04:00] 1500 horses is nothing to sneeze at, and I’ll be honest with you. I, I’m gonna take a tiny digression. I’m a therapist by trade and current coach, and I know how to control my emotions, but when you tell that story, I got choked up and I had to just pull, pull that back, and I cry every single time I read one of your newsletters.

Horses are expensive, huge animals. Draft horses are three times the size and the expense of the regular ones.

Almost all of people in general are divorced now from the land and the animals, and they don’t understand the suffering that is caused by simple choices.

Now, I don’t know what it costs to euthanize a horse these days, but I’m gonna guess somewhere between a hundred and $200 to euthanize them and have the body disposed of.

So it’s not a huge amount of money that these animals could not have their [00:05:00] last days be full of terror and fear and pain and suffering.

And I’ve seen the pictures of these animals you’ve rescued the before and after where they’re skeletons. Mm-hmm. and then they’ve put on five or 600 pounds and

So anyway, I’m not gonna get all like emotional on you, but I appreciate what you’re doing and it’s no small thing.

So let’s, let’s get into how did you go from one to many? Because there’s a story there.

One to Many

Christine: So in the very early days of general Giants, it really was truly just a hobby. And it kind of, it was in my backyard, just a couple horses at a time. When it got to the point that we had four or five rescued horses, my at the time, boyfriend, now husband kind of came to me and said, this is, this is getting to be a lot of work, and I really think that we need help.

What we really needed [00:06:00] at that point in time was volunteer help more than funding. And so we kind of had a short discussion and had to decide are we either gonna scale back and go back to one to two horses at a time, or do we wanna incorporate a nonprofit so that we can get some people to come out and help us?

And we quickly decided we did not wanna scale back. It was time to incorporate and become a nonprofit. And we both went into this with absolutely zero knowledge or education about the nonprofit industry?

At the time I was a paramedic firefighter. My husband is still an active duty firefighter. But I will say one, one of the things that definitely helped me was one, I’m a very, very nosy person by nature, so I immediately started following and investigating other equine charities that I looked up to and reading their financial reports, looking through every single page of their website, just getting any information I could.

And I also looked at some of the charities that I did not admire and looked at what [00:07:00] they were doing and how they were doing it differently.


but then I reached out to some of the charities that I did admire and I was really, really surprised that a couple of them really welcomed me with open arms. They gave me some great advice.

They helped me out with practical things like writing my bylaws and forming my articles of incorporation and coming up with succession plans and things like that.

And that’s part of why I pay that forward now with doing mentoring with smaller startup organizations also, because if I hadn’t have had that support and assistance in the early days, I don’t know that we would be here.

Miriam: Yeah, that is an important point to, to just mention that wherever it is that you are right now- you were somewhere else five to 10 years ago. Mm-hmm. . And who were the people in your life that made it possible for you to get to where you are right now and how can you help that happen for the next person?

So I appreciate just that you’re [00:08:00] talking about that when,

when you look at the maybe difference in mindset from you rescuing one animal to turning it into a nonprofit, and a nonprofit is a business, every bit as much as a for-profit is a business, it just has a really different kind of focus on what you do with the funding and you know, the laws and everything.

Explain to me the mindset shift that had to happen in you to go from one to many.

[00:08:31] Clean Slate

Christine: I think one benefit that I had is because I was coming into this not having previously been in the for-profit world. I mean, my. Career had been as a paramedic and a firefighter, which is very structured and kind of paramilitary.

So I didn’t have things I had to unlearn, so I was kind of starting off as a clean slate and able to learn this whole new thing from the beginning. I think the biggest mindset I had to battle with in the beginning [00:09:00] was I was personally afflicted with a very common thing that that seems pervasive in the nonprofit community as a whole, which is the idea that because nonprofit work tends to normally passion centric jobs, that there’s an expectation that the people that work in the nonprofit industry should be willing to sacrifice financial security or even a competitive salary just because it’s the nonprofit industry.

And, you know, that’s something that I certainly now no longer believe and General Giants pushes back against that. It’s, it’s a very, very strange. Psychological Psychological conundrum that people seem to have this really, really visceral reaction that people should not be paid for doing very good things in the world.

However, people do not have the same reaction and they actually seem to expect people to be paid quite highly for going out and doing absolutely horrible [00:10:00] things in the world.

Scaling the Business

You know, if you wanna, yeah, if you wanna create violent video games or horrible, you know, music that talks about violence and drugs, people are like, oh yeah, you’re gonna make billions and billions.

In our, our early days, I very strongly felt that we should not have employees, that no one should be paid to do this. And then we hit a point that I, I actually realized, you you can’t provide adequate care and work unless the people who are doing that work are being fairly compensated for it.

Miriam: Absolutely. There’s no way to scale without that. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Volunteerism gets you from one to many, but then at a certain point in time you have to hire a team of people that you can count on and that when they’re terrible, you can fire. And when you know you can, like, you have to have that structure.

There’s no way to scale without it.

So one thing I find with maybe [00:11:00] newer business, Is that depending on the business owner there is more or less structure depending on the person. And then over time they learn and iterate and that whichever direction on the spectrum they were, if they were less structure, they’re like now I have to make a policy about that.

Mm-hmm. . And maybe they get more structure and then if they’re the other way around, then it becomes less.

[00:11:23] Business Structure

What have you learned? Like let’s just go with the animals, their care, et cetera, et cetera. Where did you have to start putting in what you would call business structure? You mentioned you have bylaws and you have these other things. It’s not a free for all, and it’s not just what any ever anybody wants to do. . Mm-hmm. .

Christine: Well, I mean, starting out the gate, we were certainly well aware of the, the, the business structure that we would have in order to have to meet our obligations to the IRS as a a 5 0 1 So that, that’s the simple stuff.

The bookkeeping, the accounting so on, so forth.

As we [00:12:00] have grown, I’ve actually kind of been surprised at the amount of policy that we’ve had to create and, and put into place that I really, never expected. So I definitely would’ve fallen on the spectrum very, very, very far to the super loosey goosey, no policy person.

And now have kind of developed along that line into, okay, now we have structure and policy.

So that can be anything from, you know, we certainly format our goals and plans for All the goals we want to meet with stewarding donors or volunteers. But it can even be down to the minutia of having to create policies about social media use with our staff.

One common thing that happens is, you know, if we have a sudden loss at the farm, we don’t necessarily want our staff sharing that on social media until we’ve had an opportunity to announce it. Because, if either a volunteer who was very close to that horse, saw that social media [00:13:00] post before we were able to call them, that would be really hurtful.


Mm-hmm. , same thing. Mm-hmm. I mean, if we have a donor who sponsors that horse and they were to learn about it through this, you know, odd third party or whatever, that would also be very hurtful. So I’ve been surprised sometimes that some of the policies we have to put into.

Miriam: Yeah, that makes sense to me.

I, I was talking with someone literally earlier today, and we were talking about how these challenges that come up within the business become the impetus for the new policy. Mm-hmm. , it’s like, oh, I didn’t, I didn’t know I needed that. Now I know I needed that.

And I’m sure you run into it from everything from – not everybody and their dog can give our horses snacks, you know, or treats or whatever. Like we have, we have rule, here’s where you put the manure fork. Mm-hmm. , here’s how you handle when you have a grievance. Here’s how you handle when someone wants to do x. I mean, you just don’t know until you know, and then out comes the policy.

[00:14:00] Can you give a little, like, give us an idea of the size, like how many volunteers do you have? How many employees, kind of what’s your annual budget? Help us understand how many horses are you currently working with?

Christine: Sure. So our current herd sits at 157 cuz we actually just had a new horse arrive about 20 minutes before we got online.

[00:14:21] Fostering Goodness

Wow. So we have 157 horses and in order to care for them, That takes a staff of 34 full-time people, two part-time people, and we have a army of about 220 volunteers. And of those volunteers, we have a core group of about 50 volunteers that are giving at least one, if not two full days a week. They take their volunteering very, very seriously.

They will call out sick. They will let us know when they’re planning to take vacation. They literally treat their volunteering time as if it were a job with the same responsibilities. And those volunteers are [00:15:00] bread and butter because we actually can rely on them to the same level as a staff member.

Christine: Yeah. That’s fantastic. What do you think it is that you’re doing that is creating that kind of loyalty? Because that’s unusual? I’m not sure. We do ask our volunteers that all the time. Most of them have said, you know, they’ve certainly appreciated that the, the more time they’re willing to invest in us, the more time we invest in them the more training and expansion opportunities we give them, the more responsibility we’re willing to hand over to them.

People who can commit more than 20 hours a month are extended riding privileges and some extra hands-on horsey time. but that’s not the reason for everybody. I mean, we have out of that really core group of volunteers, I would say more than half, aren’t interested in writing or those other opportunities.

Good Experiences

I really do think they just enjoy the hands-on care and they come to a point where they have a personal [00:16:00] ownership over the horses and the rescue, and they feel a responsibility to it. And that’s always what I wanted to create. I wanted to create a situation where our volunteers felt more like they were coming to their very own boarding barn where their own horse might be, rather than feeling like they were reporting to the factory and like punching a clock.

Yeah, and that comes from my own personal experience as a volunteer at some different rescues, some, some horse rescues, some wildlife rehab centers, and I’ve had some good experiences and some not so good experiences, so I’ve certainly cataloged how those experiences made me feel as a volunteer so that we could better structure a program that would meet people’s needs and be enjoyable.

Miriam: Sure. I have to think at some level, part of their motivation has to do with you are giving them an opportunity to be a part of not only something larger than [00:17:00] themselves, but something that is clearly doing good. If you look at the before and after pictures in your newsletter, there’s no doubt that you’re doing good.


Even if you have rescued an animal only to put it down 12 hours later because it is not saveable. You have spared that animal fear and pain and suffering and I’m, I don’t know, you’d have to tell me, but I’m gonna guess 90% of the animals you bring there are rehabilitate-able. Maybe not to full potential, but they seem to really do pretty well.

Christine: Mm-hmm. , they do. They really. And I mean there, there’s certainly in, in this line of work, there are a lot of losses and those losses can be very, very painful. But I, you know, we also, we bear that as a group. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. And so that, that’s very bonding as well.

Can you tell a couple stories of some of the horses that you felt like made a difference, either in your [00:18:00] life, in someone else’s life?

[00:18:02] Making a Difference

Yeah. Tell us a couple stories. So the, the horse that comes to mind first who’s probably made the biggest difference for general giants as a whole would be Manhattan. And so we found Manhattan at the biggest slaughter auction at the east, on the East coast. That would be New Holland, which is in Lancaster County in Pennsylvania.

And I purchased new Manhattan. I was bidding against a kill buyer and managed to win his bid. It was relatively low, I think it was like $460. So he was a relatively inexpensive horse. And as I was gathering him up, I didn’t notice it before I purchased him, but I noticed after I did that he had a four digit number engraved in his hoof.

And I asked, did the state veterinarian who is on site there, he inspects the horses for them to get their U S D A meat stickers and everything. Asked him what it was and he told me, oh, that’s a New York City carriage horse. And I was [00:19:00] appalled. We did reach out to New York City and we were able to track down his previous owner.

And I do want to say full disclosure, his previous owner was not the person responsible for him ending up at the sale. His carriage owner had sold him to another horse trader that deals in carriage horses because he wasn’t handling the really big trucks and trailers well in the city. They thought he would do better someplace else.

He was supposed to be going to Mackinaw Island where he’d be pulling a carriage and there wouldn’t be any vehicles. But instead they ended up taking him to the auction where we found him.

Carriage Horses

So in the beginning This was a bad thing because a lot of media got released about general Giants finding this horse, and a lot of information from that kind of got spun to really frame the carriage industry in a negative light.

But through that we were slowly able to meet with those folks and kind of develop a relationship and explain to them that [00:20:00] we are not their enemy, We don’t wanna see carriages go away.

People only care about what they see. And many people, the only horse that they ever interact with in their life might be a carriage horse.

We wanna see carriage horses cared for better than they currently are. We wanna make sure that carriage horses have permanent retirements when they’re no longer working or able to work so that they don’t end up at an auction like Manhattan Did. But Manhattan solidified that relationship and since then we’ve had over 50 carriage horses from across the country retired with us.

Wow. So that really made a big difference. And a lot of people are very, very surprised to hear that we are pro carriage. A lot of people expect that our answer’s gonna be, that we’re anti. In no way do I feel that the current carriage industry is perfect or even great. But I don’t think that the answer should be abolitionism.

Getting Better

I don’t think that we should [00:21:00] completely take it away. I do think there’s still a place for horses in our world, and the less that we have the public interacting with horses, the less we can expect public to care about what happens to them. So yes, that makes sense. Carriages continue, but better. Sure that makes sense.

Miriam: You know, I think actually it would be worth our while to take a couple minutes and have you explain this meat industry thing, because I am certain, I mean, I understand it. I know what it’s about, but. I think most people would say, well, I don’t understand. People don’t eat horses, so what, what is this about?

Why don’t you give a little bit of a tutorial on that?

[00:21:42] Horse Slaughter

Christine: Sure. I would love to, cuz there’s so much misconception about horse slaughter, especially in the United States. So most people believe that there is a ban on horse slaughter in the united. There actually is not. What there [00:22:00] is is there’s a tiny little half of a sentence in the agricultural spending bill, and that little half of a sentence says that tax dollars will not be used to pay for U S D A meat inspectors to inspect the carcasses of equines.

And that means that if a horse is slaughtered in the United States, that it can’t be sold for human consumption. So that originally was put in place in around 2007, and that was what closed the three slaughter houses that existed in the United States. There isn’t actually a ban, so it is legal to slaughter a horse in the United States.

It’s just not legal to slaughter it and then sell it for human consumption. There are still a couple very small slaughter houses that do process horses to be fed to large predators in zoos and other private sanctuaries. . I might not like that, but right now, that’s not my hill to die [00:23:00] on. I’m gonna fight against horse slaughter for human consumption, and then we’ll deal with that issue later once we fix the bigger problem.

So at its height back in probably the mid to late 1980s, almost half a million horses were being slaughtered in the US. Every year, most of that meats being exported into Europe. So the biggest consumers of horse meat are typically Belgium, France, and Japan- italy a little bit too.

Consumer Interest

So what has happened now is horses are shipped over borders into Canada and into Mexico, where our US horses are then slaughtered there, and then ex exported for sale for human consumption in other European countries where horse meets literally on the table.

Demand for horse meat is greatly, greatly slowing. One thing that has happened over in European countries is consumers have become aware of the fact that our US horses are [00:24:00] actually privately owned horses that they’re eating. There’s a lot of the promotions are very much billboards of horses out in expansive big fields.

So it, it’s kind of this presumption that these are like wild horses and or horses that are raised specifically for slaughter because most of the countries that do consume horses have two classes of horses. They have the horses that they eat, and then the horses that they ride and enjoy the companionship of.

So now that they’ve become aware of the fact that. No, these are actually, these are lesson ponies. These are race horses. These are show horses, these are workhorses. A lot of consumers have become less interested in horse meat that’s originating from the United States, so consumer interest is definitely declining.

The other big thing that I hear in relation to horse slaughter is people who are for horse slaughter, like to use the argument that if we did not have horse slaughter, there would be no way to dispose of all of these [00:25:00] unwanted horses, and then there would be starving horses running loose all across the United States.

And to that, I say that’s just unreasonable and it’s not true.

[00:25:11] Understanding the Issue

Starving horses and abuse and neglect exists now, even though horse slaughter isn’t an option. Those people could have chosen to sell their horses to slaughter if they didn’t want those horses, but they didn’t make that choice. They made the choice to starve the horses.

My experience working, you know, for 20 years. In conjunction in supporting animal control and humane law enforcement is that the starvation in abuse of horses is a mental illness. It’s not a financial illness. And a lot of the people that have been involved in those cases actually could afford to care for their horses. They just did not because they were mentally ill.

The second thing is to look at the sheer numbers. There’s approximately 9 million horses in the United States. . In 2020, only about 140,000 horses got shipped to slaughter. So at that [00:26:00] point, we’re dealing with less than 1% of the equine population.

Every year, almost a million horses are euthanized because of illness, injury, end of life decline, and that’s obviously a much larger number than a hundred thousand. So, The equine industry doesn’t really have to adapt very much to absorb these quote unquote unwanted horses that I would argue are not actually unwanted at all.

I do believe that our, our equine industry could absorb those numbers.

We might have to ask our breeders to be 1% more selective when deciding to breed horses. We might have to ask our private owners to rather than sending your very, very old, sick, lame, blind horse to the auction, please just euthanize it and put it down.

Do the responsible thing. Don’t make your problematic horse somebody else’s problem. But it’s, it’s a very solvable issue.

You know, I look at other [00:27:00] issues like the overpopulation of dogs and cats, and that truly is an issue. That’s an overwhelming issue. I look at the issue of course, slaughter and I’m like, we can fix this.

Horses Have Feelings Too

Like in a year or two, it’s all we need is the equine community to come together and we could absolutely fix this and it wouldn’t be necessary anymore.

Miriam: Yeah. I love that you’ve taken it on. I mean, I was thinking about our interview earlier today and I was thinking somehow somewhere you landed into your calling.

this has become your calling and you know, I don’t know if you’ll single-handedly end it, but you’re gonna be a huge, you know, voice in the ending of this thing that is just kind of a besmirch on the United States. It’s just not anything to be proud of. Something I’m always after people, you would never, you know, send your 14 year old dog to to auction, you know, [00:28:00] you just, you would never do that.

And why people think just because the animal is bigger, that it doesn’t have, you know, muscles that feel pain and sentience, that feels confusion and whatever. And I don’t know, I, I’m like, I a person who is probably different than most people out there, but if I have an animal, it comes to my house and it stays there until it is no longer with us.

Mm-hmm. , and you take that into con, into account before you get the animal, how, what is its lifespan, what is this likely to cost? And if I can’t do right by it, and I then I, I have to do right by it, whatever that means.


[00:28:41] Responsibility

Christine: and there’s lots of ways to do, right? Like, I’m not saying that every person who ever purchases a horse has to keep that horse until the day that horse dies. They may not be able to do that. Right? But there are responsible outlets. I mean, I am the same way. When an animal joins my family, they are here for life.

But I did [00:29:00] once have a dog that I raised from a puppy who did not work out in my household, and no amount of changing the way the house operated or hiring behaviorists and trainers. Nothing was going to work. I had multiple dogs and this dog needed to be in an only dog home. We connected with a really reputable rescue.

The dog stayed in our home. They helped us network her. They helped us interview families. They helped us place her. They put her under their contract, and it was absolutely smooth and flawless, and we were able to stay in touch with the new home. Yeah, and it worked out great.

Miriam: So it was a win for everybody.

Yeah, it was well earlier. Before we got online or before we started recording, you had showed me a book that you said was hugely influential in the development of your thought process about nonprofits. Do you mind sharing what that is?

Christine: Yeah, so that is [00:30:00] Charity Case by Dan Palatta and I love Dan Palatta. Maybe one day he’ll hear this.

Hi Dan. Love you .

Dan Palatta

I got hooked on Dan through his very, very famous Ted Talk and he did a TED Talk called how we Think about or. What we think about charitable giving is dead wrong. But my favorite book from him is Charity Case, and it’s how the nonprofit community can stand up for itself and really change the world.

He’s an incredibly innovative nonprofit guru. He was the driving force between the AIDS Ride for Life and the Susan G. Coleman three day walks, I mean, just really, really impressive, super out of the box thinker, and he’s really pushing people to kind of take down a lot of the psychological walls and barriers that prevent the nonprofit sector from being able to best do its own work.

Miriam: Can, can you list any of those offhand?

[00:30:54] The Non-profit Sector

Christine: Well, sure. One of the first things he talks about is kind of branches back to that, that earlier topic of the, the [00:31:00] psychological trap of believing that just because it’s nonprofit sector work that you’re going to be expected to accept, very unfair and disproportionate Compensation for that work.

Mm-hmm. that if you were doing the same work in the for-profit sector, you’d be paid sometimes four or five, 10 times. Yeah. What you would be expecting to earn in the nonprofit sector. The other area is we’re really limited on advertisement and the ability to invest in advertisement. Whereas in the for-profit sector, you know, everyone’s going to tell.

You know, spend, spend, spend until your last dollar’s not returning any amount of income. But in the nonprofit sector, people don’t want you to advertise. I mean, they want you to get it donated. And then it’s gonna be on TV at three o’clock in the morning. Yeah. Or it’s gonna be on, you know, one of the very, very back pages of a magazine.

And the third area where the nonprofit sector is really, really limited is its inability to take financial risk. and you know, [00:32:00] that kind of goes back to. Donors are expecting that every single fundraiser that a nonprofit is going to do is, is going to return at least threefold its investment. And anything less than that is basically a crime.

And you know, no one in the for-profit sector has to meet that kind of demand, right? And oftentimes that’s really, really unreasonable thinking. We can’t always return a threefold investment on an event. I mean, what if we schedule an event that’s an in-person event and a snowstorm happens, or, you know, something else major happens that day?

Challenging Culture

I mean, all of that is funding lost and not, not every fundraiser goes exactly as planned. So I think a part of that too is, is kind of changing culturally our expectation of what nonprofits are supposed to be able to accomplish and, and kind of lightening up on them.

And that’s something that there have been times in the very, very early days of general [00:33:00] Giants we were building our donor base and our fundraising wasn’t as effective as it is today.

And there were a couple years where, you know, our fundraising expenses took up 30 or 31% of our annual budget. And sometimes I would get very irate phone calls and letters from donors who were absolutely agast about it until we really got on the phone and talked about how it is as a small startup nonprofit trying to build that donor base and trying to fundraise.

And then as that donor base gets bigger and bigger and bigger and more reliable, , you know, now we’re in our 18th year and we’re super excited that our fundraising expenses are less than 15% of our annual budget. So we’ve gotten to our point where our fundraising is really effective and it is really streamlined.

Starting Small

But you don’t start there. Yeah. Like, and, and people, supporters and donors have to give you an opportunity to grow there. Mm-hmm. , it’s not something that’s gonna happen. Right out of the bat, and you’re not going to [00:34:00] change the world with money that comes from a bake sale.

Miriam: Yeah, that is true.

Christine: So we had talked about, we have 157 horses and we talked about the size of our staff. Our annual budget runs from. Five to 6 million a year. And that’s what it takes to keep this whole machine running and operating. A lot of people don’t really realize how big General Giants is.

We span almost 350 acres, so it’s a very, very large operation. We’re having 12 to 18 horses adopted a month, so there’s always horses going out, new horses coming in. It’s a lot. Yeah, it really is a lot. It’s a lot.

Miriam: You haven’t even mentioned that many of the horses coming in have severe medical problems that many times can be fixed.

So that’s part of the rehabilitate space. And what would you say. Changed in you? How did your thinking have [00:35:00] to change to manage a five or six or 7 million operation versus a hundred thousand or 500,000? Like as this thing gets bigger, your skillset has to adjust and grow.

[00:35:14] Relationship With Money

Christine: I think that is an area where I came into this with a little bit of a

gift that, I don’t know where it came from. I, and it’s something that I see in a lot of the smaller groups that I mentor. I’m very, very fortunate that I’ve never been a person who bought into poverty mentality and I didn’t buy into it even when I actually was poor , you know, as a single starting off firefighter, that I look back at that now and I’m like, how did I even survive?

I’m like, I don’t know, but I never felt poor. Yeah. I think one of the most important things has been and when I mentor smaller startup groups, one of the first questions I always ask the founder or director, whoever I’m dealing with is, [00:36:00] what is their personal, emotional relationship with money?

And if their emotional relationship with money is ideas, like money is the root of all evil, or rich people are stingy or that there aren’t many wealthy people or people don’t wanna give, or there isn’t going to be enough money, then I immediately tell them un, until they can get to the core root of that belief and change it, they’re not gonna be successful because everything they’re doing is coming from a scarcity mindset.

but if you look at money as an idea of it’s neither good nor evil, it’s just a tool for getting things done. No different than any other tool you might pick up, like a hammer or a pocket knife. It just is what it is. My personal belief about people is that most people are incredibly generous and they’re happy to help.

Part of Something Larger

They’re, they’re just waiting to be asked and that everybody has something that they want to share. It might not be a check for $20,000. It might just be a check for $20, but they [00:37:00] still wanna be invited to share. And that I think has been, for me, the, the biggest benefit. And it’s where I see the biggest weakness in startup groups.

Miriam: Yeah. Yeah, I can really see that. Again, I see you giving people the opportunity to be part of something larger than themselves where they get to participate in doing good. So what would you tell the you of 18 years ago?

Christine: I’m not sure, I probably would’ve told myself to lighten up. Not worry so much. You know, and just as always, and with anything, you know, we, whenever we’re, really presented with a problem, our first thing is as a group, our board goes back.

We read our mission statement and our core value statements, and then we’re like, okay, now that we’ve refreshed that, how do we wanna answer this problem? You know, what? What do we want to do? Yeah.

Miriam: Oh, I love that you do that. reviewing regularly your mission [00:38:00] statement and your core value system just keeps it front and center and it allows all decisions to be made through that grid, which is brilliant.

Very. Well worked.

[00:38:12] Horse Story

So we’re gonna end in just a minute, but I do have my own curiosity. You said somebody arrived, a horse arrived just like 20 minutes before we started. What is that animal story and what are you projecting for its future?

Christine: Oh, so this animal is a great indication of how things are changing in the horse world and things with horse slaughter.

So this is actually a horse that we were contacted by the horse’s owner who happens to be an Amish farmer. So I will say, and, and it’s a little stereotypical, I hate to stereotype, but most. Amish and Old Order Mennonite people that I have interacted with around the idea of horse slaughter have been [00:39:00] incredibly detached and pragmatic about it.

They understand exactly what is happening to their horse when they take it to the auction. They know what the outcome is going to be. They have no moral or emotional objection to it. To them, it is strictly financial. That horse is no longer able to do its job on the farm. Every horse on the farm has to earn

its keep or it can’t be here. Therefore, that horse needs to go and it’s going to go in the way that earns the money rather than the way that costs them money.

Caring for the Horse

But this farmer. Picked up the phone and said, which, I mean, that takes effort. , he had to find our number and he had to go find a phone. And he called and said that this had been his father’s horse.

And then when his father retired from farming, it went to him and he’s worked this horse for two years now. This horse is having a health problem. That means it can’t plow anymore.

And even though he’d be going forego. Probably a thousand dollars is what he’d get for this horse at auction [00:40:00] right now. He was more than happy to actually give us this horse just to know that this horse would receive the medical care that he’s not willing or able to provide, and that the horse will be safe for the rest of its life.

So the tides really are changing. It’s a little slow. Yeah. But we’re starting to see that more and more.

So whenever we’re contacted from somebody who’s in a direct like horse farming community, we’re never, ever, ever going to say no to them. Yeah. Because this is such a new change. Yes. Or their culture to look at this a different way and to start seeing the horses as sentient beings and companions who have a right to retire just like we do when the end of our working days come.

Miriam: Wow. Wow. Christine, this has been so great. Thank you so much for just your time. Can you please tell people how they can find you, how they can help? Yeah,

[00:40:56] Where To Find Christine

Christine: absolutely. So you can certainly learn all about [00:41:00] us@www.gentlegiants.org. We’re also on Facebook. We have an absolutely hilarious and very, very active TikTok.

If you enjoy watching funny videos about horses and you can also find us on Instagram.

Miriam: Awesome. So my listeners know that I always give as a thank you, a gift in your name to one of four charities. And what I mentioned to you before we started is this time I would like to do something different instead of giving a gift in your name to a different charity in addition to giving a gift to General Giants, what I would like to do is just profile your.

Your nonprofit, your organization in the year of 2023 with, with my podcast. So that’s something that we’re gonna do, and those of you who are hearing this will hear more and more about general giants. And whether you have horses or not, here is an awesome way to do some good. So thank you again, Christine.

Christine: Thank you so much. It’s really been a pleasure.

End Credits

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Music by Tom Sherlock.

head shot Miriam Gunn

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